I am not agree with the reward system for tournaments.
In case there is a 32 people tournament.
I am spending 2-3 hours to go to the final and there i am loosing.
It is very frustrating for me to receive electronum (that i simply don't need anymore) after having so much winnings.

I suggest when there are full tournaments (32 players) you must give for all 3 first players.
1 Place : a rare card by choice. + electronum
2 Place : player choose : mark or nymph. And he is receiving a random mark or nymph(depends on what he chose) + electronum
3 Place : a random mark or nymph (what remains from what chose 2 place) + electronum
4 Place : electronum
This way maybe i'll ever have a nymph, i am playing this game for some couple of months and i still have 0 nymphs and 0 marks, which is really not cool

Let's see it other way :
1.Until now, the tourneys were small ( 8-12 players) and there was 1 rare card awarded. which means with equal chances i had 1 from 8 chances to win. Now if you'll implement the new reward system it will be 3 from 32 chances to win which is equal to 1 from 8 (which means same chances like before).
2. 2 place and 3 place will receive a RANDOM card. In case of nymphs (some nymphs just suck ), in case of marks(some marks you don't need). So you can't really say the players from now on will have lots of uber duper decks.
3. Or keep the the same prizes and let us buy some stuff (cos electronum after a moment (after you make your Upped FG Decks) become worthless, and that 2 or 3 place prize is just like a spit in your face)