I think the number of matches should be reduced drastically. I've been thinking to the point where you only need to play 8 matches to compete for the lower tier prizes (placement based on elo out of the poeple that meet that criteria obv). The winners of the prizes could either fight it out in a tournament (presumably with better elo coming with more ups) or for higher tier prizes you need just 1 match more per tier, 15 making you eligible for any prize tier.
Maybe maximum 50% of your games against the same player (counted at end of league, say if you played 20 games at most 10 should be versus the same player). Then again enforcing this rule can make things rather awkward and the increasingly accurate elo of regular players makes this less necessary anyway.
Longer Leagues: during war time that makes sense I guess. Also more time means the minimum requirement for games can be more statistically accurate, without creating pressure that may result in people not bothering to join at all.
However if it drags on with no feedback (in the form of prize/trophy) it doesnt feel as nice. Also wc points should probably be adjusted.
Participation awards for the people that inject a lot of life into leagues are worth looking into (as in a prize for most games played regardless of outcome so long as it wasnt disqualification x))
I dont think assymetrical league rules should be encouraged for balance reasons. You just cant beat dims with monowater.
I dont think there should be a daily(monthly, whatever) cap for games you play. You should be allowed to battle any time you please.
There will be optional weekly rules, just like before, they wont be mandatory though.
A lot more people should probably post.
There is another discussion about league here:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/general-discussion/elements-the-daily-rewards/Let me start by asking: what do you think about the play - off system I posted earlier?
In some videogames you can get a placement in ranked with just 10 games. It seems 10 games can be sufficient. Obviously the games need to be played against many different people.
Are you sure 15 is needed? In last league, only 3 people made it to 20 and I think the 4th most active player had around 13. Having a 15 games requirement will have the same result: only a few qualify. Maybe 10 or 12 games gives more accurate results than 15 in terms of rankings. The nymph count you can win should maybe go down though, if you lower requirements.
If you want people to play more games, the statistics reason should not be used. Somehow I feel the is a (hidden) reason of promoting more games played behind the required amount of matches played, not just talking about your post.
People don't let themselves be forced into many games however, they rather just not play league. A higher required amount of games leads to less people joining.
I think rules should be simple. Requirements for 8 games (low tier rewards) and 15 games (all rewards) sounds easier to understand than tiers for 8,9,10 and 11 games. That is if we don't do the play off system ofcourse.
I'm not so sure about sure about the long league as people do everything in the last month. It could work out .. maybe it doesn't.
I never used the weekly rules, so do we really need it?
Part of quote: "Participation awards for the people that inject a lot of life into leagues are worth looking into (as in a prize for most games played regardless of outcome so long as it wasnt disqualification x))"
This is often said but never done. Can we get some commitment for a nymph/mark code in the rules? Or PvP event points.