post tournament suggestions and feedback (as you are well aware).
Believe it or not, I hadn't even considered this topic due to how new it is. I was debating between posting a new topic in this section or in the forum suggestions section, and didn't even think about this topic. Also, I liked the idea of a poll

But the ideas out there, and I guess this is a better place for it.
Anyway, you're right about it taking too long. I had thought it would add more games but only one more round. Instead, it doubles the number of rounds too

. In other words, too long at the moment. It may be worth it to consider it in the future when we're pros at having them, though.
Round 1: 16 Matches
Round 2: 16 Matches
Round 3*: 8 Matches
Round 4: 8 Matches
Round 5*: 4 Matches
Round 6: 4 Matches
Round 7*: 2 Matches
Round 8: 2 Matches
Round 9*: 1 Match
Round 10: 1 Match
Round 11 (if loser in round 10 had 0 losses): 1 Match
* Denotes a losers-bracket-only round.
As for having to face a good player in round 1.. I have three things:
- try to win
- if you lose, you deserve to get kicked out of the tournament
- don't lose[/l][/l]
Let's say you run a shrieker rush against a cremation deck game one. You lose because you have 4 dead quicksands sitting in your hand and they have lots of control to beat those shriekers up with. Oh well.
Then in game two, you don't draw a card inherent to your combo that you have six of in your deck. Until there's 13 cards left. AKA, you lose due to a horrid draw even though your deck was a perfect counter to theirs.
Now the first one I can accept; maybe they predicted you would use a shrieker rush. Game two, however, you lost due to sheer luck. So do you really "deserve" to be kicked out of the tournament? No, but life ain't fair, so that's alright. I don't mind it.
But we *could* make it more fair and bad-draw proof, all around (so a newb playing Rastafla in round 1, for instance, doesn't get the shaft). I was just trying to get that idea out there.[/list]