Redistributed the Rarities: (no longer are there 1 UR, 3 Rares, 5 Uncommon, (rest) Commons)
Commons: Will make up most of your deck early in the event. Eventually will become fodder to resell.
Uncommons: Will make up most of your deck in the starting from a few rounds in and will continue as such until the end of the event.
Rares: Solid cards that will improve the quality of your deck.
Ultra Rares - Game-changers. Many of these cards can singlehandedly win games.
Possible (additional) changes:
Moving more cards out of the commons section (Fire Spirit, Graviton Fire Eater, Ice Bolt, ....) to make the amount of commons be ~10 cards lower.
Move Seraphs and some dragons into rares. (Trying to make it bottom-heavy).
Essentially, it needs to feel like Rags at the beginning.. which is why a lot of

cards were moved out of commons.
Any thoughts?