Number | Week of | Rule Set |
1 | Oct 17 | Quanta cost of all cards in the deck must not exceed number of cards +10 |
2 | Oct 24 | Only allowed |
3 | Oct 31 | Name Game: "No Shave November" |
4 | Nov 7 | Trios G1, Duos G2, Monos G3, discord/eq banned |
5 | Nov 14 | Only elements from current alive teams in war can be used. ( ). EQ, Trident banned. |
6 | Nov 21 | RNG decks using [LINK]. Can change/remove/replace a maximum of 5 cards from the deck |
7 | Nov 27 | Every deck must contain 8 alchemy cards of your choice. |
8 | Dec 12 | Minumum 6 cards of your choice from the list of least used cards. Eg: 3 cata, 3 seraph, or 6 cata. etc |
9 | Jan 15 | All creatures/permanants with an active ability are banned. |
10 | Feb 7 | Valentine's week. All cc is banned (cc is any card you use to harm opponent's creature.)
Spoiler for ban list: Note that the following cards are allowed upped: Chaos power, mutation, fallen elf. Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 595 4vd 4vi 4vk 4vm 4vn 4vp 500 52i 52j 52l 52p 52s 534 55r 55t 562 596 59c 5c3 5f4 5f5 5f8 5fb 5fk 5i7 5i8 5i9 5ib 5if 5ih 5ij 5oh 5ol 5om 5on 5p0 5rj 5rk 5ro 5rq 5un 5us 5uu 5v8 61q 61u 620 8pr |
11 | Feb 20 | Only life/darkness/water/fire cards allowed. Fire bolt is banned |
12 | Mar 7 | Trials GM Battle Hype: Decks must have 50% air or darkness at least |
13 | Mar 26 | Holi - Only rainbow decks are allowed. Rainbows are classified as more than, or equal to 5 elements, excluding "other". Max deck size 40. |
14 | ??? | Potluck - The fat: 50-card deck, The 6: Exactly 6 copies of each card (not including pillars/pends), The wishy-washy: No permanents (other than pillars and pendulums) |
15 | May 15 | Must use minimum of 50% of any one element. 0-6 Upgrades allowed. Discord and devourer banned |
16 | May 22 | Pick one set (row) of elements. Only allowed those elements for that match. Can't use more than one combination per match (IE, say you picked the first set. You can only play mono fire once. But you can play another mono in the next game, or a duo with fire.) 0-12 upgrades allowed (you may change this limit if you dont own many ups). Sopa, Soi, Sofree, Sosac and sofo banned. 5 off element minimum in a duo deck. If it's a trio, it's 5 in total off element, not 5 of each off element.

17 | May 29 | Max 2 non-pillar copies of a card (including pendulums). Cards that make more cards are banned. 0-15 ups allowed(This can be changed depending on what players prefer).Spoiler for banned: All upped forms are also banned, except for chaos power. Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 4vi 4vp 50a 52n 52s 534 56i 563 59m 5c9 5ig 5io 5oj 5p0 5rh 5rk 5ro 5rs 5v1 61r 622 623 626 |
18 | June 5 | Max one copy of every card that you have in deck. Unupped and upped count as different cards. (So, you may have a pillar, pendulum, tower and upped pendulum from the same element in a deck.) Mark cards banned. 15-20 upgrades allowed (Note: upgrades may be changed depending on what players prefer). |
19 | June 19 | Summer Vacation - Only elements allowed are fire, life, water, and air. |
20 | July 3rd | Must have at least 6 weapons in a deck, no creatures allowed. 10-15 upgrades (as always, upgrade amount can be changed if players wish). |
21 | July 10th | You may only use Airborne Creatures, and you have to have at least one in your deck. 20 upgrades. |
22 | July 17th | Only allowed. Marks from other elements not allowed. 15 upgrades (Upgrade number is optional). |
23 | July 24th | Only allowed. Marks from other elements not allowed. 15 upgrades (Upgrade number is optional) |
24 | August 1st | Players have to choose between magic ( ) or nature ( ) and can only use the element of their pick. Maximum 10 upgrades |
25 | September 1st | At least 50% of the cards must be from one element. |
26 | September 11th | All cards (excluding pendulums and pillars) need to start with the same letter. 12 Upgrades maximum. |
27 | September 24th | A deck that has NO Time, Aether, Death, Life, Entropy, or Gravity cards. Only Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Earth, and Air cards are allowed. |
28 | October 9th | Only duo decks allowed, though they may not consist of opposite elements. |
