Damn jmdt you are a testing BEAST, whats your income/hour.
Some people play for score, some upped cards, some to pvp; I play to figure out the the most efficent way to do these. I started my ttw thread at first to see if there was a better/more efficient deck at grinding AI3 than the life rush I was using, and my curiosity ran off from there. When this deck came out I wondered if was as good as everyone is claiming. Yeah I can say it is. If I feel real spunky, I should take stats for RoL/hope and puppychow's deck and see how they compare, but we'll see. As a research engineer, I like numbers and this game is essentrially all numbers.
As far as income per hour, I didn't actually take a tally. I played varying sessions and only kept up with cards won and which fg's I beat. I would need to take about an 8 hour sample and average to get a good representation based on the randomness of facing easy fg's and the randomness of winning cards. I know won several cards per hour and the cash went up from the number ofEM wins but I didn't tally it. I do know that after selling cards after a playing sessios I'd usually have ~20K after selling cards I had 6+ of, but I can't quantify the time period to achieve that.
Ultimately this deck make a ton of electrum, probably more than any other deck right now.