Im trying this speed deck
Mark is entropy

A speed poison deck.
In two hours I made 63 fights, or 1 minute and 48 seconds per fight.
Working very well, 59 in 63 level 3 fights, even when its come with bad hand.
The deck probable works best with arsenic, but this is the only weapon I dont have even one.
As you dont depend so much of direct damage, you can remove one or even both steals.
As both, chrysaora and deatly poison are cheap, you can use both without cause quanta clash.
Use Chrysaora unupgraded. So, its will be the last target of the AI, and isnt affected by fire shield and procastination.
IT'S projected to deal only with level 3 for rare farming.
Never tested PVP or 50, but probable dont work (and certainly dont work for gods).
Sugestions are welcome.