29 | October 17th | Before each match, you must send your opponent 6 cards from no more than 2 different elements - whatever you want. Those cards must be used in their deck. |
30 | March 1st | Must use 3 elements in a deck. An element is present when there are at least 4 cards from that element in your deck. |
31 | July 26th | Deck size has to be exactly 40 cards, no permanents (other than pillars/pendulums) are allowed. Firebolt, Icebolt, Drain Life are banned. |
32 | August 3rd | Both players roll for an element. These 2 elements are available to both players and cards not from those elements are automatically banned. Also the following cards are banned:
33 | August 13th | Trials stuff: Both players choose an element. In each deck at least 50% of the cards need to come from those 2 elements (note that your opponent may use your chosen element for that purpose as well). |
34 | August 13th | Red and blue: You can use red or blue decks (you may also play a red deck after a blue one and vice versa). Red decks may contain any and cards except firebolt and discord. Blue decks can contain any and cards except Shard of Patience and Owl's Eye. 12 upgrades, other cards allowed (but not from other elements, just the colorless ones), mark can be chosen freely. |
35 | August 26th | Double trouble: Use at least 6 unupped copies of cards from the following list. 12 upgrades per default (negotiable). |
36 | September 3rd | TriPvP: Each player picks 4 elements, they may only use cards from those elements. Each player bans one of the 4 elements their opponent has chosen. The same combination of elements cannot be used more than once (mono/duo/trio count seperately for this). If you use an element, you must use at least 4 nonzerocost-cards from it. Upgrades start at 0 and increase by 15 per game (so 0, 15, 30) |
37 | September 10th | Reverse Ranking: - Shards are banned.
- You must use at least 6 cards from any element you include cards of in your deck
- For each element you use in your deck, you may add upgrades according to the following table:
38 | September 17th | Hyperdimensionsional sideboard: Instead of changing decks each game, you may only change up to 15 cards after each game (these changes can be substituting a card with any other card (=replace with another card) or removing/adding a card). You may change your deckmark any time for free. |
39 | September 24th | Poor man's shinies
- All rare cards are banned. This includes all elemental weapons (other weapons are allowed), nymphs, shards, arctic squid, pharaoh and miracle.
- Only 'shiny' cards may be upgraded. The following cards (and only them) will be considered shiny for this purpose:
40 | October 2nd | Dalek's Extermination Fit
- You must use at least 10 destruction cards in your deck. Destruction cards are cards that permanently remove other cards from the board. Here a list:
- Shard of patience, Sundial and Miracle are banned.
41 | October 10th | Original Card Do Not Steal
- Each player announces a card before the match (if you want to make sure that there is no advantage to waiting, get a random person in chat as arbiter and pm them your choice (your opponent should pm the same person); once they got both the choices the arbiter will anounce them publicly).
- You have to use at least 3 copies of your chosen card in each deck.
- Your chosen card is banned for your opponent.
42 | October 16th | Card Formation
- Cards in the same column of your deck must all come from the same element. This order must be maintained after loading the deck code (the game automatically puts cards in a certain order).
- Other and
count as their own elements for this purpose. Spoiler for Example legal decks assuming 12 upgrades (upgrades can be negotiated before the match): Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c4 5c4 5c6 5c6 5c6 5c6 5c6 5c6 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7al 7al 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 8pn all monos are legal Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bu 5bu 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5c6 5c6 5c6 5c6 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6tu 6tu 6tu 6u5 6u5 7tb 7tb 8pn elements are correctly separated into columns. As you can see the element in the last column doesnt necessarily have to use a number of cards divisible by 10.
