Zso_Zso 0 - 2 Rustler (Absol)
On the second game I came close (would have needed to survive 1 more turn), the other two I lost badly.
Hmmm, I thought the 3 chances in the rules meant, 3 games, but I see others have posted multiple matches of best-of-3.
Does that mean I can try to play against a different NPC ?
So the losing continues:
Zso_Zso 0 - 2 Skeleton (Calindu)
First game, skeleton turned into grey nymph, so I got overrun by malignant cells, my fire shield never showed up.
Second, skeleton -> pharao -> scarab rush killed me, my anubis did not get a chance to quint itself.
These random cards do not really allow much of a strategy, just hope for blind luck...
Zso_Zso 0 - 2 Arctic squid (Absol)
Nope, I was wrong, not even luck could help me!
This time I got firewall and Fahrenheiht in starting hand both times and I still get drowned by the mighty army of the see creatures.