All the Air and Darkness decks won, except for the match where there were 2 Air decks. Man, that one was really close.
I had all the decks -including their sequence and upgrades- prepared in advance, I did not prepare a 7th deck. The "UR" behind a deck notes the number of ultra rares used.
Game 1
WIN Mono Darkness (Darkness) 1 UR
Early Devs and mediocre quanta draw from ian allowed my mono Darkness to outrush his Death rush, despite his Bone Wall and drawing too much quanta myself.
Game 2
WIN Mono Air (Air) 1 UR
Mono Air SoFree slices through Fire Stall no problem.
Game 3
LOSS RT Mummies (Time/Death) 0 UR
ian drew key cards in time, not even a field full of Scarabs can hit through Sundial.
Game 4
WIN UG Nymphs (Air/Fire) 7 UR
Extremely close game. I think I had a head start, but lost it when Dragonflies went kaboom. Barely managed to scrape in a win by making ian incapable of both getting in the required hit with his previous Nymph as well as exploding his UGs on the same turn (by blowing up my own UGs, killing my own Nymph in the process).
Game 5
LOSS Fire Stall (Fire/Light) 2 UR
Mono Air SoFree slices through Fire Stall no problem. Except this time I'm the loser because of it, derp. It was also not really mono from ian, but close enough. Used 4 Fire Lances on Sky Dragons, with an average chance of 50% of success due to SoFree. Only one Dragon died.
Game 6
WIN Ghostmare (Darkness/Time) 2 UR
ian never stood a chance, my Ghostmare combo was up real fast, after that ian was struggling to keep up, even using some shards of Bravery in desperation. Some Deadly Poison and a Dragon appeared, but the Dragon was RT-ed easily. Precognition reveals ian was apparently hiding SoSacs.