Just a bit of feedback on the 2nd round:
Regarding the rule/restriction about the number of monos allowed, I think that this was a bad rule for a couple reasons. One, a player could simply run a 29 card mono with 1 off element card (or even simply say they did after the fact...) in order to cicrumvent the rule. (I don't know if anyone did... but I considered it at a few points) I think that if we do this sort of rule again, that a duo should have to have at least, say, 6 cards in the second element. (or if a trio, etc, 6 cards not matching the primary element, i.e. 24 flooding 4 nova 2 nightmare, or 24 flooding 6 nova)
Also, I think that we should clearly define whether we have to tell people what elements were used in a deck after the game or not. I lost my match with deuce in part because in game 5 I thought he had to play a darkness/gravity duo, but he had actually had 2 gravity cards he never drew/played (or however many; I think he said 2) in a deck that I thought was a monotime deck with a gravity mark for pharaoh's scarabs. Therefore, I thought he had expended all his monos after the first 4 games, and I designed a completely incorrect counterdeck. Now, I will admit that I should not have simply assumed this and planned my game 5 as such, but the rules should also have said one way or the other how this situation should be handled.