43 | November 1st | Half-decided
- Before the start of the match you must name 2 elements.
- Half of the cards in your deck must come from either of the 2 elements (so in a 30 card deck running 10 cards of the one element and 5 cards of the other makes it legal).
- As per usual, pillars, pendulums and marks count towards their respective elements.
44 | November 12th | Bar Fight
- Airborne creatures, wings, shard of patience, sundial and auburn nymph are banned. Thats the only rule.
- Banned cards:
- Allowed creatures:
45 | November 19th | Budget Cuts
- The total quanta cost of your first 2 decks combined must be 100 or less.
- The total quanta cost of your third deck may be up to 50+ whatever you havent used until then.
- Shard of patience and graboid are banned.
- Use a copy of this Quantacostcalculator to quickly determine the quantacost of your deck
46 | November 26th | Race against the clock
- You win once your opponent has 15 cards or less left in their deck.
- The following cards are banned (includes mostly healing and delaying cards, but not all of them):
47 | December 2nd | Luck of the Draw
- Use the /draw e function in blab chat to draw a card
- Must use at least 4 copies of said card
- Nymphs and Relics may be re-rolled
48 | December 9th | 3 of a Kind
- Must use one of the 4 categories of elements listed below
- May not use cards from elements in different categories
- Mono decks not allowed (to constitute as non-mono deck must contain 6 nonzero cost cards from another element, but not limited to nova/cremation)
- The LEDs:
 - The DEGs:
 - The FTWs:
 - The ELAs:

49 | December 17th | Name Game
- Use the Name Game generator for this ruleset.
- Put both players names in and check off the first 4 checkmarks
- Only those cards and Pillars/pends/marks are allowed for either player.
50 | December 23rd | Christmas Time
- Must choose either Naughty or Nice
- Nice-Only can use these elements:
- Naughty-can only use these elements:
- If you choose Nice,you get presents! you get 4 upgrades
- if you choose Naughty, you give coal! Your opponents deck must have 4 relics in their deck. (if your opponent does not have 4 relics, they must use a substitute (any card that they cannot use, something they do not have the quanta to play.)
51 | January 9th | Tainted goods
- Each player provides a list of 5 different cards. You may not include the following cards in the list:
- As per usual with these rules, in order to avoid the slower player having an advantage when making the lists, pm them to an arbiter, who will make them public after he/she got both lists. Any person in chat may act as arbiter, just make sure you agree on the same person.
- In each of your decks you must run 6 copies of cards from the list your opponent provided. These copies may be all of the same card if you want.
- You may (but don't have to) change the 6 copies to other cards from the list each game
- maximum decksize of 40.
- 12 upgrades allowed for each deck.
52 | January 16th | A Hoarders Greed
- Having 50 quanta in 2 different elements at the end of your opponents turn is a win condition
- You may also win by traditional means
- Upgraded cards is encouraged but not required
- These cards are banned
53 | January 23rd | Planning Ahead
- Before the match, announce 3 cards (It would be advised to use an arbiter)
- Arbiter will announce the 6 cards from the players before 1st game begins
- in each game, you must use at least 4 copies of one of the said cards
- Once you use a card that you announced, that card is banned from your deck in following games
- Shards of Patience is banned
54 | January 30th | Growing Up
- Only 'growing' creatures allowed
- All other creatures are banned as well as Shard of Freedom, Shard of Patience, Shard of Wisdom, Reverse Time, Lobotomizer and Lightning
- Decks may not have more than 30 cards
- Allowed Creatures:
55 | February 7th | Final Week
- Before the game, roll a 1d4
- if a 1 is rolled, Shards and Nymphs are banned
- if a 2 is rolled, Weapons and Shields are banned
- if a 3 is rolled, creatures with abilities are banned
- if a 4 is rolled, all of the above is banned
56 | February 20th | 60 Card Mono
- upgraded cards banned
- Only Mono decks are allowed*
- *Decks are allowed to have off element marks, pendulums, and pillars(PPM's)
- Only 60 card decks allowed
57 | March 7th | Mind Games
- Each player must use 4 copies of Mindgate
- Cards that destroy permanents are banned
- These Cards are banned
Number | Week of | Rule Set |
1 | November 19th | Budget Cuts
- The total quanta cost of your first 2 decks combined must be 100 or less.
