Tournament Suggestion (by Lucifear and thelonesun)Okay, so Luci and thelonesun had a pretty fun idea for a tournament imo that I kinda streamlined and made more realistic for an actual weekly pvp tournament set of rules. It would take more preparing, and would be 15-30 minutes longer simply due to the preparation time before the tournament actually starts, but other than that it's a pretty sweet idea to me.
-Get in chat THIRTY MINUTES before tournament starts (this could be changed), preferably a little bit beforehand.
-Then PvP Organizer will announce a random set of letters and or numbers (like naa72cv). You must now make a new game account with your chat ign + this random set of letters and numbers tagged on the end.
-You then have until the tournament starts to grind this account and get whatever decks you want or can.
-You then compete in a no restrictions tournament using that account. Note that if you grinded enough, you could have upped cards

Prizes will of course go to the main account via the redeem code.
Again, the only reason I can think of that this wouldn't be a fun way to do a tournament is that you need to be in chat earlier than normal to get the random string to make a legal account.