Please keep all suggestions/feedback (unless it regards a rule change in the current tourney theme) to the Suggestions/Feedback threads. As it is, the rewards will most likely not be changed, or, if they are, they won't be "flipped" (giving third place a better reward than second place). Like Cal said, getting third place means you lost in the semifinals and advanced to the Bronze bracket. However, to get second place, you have to have won in the semifinals and then lost in the finals, which is considered a much harder task to do (get to the finals). In the typical four- or five-round tournament, to get second, you had to have won three (or four) games in a row, which is a hard feat in itself. But to get in the Bronze bracket, you only have to win two (or three) games in a row, lose one, then win your last. As a side note, and I know my paragraph organization fails, but theoretically the person who places second lost to much harder opponent than that who the third-placer had to beat. Theoretically.
Tl;dr Rewards staying the same.