- The total quanta cost of your third deck may be up to 50+ whatever you havent used until then.
- Shard of patience and graboid are banned.
- Use a copy of this Quantacostcalculator to quickly determine the quantacost of your deck
2 | November 26th | Race against the clock
- You win once your opponent has 15 cards or less left in their deck.
- The following cards are banned (includes mostly healing and delaying cards, but not all of them):
3 | December 2nd | Luck of the Draw
- Use the /draw e function in blab chat to draw a card
- Must use at least 4 copies of said card
- Nymphs and Relics may be re-rolled
4 | December 9th | 3 of a kind
- Must use one of the 4 categories of elements listed below
- May not use cards from elements in different categories
- Mono decks not allowed (to constitute as non-mono deck must contain 6 nonzero cost cards from another element, but not limited to nova/cremation)
- The LADs:
 - The DEGs:
 - The FTWs:
 - The ELAs:

5 | December 17th | Name Game
- Use the Name Game generator for this ruleset.
- Put both players names in and check off the first 4 checkmarks
- Only those cards and Pillars/pends/marks are allowed for either player.
6 | December 23rd | Christmas Time
- Must choose either Naughty or Nice
- Nice- can only use these elements:
- Naughty- can only use these elements:
- If you choose Nice, you get presents! you get 4 upgrades
- if you choose Naughty, you already stole your presents and get coal! You may use up to 24 upgrades, but for each 4 upgrades you use you also have to put a relic in your deck.
7 | January 9th | Tainted goods
- Each player provides a list of 5 different cards. You may not include the following cards in the list:
- As per usual with these rules, in order to avoid the slower player having an advantage when making the lists, pm them to an arbiter, who will make them public after he/she got both lists. Any person in chat may act as arbiter, just make sure you agree on the same person.
- In each of your decks you must run 6 copies of cards from the list your opponent provided. These copies may be all of the same card if you want.
- You may (but don't have to) change the 6 copies to other cards from the list each game
- maximum decksize of 40.
- 12 upgrades allowed for each deck.
8 | January 16th | A Hoarders Greed
- Having 50 quanta in 2 different elements at the end of your opponents turn is a win condition
- You may also win by traditional means
- Upgraded cards is encouraged but not required
- These cards are banned
9 | January 23rd | Planning Ahead
- Before the match, announce 3 cards (It would be advised to use an arbiter)
- Arbiter will announce the 6 cards from the players before 1st game begins
- in each game, you must use at least 4 copies of one of the said cards
- Once you use a card that you announced, that card is banned from your deck in following games
- Shards of Patience is banned
10 | January 30th | Growing Up
- Only 'growing' creatures allowed
- All other creatures are banned as well as Shard of Freedom, Shard of Patience, Shard of Wisdom, Reverse Time, Lobotomizer and Lightning
- Decks may not have more than 30 cards
- Allowed Creatures:
11 | February 7th | Final Week
- Before the game, roll a 1d4
- if a 1 is rolled, Shards and Nymphs are banned
- if a 2 is rolled, Weapons and Shields are banned
- if a 3 is rolled, creatures with abilities are banned
- if a 4 is rolled, all of the above is banned
12 | February 20th | 60 Card Mono
- upgraded cards banned
- Only Mono decks are allowed*
- *Decks are allowed to have off element marks, pendulums, and pillars(PPM's)
- Only 60 card decks allowed
57 | March 7th | Mind Games
- Each player must use 4 copies of Mindgate
- Cards that destroy permanents are banned
- These Cards are banned