Jackpot Stream (Unupped)
Cards used can't cost more than 7 quanta to play.
Creatures can't have more than 7 attack.
The amount of cards any deck has in the tourney must be divisible by 7 (35, 42, 49 or 56).
Wizard Battle (Unupped)
The only spells allowed are Alchemy ones and Drain Life, Fire and Ice bolt, Shockwave and Lightning. The last five may only be used as direct attacks to the opponent.
Shields are banned.
Alchemy cards for reference:
- Rage Potion
- Adrenaline
- Nymph's Tears
- Aflatoxin
- Quintessence
- Basilisk Blood
- Antimatter
- Black Hole
- Liquid Shadow
- Luciferin
- Precognition
- Unstable Gas