1. PREPARATIONEach player selects 5 elements and bans 3 elements.
PM your selections to <<
majofa>>. Please include in the subject line which Group you are in.
Selecting an element gives it (2 points), banning an element gives it (-1 point).
The top 6 elements are selected for the Group.
Tiebreakers are determined by the selections of the players with the higher qualifying points.
2. DECKBUILDINGThe only elements allowed are:

('Other' cards ARE allowed)
You cannot use the same element more than twice in a match. (The mono doesn't count towards this)
You cannot use the same combination of elements more than once in a match.
Only duos are allowed. (Except, you must use 1 mono anytime during games 4-7)
All elements must be used in the first 3 games.
If you use an element there must be at least 4 non-Pillar/Pendulum cards included in the deck.
Other elements' Pillars, Pendulums, and Marks may be used.
You may use a number of upgrades equal to 4x the number game you're on.
For each copy of a Shard you use, you must reduce the amount of upgraded cards in your deck by 3.
Limit 2 of each Mark card per game.
Limit 3 of each Nymph card per game.
You must declare your used elements after each game.
3. MATCHESMatches are best-of-7.
Post battle results in this thread. PM decks used to
Spoiler for Format for Battle Thread posting:
Note my post here:
<<link>>Note the coloring, orientation, and use of the spoiler.
This may seem like a lot of work, but it's not really that much and will make for a much more pleasant reading experience for those closely observing the WC.
Also, if you want to add a game description, please place it between the game result and the deck.
Players will be required to post their decks in this thread at the completion of the round.