Played in the 09/04/2011 western tourney and it went fairly well; was my first one.
In my second tourney, the 16/04/2011 western tournament, there were some issues with the challonge website and the chat where some people couldn't see things, or, in my case, it was lagging badly. Not the fault of anyone, but just saying it caused some issues.
One major issue I did have though this week. I had one game where my opponent disconnected and then claimed he had four jade dragons. I posted a screenshot of my opponent with an empty board except for feral bond and hope (due to Fire Storm, he/she was playing ray of light + hope), 7 cards in deck to my 27, and me with a full field of permanents, including a 23x bone wall. The organizers almost made it go to a coin toss, even though it seems pretty clear that I was going to win. See what you think: (we were both afw from chat playing the game, which is why they asked a couple times what our status was) (**s added to relevant lines)
[14:28:17] TStar: spiritkirinblade and dragonsdemesne what is the status on your match?
[14:28:38] SpikeSpiegel: ^^
[14:28:44] SpikeSpiegel: huge damage is huge
[14:28:48] SpikeSpiegel: 2-1
[14:28:50] ~Napalm: Darn you spike
[14:28:51] SpikeSpiegel: hugglez nap
[14:29:03] ~Napalm: GG's
[14:29:05] ~Napalm: *cries*
[14:29:18] xn0ize: SS moves on

[14:29:21] ~Napalm: I had a great hand at first, but you weren't there
[14:29:27] ~Napalm: So I had to restart
[14:29:35] ~Napalm: and get rewarded with yet another @#$% hand
[14:29:38] pikachufan2164: It's to duel

[14:29:42] ~Napalm: Time to go cry myself to sleep
[14:29:45] ~Napalm: I need a nap anyway
[14:29:59] pikachufan2164: D:
[14:30:09] TStar: Sleep well Red
[14:30:14] SpikeSpiegel: yep
[14:30:17] SpikeSpiegel: pika
[14:30:20] SpikeSpiegel: 1 minute plz
[14:30:22] SpikeSpiegel:
[14:30:36] pikachufan2164: Take one of Desert's Kirby plushies with you :3
[14:30:40] Jen-i: can someone repost the brackets?
[14:31:23] pikachufan2164:[14:32:00] TStar: dragonsdemesne and spiritkirinblade tell me the status of your match now please or I will have to coinflip it
[14:32:27] TStar: This is the 3rd and final time I'm going to ask
[14:33:00] spiritkirinblade: huh
[14:33:03] dragonsdemesne: oh
[14:33:05] spiritkirinblade: we are in game
[14:33:06] dragonsdemesne: in first game
[14:33:08] spiritkirinblade: but
[14:33:13] spiritkirinblade: he lagged out o.o
**[14:33:15] dragonsdemesne: itll probably be deckout
[14:33:18] dragonsdemesne: i did?
[14:33:24] TStar: First game?
[14:33:26] xn0ize: what's the SCORE?
[14:33:36] dragonsdemesne: sorry was afw playing the game
[14:33:42] spiritkirinblade: yeah..
[14:33:45] TStar: It's been almost 30 minutes and you two haven't finished a single game yet?
[14:33:45] spiritkirinblade: i took a screenie
[14:33:54] spiritkirinblade: hes got a 60 card deck!
[14:33:54] xn0ize: WTF?
[14:33:54] dragonsdemesne: 0-0 atm
[14:33:56] spiritkirinblade: :L
[14:34:05] spiritkirinblade: okay okay.
[14:34:07] spiritkirinblade: lets go again
[14:34:12] xn0ize: Tstar. can you coin toss them?
[14:34:13] TStar: ok we have to coinflip this
**[14:34:18] dragonsdemesne: we're still playing... did you d/c
[14:34:26] xn0ize: this is getting stupid
[14:34:28] TStar: sorry guys you are just taking far too long
**[14:34:30] dragonsdemesne: i still have the game up
**[14:34:36] spiritkirinblade: huh. you dc/ed
**[14:34:44] dragonsdemesne: well im going to win the first one
[14:34:53] SpikeSpiegel: pika?
[14:34:56] dragonsdemesne: i can take ss
[14:34:56] xn0ize: coin toss them from 0-0
[14:35:03] pikachufan2164: /nom
[14:35:13] dragonsdemesne: you just d/ced now spirit
[14:35:18] majofa: i love how people always say 'the other person' d/c
**[14:35:20] spiritkirinblade: i had 100 health and dragons left..
[14:35:23] TStar: dragons, pick heads or tails
[14:35:28] spiritkirinblade: I took a damn screenie
[14:35:32] spiritkirinblade: you want proof >_>
[14:35:34] dragonsdemesne: what the hell
**[14:35:37] dragonsdemesne: im winning and he d/c
**[14:35:41] dragonsdemesne: i can prove it
[14:36:01] xn0ize: GOD
[14:36:05] TStar: Fine you both have 3 minutes to show me proof that you were clearly going to win
[14:36:10] TStar: otherwise I'm flipping
[14:36:24] xn0ize: * god please help me, if you will, i will start to believe in you! *
[14:36:27] TStar: and screenshots against the AI are NOT proof
**[14:36:39] dragonsdemesne: i have one with the CPU playing in x seconds
[14:36:50] DevilLoss: hey everyone just came by to wish spike gl also was looking for TII but guess hes not here
[14:36:55] xn0ize: Tstar!
[14:36:58] TStar: That's fine, you have 2 minutes left to show it to me
[14:37:00] xn0ize: coin flip them from 0-0 PLEASE
[14:37:10] DevilLoss: also jen-iif hes playing also >.>
[14:37:17] xn0ize: if some one dced , they need to rematch
[14:37:29] xn0ize: and as it looks like, IT WILL TAKE FOR EVER
[14:37:32] dragonsdemesne: its upping to imageshack
[14:37:35] DevilLoss: whos runing this tourny?
**[14:37:57] dragonsdemesne: even if he has 2 permanents in play and 7 card in deck?
[14:38:03] TStar: You got 30 seconds left
**[14:38:14] spiritkirinblade: i had dragons left.
[14:38:17] spiritkirinblade: fyi
**[14:38:18] dragonsdemesne:[14:38:27] xn0ize: Tstar
[14:38:53] spiritkirinblade: look at my life quanta.
**[14:39:05] spiritkirinblade: i had 4 frickin jade dragons >_>
**[14:39:14] dragonsdemesne: not in play you didnt
[14:39:16] xn0ize: * cry *
**[14:39:21] dragonsdemesne: you had feral bond and hope
[14:39:26] spiritkirinblade: yeah but 7 cards left

