[2016-11-15 12:14:40] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: im ready
[2016-11-15 12:14:50] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: just a sec
[2016-11-15 12:16:40] Hyroen: bbl chat
[2016-11-15 12:16:45] Hyroen: /me flies away
[2016-11-15 12:17:24] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: OK, ready and searching
[2016-11-15 12:17:35] Ryli: ‹@Guest-Condor-7c09e› static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/stop_hi...
[2016-11-15 12:17:36] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: same
[2016-11-15 12:17:54] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: in
[2016-11-15 12:18:02] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Mental Health and the EtG Community from Higurashi. I found Wally.
[2016-11-15 12:19:12] DoubleCapitals: That was really inspiring.
[2016-11-15 12:23:06] Lunaris: +rep to Higs
[2016-11-15 12:25:45] Lunaris: ‹@Hyroen› Thanks for making that thread
[2016-11-15 12:28:34] Guest-FallenElf-22bad: 1st game...12 quanta in a row and only 16 in the deck of 32. Next game get 5 out of 6 FFQ on the deal along with one quanta. RNG is very broken in this game as this type of thing happens too often. Game decides who wins because of RNG issue.
[2016-11-15 12:28:57] Hyroen: ‹@Lunaris› as long as it helps.
[2016-11-15 12:29:45] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: dc.play AI
[2016-11-15 12:30:02] Lunaris: Brb
[2016-11-15 12:30:11] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: dc... OK, but do you think you would win?
[2016-11-15 12:30:18] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: dunno if Ai will derp
[2016-11-15 12:30:24] dracomageat: sup peeps
[2016-11-15 12:31:13] xray1324: lol arena deck tried to kill me with SOV Rush, but could only get me down to 1 max HP from 7 XD
[2016-11-15 12:31:28] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: won vs. ai
[2016-11-15 12:31:56] DoctorC: Should demoness-Hecate have wings?
[2016-11-15 12:32:21] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: i.gyazo.com/a03581f6f5bfb0a67bf3ea8eb9004868....
[2016-11-15 12:32:32] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: i.gyazo.com/39a0d5b980fc6037f63dd32f9385df9c....
[2016-11-15 12:32:45] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: i won too
[2016-11-15 12:32:54] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: seriously ...
[2016-11-15 12:32:57] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: 595 595 5i4 5i4 5i4 77j 77j 77l 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gp 7gr 7gr 7gr 7gs 7gs 7gs 7gt 7gt 7i6 7i6 8pm
[2016-11-15 12:33:06] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: imgur.com/a/KqsOz
[2016-11-15 12:33:10] xray1324: well, she's a demon, so yeah?
[2016-11-15 12:33:19] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: there's no way you would have won if ai dind't derp....
[2016-11-15 12:33:32] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: legit.replay.im ready
[2016-11-15 12:33:41] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: sorry then
[2016-11-15 12:34:03] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: I controlled the board and had 4 squids and BB in hand....
[2016-11-15 12:34:04] treebeard_xiii: ‹@DoctorC› depends how you would picture a demoness who revelled in the torture of her followers
[2016-11-15 12:34:11] DoctorC: ‹@xray1324› Fair.
[2016-11-15 12:34:19] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: so Ai didn't freeze your nymphs?
[2016-11-15 12:34:23] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: yup-i saw it used
[2016-11-15 12:34:36] JonathanCrazyJ: TheonlyrealBeef trashduke assuming i followed spectate right, and duke won 3-1 3-2 vs dani, your final match result could mean any of the 3 of you progressing
[2016-11-15 12:34:38] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: it did particulary
[2016-11-15 12:34:41] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: did it not freeze all of them.
[2016-11-15 12:34:50] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: nope
[2016-11-15 12:34:56] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: ready?
[2016-11-15 12:35:01] trashduke: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› we had desync and dani is contesting...
[2016-11-15 12:35:07] JonathanCrazyJ: wait maybe i'm wrong, maybe Dani can't
[2016-11-15 12:35:20] DoctorC: ‹@treebeard_xiii› Evil demon psychopathic puppeteer?
[2016-11-15 12:35:26] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: but I had BBs in hand and quanta to freeze... do you think I wouldn't have frozen them?
[2016-11-15 12:35:39] JonathanCrazyJ: wait how would you contest that? you had full squid lockdown?
[2016-11-15 12:35:44] trashduke: imgur.com/a/KqsOz
[2016-11-15 12:35:46] JonathanCrazyJ: impossible to lose unless AI derped
[2016-11-15 12:35:54] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: iprobably
[2016-11-15 12:35:56] trashduke: ai derped...
[2016-11-15 12:36:09] JonathanCrazyJ: but that's ridiculous
[2016-11-15 12:36:09] trashduke: not sure what kind of case she has though...
[2016-11-15 12:36:14] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: will we play,or not?
[2016-11-15 12:36:32] Hyroen: don't forget to apply for PvPEM!
[2016-11-15 12:36:32] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: I think I would have won that game... do you?
[2016-11-15 12:36:36] Hyroen: elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-news-and-an...
