My views on shards and usage.

Mostly in SoI rushes. I don't think anyone used them in a MA deck besides me.

Seen a few times but quite rarely. Mostly in SoI rushes or debauchery (which I used a lot)

Never seen it. You'd expect Zen to be in CL, but haven't even seen this.

Argh. SoSa. Nearly every match contains at least one deck with these. Usable in blarp, sosac dials, and splat to counter basically any rush.

SoI rushes. SoI rushes everywhere. Each game probably saw at least one SoI rush as well.

Not a very common shard, but seen it a few times in SNbows

Mostly in SoI rushes, but I've also seen these used for fast draw, such as in pillarless splat or debauchery.

Oh god SoFo OP. If it's not banned, nearly every rainbow deck carried this.

Seen it a few times in stalls, but it was really quite rare.

Seen this much more than SoG. Used in stalls as well as comboing with SoSac

Alternative to SoFre in SoI rushes or for use with mitosis. No other use besides it, and didn't see this much.

Haven't seen this at all except in a few fun decks by calin.
Real "unrestricted" pvp is PvP2.