The citizens of Zyarhelm are a proud race, seeking to distinguish themselves from the cruel and greed-driven country they originated from, Baric. Originally they were just another band of settlers, sent out to establish a foothold over the mountain range for the Baric kingdom to spread its influence and power. The leader of the settlement was a court official, who made them work and build until many of them fainted or dropped dead. This official had been given a magical helmet, that slowly turned whoever looked at the wielder to stone. One day though, a brave worker named Zyar stopped working, and, before she was paralyzed, picked up the bag she had been hauling and placed it over the official's head. Even as hands choked her neck, she held on tightly, which gave the rest of the settlers the courage they needed to grab whatever they could and beat the official to death.
Having revolted, they set to putting out the word about their plight to many other nations, and by the time the army from Baric had arrived to quell their mutiny, they found not a creaky small shantytown, but a well fortified city. Unable to counter the varying attacks from the different peoples of the city, they retreated. Even though they continued to send forces over the mountain for several seasons, they never learnt enough to conquer the city walls, and eventually stopped trying.
Thus do they remember what they escaped from, and always strive to put the people first.
Thus do they remember the aid they received from the countries of others, and always try to give help in return.
i may have misread the questions, but its still a good origin story. Even if that's not what was asked for.
Edited a bit, if anyone has more suggestions feel free to PM me or poke me on Discochat (preferably PM)