Forgotten Queens.From beginning of tourney is created 4 kingdoms with 3 random elements on them.
The A Kingdom:

The B Kingdom:

The C Kingdom:

The D Kingdom:

The point of all fun is this, because nobody knows, where each element gone. Only organizators knows, which elements are hidden under which kingdoms.
Somewhere in forums will be hidden solution to a mystery of hidden elements.
Name of The B Kingdom: Great Kingdom of mighty Warden (

), calm Spirit (

) and wise Phoenix (

Of course, names will be gently harder to link with elements. Ideas for hideouts for each elements:
- Old Card Idea, representing element with its name (or part of name) in Kingdom name.
- Names of decks with mark representing element.
- some other ideas i would tell only for organisators of tourney.
Players must clarify, which kingdom are chosing 15 minutes before tourney starts.
After all players say their kingdoms, organizators of event must tell, which element was been in target kingdom.
Additionally, in each kingdom will be 2 random rules.
Example: The A Kingdom (

) - deck must have 50-59 cards , can't cast creatures with less than 4 cost. (its only an example)
Other rules, which are required for each player:
- No more than 2 Nymphs.
- No Shards.