You win or you die... or get gobbled up by the fangirls! Weekly Tournament - Somedayth - A Game of Thrones - Upgraded
Special Rules- Upgraded cards are allowed, but not required.
- There are six houses, as described below. Each house has two allowed elements and one restriction.
- Each deck must be built as a combination of exactly two house's rules. You may only use the elements allowed by your two houses, and must abide by the restriction of both houses in the deck.
- You may not use deck which follows a house combination which you have used before in the tournament.
House Lannister Hear me roar!Allowed Elements:

Restriction: At least 40% of your deck (Rounded up) must be comprised of cards which have a sell price of over 50 (in their unupgraded form) in the bazaar.
House Stark Winter is coming. Allowed Elements:

Restriction: You must use 2 or more elements in your deck. Each element used must have an equal amount of cards.
House Baratheon Ours is the fury! Allowed Elements:

Restriction: At least 6 cards in your deck must be some combination of Hammer, Momentum and Sky Blitz
House Greyjoy We do not sow.Allowed Elements:

Restriction: For each copy of a shard you use, you must use 4 unupgraded cards.
House Tyrell Growing strongAllowed Elements:

Restriction: At most 20% (rounded up) of your deck can be card whish deal damage. This includes all creatures with at least 1 attack, all weapons, unstable gas and spells which deal damage.
House Targaeryen Fire and BloodAllowed Elements:

Restriction: For each copy of Discord, Fire Bolt or Phoenix in your deck, you must include a copy of Relic