[2016-11-15 12:37:18] treebeard_xiii: ‹@trashduke› definitely an almost impossible recovery depending on how long into the game the desynch occured
[2016-11-15 12:37:21] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: comon...........gtg soon,just tell me if we play,or i can go?
[2016-11-15 12:37:58] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: I'd like you to answer my question.
[2016-11-15 12:38:01] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: btw,rules are rules.we both won vs AI,no need to prolongue
[2016-11-15 12:38:18] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: wow...
[2016-11-15 12:38:29] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: id like not to answer.im not AI,nor Developer
[2016-11-15 12:38:46] trashduke [»] DANIEELA: apparently not very sportsmanlike either.
[2016-11-15 12:38:48] treebeard_xiii: ‹@trashduke› only possible way is how badly the ai prioritised its freeze targets
[2016-11-15 12:39:06] trashduke: ‹@treebeard_xiii› I had BBs in hand too...
[2016-11-15 12:39:13] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: same as you.we both got winning screenshot
[2016-11-15 12:39:29] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› After last result posted it's D 10 tb 9 td 8 If DANI wins the last result is irrelevant for me. If not, I need to go 3-0 or 3-1 for a two way tie; 3-2 for a three way tie, losing for td advancement.
[2016-11-15 12:39:30] treebeard_xiii: ‹@trashduke› yeah it was all about the ai priorities got the image up right now
[2016-11-15 12:40:00] ji412jo: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› even if sure win dc's are very often called as replay anyway
[2016-11-15 12:40:08] ji412jo: for no obvious reason.
[2016-11-15 12:40:13] DANIEELA [»] trashduke: will we play,or what?
[2016-11-15 12:40:54] JonathanCrazyJ: AI would have frozen or BBd the AMed squid for a start
[2016-11-15 12:41:25] trashduke: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› not even sure how ai could derp that....
[2016-11-15 12:41:35] ji412jo: I wonder if root will apply for PvPEM
[2016-11-15 12:41:39] trashduke: pretty frustrating that she wants to replay.
[2016-11-15 12:41:40] ji412jo: I hope so anyway.
[2016-11-15 12:41:45] JonathanCrazyJ: can we see Dani's screenie?
[2016-11-15 12:42:11] trashduke: i.gyazo.com/a03581f6f5bfb0a67bf3ea8eb9004868....
[2016-11-15 12:42:25] ji412jo: #fail
[2016-11-15 12:42:25] trashduke: embed.gyazo.com/a03581f6f5bfb0a67bf3ea8eb9004...
[2016-11-15 12:43:17] JonathanCrazyJ: that's insane
[2016-11-15 12:43:22] treebeard_xiii: ‹@trashduke› different nymphs could've shifted the outcome
[2016-11-15 12:43:39] trashduke: ‹@treebeard_xiii› they would have been frozen....
[2016-11-15 12:43:46] trashduke: or BB'ed
[2016-11-15 12:43:52] JonathanCrazyJ: i mean she can contest if she wants but i'll be absolutely dumbfounded, she has no case, you had clear and absolute lockdown
[2016-11-15 12:43:54] ji412jo: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› wait a second, we're only 12 cards under you?
[2016-11-15 12:44:10] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@ji412jo› yep, but you play 2 and we play 3
[2016-11-15 12:44:22] trashduke: Anyway, I've got to go. take care chat
[2016-11-15 12:44:23] ji412jo: Where's duke's screenshot?
[2016-11-15 12:44:29] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@ji412jo› so if we don't survive this round we finish 4th even if you do too
[2016-11-15 12:44:42] treebeard_xiii: imgur.com/a/KqsOz
[2016-11-15 12:44:43] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@ji412jo› imgur.com/a/KqsOz
[2016-11-15 12:44:50] ji412jo: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› and as I said, if both win, organizers tend to say replay without even looking at screenshots, sadly.
[2016-11-15 12:45:50] ji412jo: had it happen both in leagues and war.
[2016-11-15 12:45:50] treebeard_xiii: based on the two screenies yes dani could quite easily have won also the fact that the green nymph was around ruins the lock
[2016-11-15 12:46:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: PvP World Championship 2016 - Group A from DANIEELA. Be careful.
[2016-11-15 12:46:06] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› no it doesnt
[2016-11-15 12:46:21] ji412jo: it doesnt because the green nymph gets locked before using it's ability.
[2016-11-15 12:46:24] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› every nymph was frozen or bbd immediately without chance to use ability
[2016-11-15 12:46:25] Solaris: ‹@ji412jo› but not tournaments?
[2016-11-15 12:46:38] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› apart from the very first nymph before the DC
[2016-11-15 12:46:46] ji412jo: ‹@Solaris› I actually do not think it has happened in tournaments, surprisingly.