[14:39:38] avenger: huh, what dragons
[14:39:40] dragonsdemesne:[14:39:44] xn0ize: * please help me god *
**[14:39:46] TStar: I can't call that I'm sorry
**[14:39:53] TStar: dragon heads or tails
[14:39:55] avenger: the shield would have blocked them
[14:39:58] RootRanger: IMO dragon deserves the win, but I don't have a say
[14:40:00] WVM2: is there any other tourney's today?
[14:40:11] RootRanger: his mitosised RoLs won't die
**[14:40:12] dragonsdemesne: you cant call me having 27 cards in deck and him 7 and no board?
[14:40:16] RootRanger: because life and light have no CC
**[14:40:19] avenger: there is a grav shield
**[14:40:27] avenger: it is clear that the rainbow won
**[14:40:27] dragonsdemesne: and i had a full field
**[14:40:32] RootRanger: and he can make enough RoLs to lockdown with the hope in his hand
[14:40:36] spiritkirinblade: yeah i agree actually.
[14:40:41] spiritkirinblade: i forfeit.
[14:41:04] TStar: ok thank you please post it dragon
[14:41:11] avenger: rr: 7 cards, deckout
[14:41:21] spiritkirinblade: I kinda wanted another game..
[14:41:28] dragonsdemesne: alright
[14:41:29] spiritkirinblade: ^_^ good luck.
[14:42:06] TStar: RootRanger the second into the Final 4 and also undefeated
[14:42:11] spiritkirinblade [»] dragonsdemesne: searching
[14:42:38] dragonsdemesne: ok we playing again or is that it for our match?
[14:42:43] TStar [»] dragonsdemesne: please post a 1-0 result in the thread so I can make it official
[14:42:46] RootRanger:
[14:42:51] spiritkirinblade: erm
[14:42:58] xn0ize: RR
[14:43:00] spiritkirinblade: its probably not official >_>
[14:43:04] xn0ize: i hope you wont smash me in finals

[14:43:06] spiritkirinblade: but let me face you
[14:43:06] dragonsdemesne [»] TStar: ok done
Any feedback is welcome; I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong here. My next opponent, who was also the other tournament organizer (tstar was helping her because challonge was messed up for her) was also very slow to respond to the next game, causing further delay as I waited for her for at least five minutes without any response from her in chat or in accepting my pvp duel challenge.
[14:48:31] dragonsdemesne [»] GirlsGeneration: ign dragonsdemesne, challenged
[14:49:25] dragonsdemesne: girlsgeneration you there?
[14:49:32] dragonsdemesne: sent pm and challenge
[14:50:23] dragonsdemesne: is anyone here?
[14:50:28] avenger: bye tournament, hope RR wins
[14:51:19] dragonsdemesne: hmm
[14:51:38] dragonsdemesne: not only is my opponent gone, she is the organizer
[14:52:23] GirlsGeneration: i've been waiting forever
[14:52:28] dragonsdemesne: me too
[14:52:32] GirlsGeneration: oh. just found it
[14:52:40] GirlsGeneration: oh great... 60 card deck....
[14:52:44] dragonsdemesne: i kept asking if you were here
[14:53:19] dragonsdemesne: ya im in now