G1 vs Naii's Phoenixbolt
Good start, I was faster.
G2 vs Naii's Pdials
Got him down to 13 before he Dialed, finished off with Titan.
G1 vs Wyand's
I had a decent start and he didn't draw many stall cards.
G2 vs Wyand's SoFree
Drew 4/5 pends so slow combo, needed one more turn.
G3 vs Wyand's Shard Golems
No SoI in 12 cards
G1 vs w3's Grabbow
6ttw through 2 Silence, still would have died if I hadn't bolted two of his creatures. Wish I had recorded this one.
G2 vs w3's SoPa RoL/Hope
Poor draw meant I couldn't kill him before his slightly late combo.
G3 vs w3's Johnnington
He bolted the first Rustler, but not the second. Played carefully during the 3 Dial chain and was able to win with exact damage.
Well, I end my Elements career the same way I started, playing what I love. And for once, RNGesus has smiled upon me. The mighty Johnnington has fallen to a small leafy creature, and I wouldn't want it to end any other way. Thanks to Wyand for putting together the last Elements tourney! I love you guys, and anyone who reads this, thanks for sticking it out until the end.
Mafia soon™