Rule Question:
If Aether is a banned element, are you allowed to use aether pillar/pends/marks?
Yes, just not the rest of the cards.
Then the rules are unclear, so if I used only pends/pillars from an elemente I can reuse it?
I believe that's what majofa said earlier, yes.
Sad, I had better chances to win the last game if I knew this ahead.
We'd both have done things differently if so in previous rounds I think, so it's hard to say, but it would certainly have changed things. If majofa wouldn't mind, could you collect all the rules from the six pages and put them in the opening post? There were a few things that cause hiccups in our first round, like having some of the rules spread out in the posts (the part about no 'other' cards, for instance) or the ban list being in a different location, and so on.