Hmm. I was waiting to reply until I got more comments from people likely to tourney, referencing what I was thinking about for a tourney. The only replies didn't really reference an
underdog tourney at all. The closest to anything was saying that one “had” to use “one” of 7 elements (should be only the first 5 for that type) at a minimum amount of 50% cards of “one” of those elements (should be at least 75% then, or at least 50% discounting all ppms of those particular elements (assuming we're only talking one of those elements)). (In addition, at that point, one should still not allow some of the most popular cards in other elements; and I am referencing non rares.)
What mostly was mentioned makes this pretty much the same tourney as normal. That was not my intention. I wanted it beneficial to play certain decks over others but not “force” people to play them. This way, while the majority would play those with either the most benefits to play, or nearly as many benefits, there will be some people who will make decks to try to counteract those decks.
If people don't actually like the idea of an underdog tourney, speak up and this will not be played. I was hoping for advice on the slight variations similar to what I listed (or concerns about some particularly super strong card that people think may not belong), not a complete revamp of allowing almost every nonrare card.
Remember, I want underdog elements to have more benefits, then only underdog cards allowed the further down the list one goes. So if that is not what people want to play, than this is not the tourney for them, so then this should be bypassed.
Because Water has done the poorest in War, it has to have more benefits than the others so banning both its Trident and its Arctic Squid doesn't work (Shard of Patience really would be too overpowered with the most common permanent control cards banned). Maybe only allowing those two cards to be unupgraded??? Because Earth, Gravity, Light, and Time have never won War either, they also need some great benefit over others, just not quite as much as Water. These are the elements I think should have a great benefit over others.
But to give more playability I have listed some other elements, just unupgraded and I banned their most popular cards. These next are elements which have actually won War. For Life the banned cards are obviously Horned Frog and Adrenaline. For Death that is Bonewall. I added Poison, but it may be Flesh Spider or even Vulture, I'm not sure which it should be, people could voice what they think is more popular there. For Entropy I have banned more cards as it also placed 2nd once. I banned Nova, Lycanthrope, Mutation, and Pandemonium. Nova is obviously the most popular. After that, I made my best guess for unupgraded cards. People could chime in on the rest. Butterfly Effect needs to be allowed because most permanent control cards are banned (and it isn't as popular as many other Entropy cards). In addition, Dissipation Shield is seldom used, so must be allowed. But remember, we're trying to ban some of the most popularly used cards, not keep what you want in.
Lastly, we have the final four big players in War. I mostly added them to give a shot at having a rainbow. Allowing Quantum Towers does give some nice benefit to having such restricted cards in these final four elements. Give me a list of what you think the three least played, not overpowered cards in each of these elements should be. Keep in mind, at least one card needs to be a creature. For Fire it seems obvious to be Ash Eater and Fire Spirit, but the third, make suggestions. I chose Seraph, but it could easily be another. Perhaps Fire Shield, Rain of Fire, or Rage Potion. Air was more difficult. I selected Firefly, Unstable Gas, and Wings. Its selections obviously can't include Dragonfly, Wyrm, Flying Weapon, and Shockwave. As for Unstable Gas, with Fire being so limited, and only allowing two Unstable Gas, I figured that it would be a much better option than say Sky Blitz for all those OTK and flying creature decks. But give me your suggestions. For Darkness I selected Parasite, Nightfall, and Liquid Shadow. There are few options that I think could replace these, but if you think that one deserves to be there more, speak up. For Aether I selected Phase Spider, Quintessence, and Mindgate. From what I've seen, and comments that I've read, Quintessence and Mindgate deserve to be there, but then a creature is needed, so you tell me, should it be Phase Spider, Immortal, or Phase Salvager?
I remember watching tourneys years ago where there were limited cards allowed, and now suddenly that is taboo? War just finished and at the end the players were very limited with what they were able to play. This is much more lenient. There is just some cards which are banned (many banned from certain elements), and many cards are unupgraded. And you're free to play whichever elements you wish, within restrictions.
Again, the whole idea of this tourney is to give preference to underdog elements and then underdog cards, If people need this adjusted to having to play mostly from the first 5 elements then allowing some cards from the others, but not their most popular cards (restricting at least four), fine. If people want to play most every nonrare cards from the most popular elements, then this is not the tourney for them.
Don't get me wrong, I love a completely unrestricted tourney. And most of my favorite cards are banned here, so I would have to work at building decent decks myself. All I really need in a tourney though, is for it to not be speedbuilding (which was how this tourney was meant to be), to be able to understand the rules, and that it is during a time when I can play. I originally gave this idea the prior Monday, thinking that we (I) could play this before Christmas. But with how all this is progressing, I am doubting that I would be able to compete in my own tourney, as I will likely not be available this weekend either.

Oh well, at least I put forth a tournament idea.