[2016-11-15 12:47:04] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› adrena you know full well is a decent out to squid and bbs locks i also believe green nymph is low priority ai target
[2016-11-15 12:47:26] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› but it would never ever have used its ability
[2016-11-15 12:47:31] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› so no adrenaline
[2016-11-15 12:48:18] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› ai ain't terrible at playing adrena as long as it gets enough life quanta
[2016-11-15 12:48:52] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› the main flaw with the ai is it sucks at using tears on multiple water quanta sources
[2016-11-15 12:48:56] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› but against human, it never gets a chance, i don't understand how that affects the fact that without dc it was guarenteed win for duke
[2016-11-15 12:49:45] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› I agree but looking from a neutral standpoint boths screens are evidence enough to go to a replay ruling
[2016-11-15 12:50:07] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› It depends purely on how the organisers see it
[2016-11-15 12:50:40] Guest-Scarab-3f1c1: who duel pvp 2 with me?
[2016-11-15 12:50:42] Solaris: ‹@treebeard_xiii› if the organizers have any shred of logic td wins
[2016-11-15 12:51:35] treebeard_xiii: ‹@Solaris› I could certainly agree with that its how i would rule it but unfortunately we aren't the organisers
[2016-11-15 12:52:05] ji412jo: What was that match for?
[2016-11-15 12:52:07] ji412jo: WC?
[2016-11-15 12:52:11] treebeard_xiii: ‹@JonathanCrazyJ› also as you are paying attention got time for a bl match or is war taking your time
[2016-11-15 12:52:18] treebeard_xiii: ‹@ji412jo› wc i believe
[2016-11-15 12:52:35] JonathanCrazyJ: ‹@treebeard_xiii› hehe literally just doing a war post

[2016-11-15 12:54:59] treebeard_xiii: well war standings are certainly looking interesting gravity in a position to potentially win the team certainly knew wth they were doing
[2016-11-15 12:57:47] vagman13: drama?
[2016-11-15 12:57:52] vagman13: WHERE?!?!?!
[2016-11-15 12:58:02] vagman13:

[2016-11-15 13:04:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: PvP World Championship 2016 - Group A from JonathanCrazyJ. P...put...put your mouse on it...
[2016-11-15 13:06:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: PvP World Championship 2016 - Group A from DANIEELA. The grammar could use some work.
[2016-11-15 13:13:30] Solaris: uhh
[2016-11-15 13:13:39] Solaris: I walked into my room and my cat was on top of my door.
[2016-11-15 13:15:47] Hyroen: amazing Neptune, DoctorC. Possibly my favourite so far.
[2016-11-15 13:16:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: PvP World Championship 2016 - Group A from majofa. Do you read these?
[2016-11-15 13:16:17] worldwideweb3: In DC cases, I think you need to have a screenie on turn you dc
[2016-11-15 13:16:50] worldwideweb3: because ai can misplay both sides
[2016-11-15 13:16:56] DoctorC: ‹@Hyroen› Thanks! c:
[2016-11-15 13:17:10] worldwideweb3: But if you prove at turn of DC, that opponent can't win then fair enough
[2016-11-15 13:17:23] Lunaris: ‹@Solaris› xD
[2016-11-15 13:17:26] JonathanCrazyJ: yeah, which is why i'm annoyed by this, because Dani knows that, knows that she will get a replay, but that it was impossible to win without it
[2016-11-15 13:17:52] JonathanCrazyJ: with just those screenies, will probably be given as replay, but i was watching on spectate and the dc came after full lock
[2016-11-15 13:18:16] JonathanCrazyJ: dani got queen, made turquoise, turquoise was frozen as she made purple
[2016-11-15 13:18:18] worldwideweb3: If it was after full lock, how did Dani escape lock?
[2016-11-15 13:18:38] JonathanCrazyJ: purple used ability on squid as squid froze queen
[2016-11-15 13:18:43] JonathanCrazyJ: after that it was full lock
[2016-11-15 13:18:46] Hyroen: ‹@DoctorC› I really think it's partly because of the background detail.
[2016-11-15 13:18:55] JonathanCrazyJ: ai on dani's side froze the AMed nymph
[2016-11-15 13:19:11] JonathanCrazyJ: *amed squid
[2016-11-15 13:19:30] JonathanCrazyJ: Dani would have been able to time future nymphs with un-freezing ones
[2016-11-15 13:19:30] DoctorC: ‹@Hyroen› Detail? What detail? xD
[2016-11-15 13:19:47] JonathanCrazyJ: got lucky with a green that escaped freeze priority, and that won the game JUST
[2016-11-15 13:20:25] worldwideweb3: How much is td paying for you to become his lawyer?

[2016-11-15 13:20:49] JonathanCrazyJ: i just hate it when people challenge 100% lost games
[2016-11-15 13:20:52] worldwideweb3: Drunk jcj best lawyer

[2016-11-15 13:21:23] Lunaris: xD
[2016-11-15 13:21:33] worldwideweb3: If td can prove his victory, then majo can rule it for him, dw
[2016-11-15 13:22:22] JonathanCrazyJ: i suppose one thing to think about is that i can't see how dani would win a replay anyway so there's that
[2016-11-15 13:23:14] TheonlyrealBeef: If you replay often enough, you'll eventually end up with the worst possible hand.