About Kys: We need a good ruling for the dc happening if you die on your own turn. i originally intented to overwrite the dc replay rule with shorter turn number on deathscreen for that particular tournament, but there are ways one player could clearly have the better deck, but if the ai takes over early the other player may still manage to die early. Also deckout has been hit by the bans a little too harshly imo. Self deckout is normally a bit too easy to achieve, but now there is just dial and hourglass. Also I find decking the opponent out more interesting in this context, but thats up to debate.
For Ruperts cube, keeping track of 3 decks per player seems a bit much for the host, especially if they are not public. There is also a high chance of the game being decided by deckchoice alone, which normally wouldnt be a problem, but not allowing counterbuilding in the second game is a bit of a letdown (or if decks are public, even the first).