History does not go back that far in the chat room, because that is where he said it, room had active people as well.

Just reading up on the ELO rating system, and the more I read the more I came to realize that this is totally the wrong system for such a small amount of players.
If scores never have a chance of going up a lot of decreasing a lot based on who they place, and it is generally all pretty close to the same amounts for winning and losing, most people will still be in around the same amount of points. But also, since we can pick and choose our opponents, people can log in, check to see if there is anyone on that has higher points or just slightly lower and only play them and log out, giving them the minimal loss.
No one is going over 2400 points obviously, and I really doubt anyone will drop below 1000, so there will never be any big gain or losses noticeable enough unless a person wins like 10 games in a row no matter what the score is of their opponent, since the gain isn't all that different.
I notice that xnoize has 13 more wins than me but has quite a few points less than me. He has 1 more loss than me as well. It makes no sense to me I guess. It should be that even though he has more losses, it is only 1, but has 13 more wins than me, that he should in fact have more points.
I have 35 wins 35 losses, he has 48 wins 36 losses, so his win/loss ratio is better too. Playing more games over all too, he should logically have more points no matter who he played just because everyone is almost in a 200 point gap, theres the 2 on top and 2 on bottom that are more than 200, but everyone else is within 200 or less of each other.
I really do think a simple who ever wins the most games, and if theres a tie, who ever has the least amount of losses is the better way to go for next time. This would also mean that people wouldn't be avoiding duels, and there would be more of them. A person could lose a whole lot but still win a whole lot and catch up to the 1st place person a lot easier especially if the person in 1st place decided to take a week break or something. A person in 1st place now that decides to take a week off is still pretty safe of remaining at or very close to the top, no matter how many games the other people have played. So basically in the ELO system it is actually better to play fewer games while on top, while in the system I just mentioned, if that person slows down on playing, others will catch up quicker.
ELO works best when you have random opponents, picking and choosing favours the people on top.