Hi. Well, here's my first message.
Just to have a few words about Miracle card (again

It really helps in many situations. It often allowed me to resist the few turns I needed to "lock" the game with Permafrost Shield, or to survive the few turns (even just one) I needed to win instead of lose.
Miracle helps A LOT to deal with Scorpio's mass poison, surviving one or two turns more than without Miracle.
I play with 1 Healing, wich increase EM victories by itself. But Miracle can help for this too.
At last, Miracles uses your white quantum that otherwise remains useless in most games (Fractal exceptions).
Sure, sometimes you won't have enough quantum to play it in time: shit happens.
Having played a lot with and without Miracle, I'm now confident: that card worth it.
More than Aflatoxin for example, that only helps versus FG that are not very hard to defeat without it.
In spite of what I'm saying, I play Aflatoxin too, it's a fun card
