Seriously? this is the world championship event.
Explain why the world championship should test how much time one has spent mindlessly numbing their fingers against the keyboard, grinding bronze league with a deck someone else made. Because if that is your view, you have a very warped picture of what a world championship should be.
If you don't have shards and are playing in this, then you'll have to farm right now, deal with it,
Your next point is that we have to farm or deal with a rule in the case that it is implemented. That's not even arguing anything. You're doing no more than stating the obvious reality; this doesn't help your argument, if you can even call it that.
or maybe you don't deserve to be in this event.
You're saying that perhaps one does not deserve to be in a PvP world championship because the lack of time spent playing the AI. You're comparing golden apples to rotting oranges.
I'm also missing 2500 ups, uneven playing field is not an issue. If it is, then marks and nymphs should be banned.
I think upgrades are unfair to an extent, as well as nymphs (and marks to a very, very slight extent I suppose). But that's not even the issue we're discussing right now. It's not pertinent to your argument regarding shards.
Insert 25 cents to play again.