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the Sage

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2010, 08:49:31 pm »
Newbie Again: You must use a new account!
This would be a good time to cash in those few k tournament rewards. =)

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2010, 09:38:01 pm »
Rainbow decks only - Can not use more than 3 cards from a color (except Pillars/Pendulums), no upgrades.

How about an Oty race? I really like that card!

Every player must have 6 otys in their deck, only 30 cards and no other creatures, weapons, artifacts, or shields. No upped cards. Only other thing they can have are spells so it would be a race to take out otys with removal/buff your own with cards like momentum so you could eat the other persons otys.
This would actually be pretty fun. I'd think we'd be seeing a lot of mono gravity with momentum in this kind of deck though. :P
Nope, EVERYONE would go :aether  :gravity.  Lightning + Parallel Universe + Quintessence + Mindgate = WIN!

losing tournament
change a main rule of matches, you are not going to win first, u are going to lose
so you have to kill yourself as fast as you can :}

It could be very funny :D
this idea…is so damn creative! :))

But everyone will pack all the bolts, antimatter and holy light in deck.
most of deck would be time but still i like it  : ) antimater your own vampires to heal your opponent ; d
I kind-of like this idea.


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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2010, 12:47:18 am »
Everyone must have ___(the same) Mark. upped or unupped. I think this would make people think creatively about what they want from their mark.

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2010, 01:55:39 pm »
60 cards, all unique (except pillars), unupped.
“Reply to wit with gravity, and to gravity with wit." -- Charles Caleb Colton

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2010, 08:59:52 pm »
Fast Forward Tournament: All contestants must use a Mark other than Time. All decks must include a predetermined number of Time Factories and Golden Hourglasses. No other Time cards may be added. There are no limitations on the rest of the deck.

Possible modifications:
-Duo/Trio/Quartet decks only
-Rainbows only
-Restrictions on the number of Permanent control cards allowed (especially Earthquake)
-Decks must use a predetermined number of Time Pendulums as the only non-creature quanta source (Firefly, Ray of Light, etc are okay), and must have predetermined number of Hourglasses. This means no Novas or Cremations.
-Decks may contain upped cards
-Decks must be completely Unupped
-Allow decks to include Eternity, although this would mean that some matches would take very long.
-Ban certain cards (for example: Graboid, Dune Scorpion)
-Allow decks to be of any size, but they must be 7~13% Hourglasses and 37~43% Time Pendulums (do not need to be those exact numbers; the range may be changed as well)

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2010, 04:27:52 am »
Random Deck tournament:

Each participant submits a non-upgraded deck with no rares. Before each round players draw lots to see who uses which deck.

There are two winners: whoever comes in first and whoever's deck design had the best win/loss ratio.

Ties in win/loss ratio are decided by a duel between the deck authors, each using their own deck.

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2010, 07:01:22 pm »
I have a couple ideas:
1. Tourney organizer chooses 30 cards (pillars and pendulems excluded) that can be used for either each round or the entire tourney.
2. No creatures are allowed.
3. No spells are allowed. (I think there is already one like this)
4. No permanents are allowed. (This one might not work because there are only a few decks that will work like this.)
All of these would be unupped.
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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2010, 07:11:11 pm »
@jippy: at first I thought those were all rules to the same tournament. It was confusing. (figured it out after a bit)

Anyways, here's my thought at the moment:

Do a "random deck" tournament. Each player submits one unupgraded deck with no rares prior to the tournament, then each round draw names out of a hat to determine who uses each deck.
There would be two winners: the person who won the tournament and the person whose deck had the highest win/loss ratio. Ties in win/loss ratio would be decided by a duel between the two players, each using their own deck.

Note: the unupgraded & no rares rule is to avoid circumstances where some players can't build the deck they're assigned.


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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #56 on: September 13, 2010, 11:31:33 pm »
1 Only 7 pillars


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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2010, 01:18:12 am »
1)Has to have score minus 5000.
2)No upgraded cards.
3)Only mono,duo, and trio decks.
4)No spells,shields, or rare weapons(dagger,short sword, hammer, etc. is fine).
5)And no creatures that has 9+ attack or has growth, ablaze ability, that kind of thing.

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #58 on: September 17, 2010, 08:06:15 pm »
Only 3 of each card including pillars/pends. No QT's.

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Re: Post your tournament ideas here (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #59 on: September 22, 2010, 04:44:05 am »
I don't know if it's ever been done, but perhaps holiday-themed tournaments. Some ideas could be:

Valentine's Day: Only use entropy, fire, and light elements (pink, red, and white colors)
Christmas: Only use fire, life, and light elements (red, green and white colors)
Halloween: Only use darkness, gravity, and death elements (black and orange colors, and death just because it's Halloween related)
Earth Day: Only life and earth elements (self explanatory) [and maybe water too]

There are a lot of blue elements (aether, air, and water), so you might be able to find something for them (or make just a "blue tournament").

Someone earlier in the topic posted the idea of having everyone use duo decks based off elements that are "opposites" (so earth-air decks, fire-water decks, life-death decks, etc.), which I think is a really good idea.

