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Elements PvP League - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« on: June 02, 2010, 11:34:42 am »
Elements PvP League - Rules

>>>  Season 2/2019 League Announcements  <<<

Who can join?

Anyone with a forum account can join the Elements League.

Signing up
It is not required to sign-up for the League. All you need to do is start posting match results on the League topic, and your name will be added to the League standings.

Players may join any time during the event.

Finding an opponent
You can challenge any League member to a PvP match at any time. Best way to find opponents is to use the official Elements Chat (or the irc.ext.net #elementsthegame channel if the main chat is down), but you can also use other methods like forum PM’s, etc.

Your opponent has the right to refuse your challenge if he or she is busy with other things at the time. However, continuously avoiding a specific player just because you think you might lose is not allowed. Accepting a challenge is an honorable thing to do, and we hope everyone understands that. If necessary, you may notify a League Organizer regarding frequently refused matches.

During the 3 months time the League is active, you can play against the same player for up to 50% of your total matches. Any match that does not follow these guidelines will not affect the League scoring and should not be reported.  Reporting an invalid match will result in a warning, and repeated offenders may be subject to additional consequences. 

Each match consists of up to 3 individual duels. We use a best-of-three system, which means that the first player to win two duels, wins the match.

If a match with at least 1 game completed cannot be finished for any reason, players have one (1) week to finish the match. If, at the end of this time, the match is still not finished, the win is awarded to whoever was leading, or, in the case of a tie, whoever was more active. Players should notify a LO asap when a match cannot be finished, but they should not post anything regarding the match.


1. You can use any non-upgraded cards (you can use upgraded cards as long as both players agree to it)
1a. Cards not intended to be obtainable (Holy Cow, Non-element shards, Malignant Cell, Ash, Singularity, etc) are banned from Leagues.
2. You can use any amount of cards in your deck
3. You can use any mark

In addition, there will be weekly featured rules which players should sometimes aim to use in order to keep leagues fun and to help them improve!

You have about 2-3 minutes between each game to change your deck. The players may put in restrictions. It’s a good idea to use the deck code system to build your decks in advance. This way your opponent doesn’t have to wait for too long.

Scoring and rankings
We use the Elo rating system for league scoring. It is a method for taking into consideration the relative skill levels of players when giving score. Basically the higher rank your opponent is, the more score you will gain from a win. One the other hand if you lose to a low rating player, the results can be devastating.

It’s the winner's responsibility to report scoring. The winner will go to the League page and write a comment which includes:
- names of the players (you need to provide a link to the exact forum name for both players!)
- final score
- Each player must be listed on a separate line
- Information about any disconnect/desync errors that affected the match.  LOs will be keeping track of how common of a problem this is.  A sample statement would be "A desync error occurred in game 3.  Both players won against AI, so we replayed the game."

You must post your results immediately after your match is completed. You cannot wait to post it at a later time. Please only post one match per post -- if you played more than one match in a short amount of time, report them in separate posts.  Keep in mind that you should be posting your first set of results before you start playing your second match.

Improperly reported results will NOT be counted, so please make sure that they are in the correct format!

A match report that looks like this is NOT ACCEPTABLE:
Jenkar 1 – pikachufan2164 2

The proper format would be:
pikachufan2164: 2
Jenkar: 1

The code used to generate this is:
Code: [Select]
[user]pikachufan2164[/user]: 2
[user]Jenkar[/user]: 1
Simply put the [user] and [/user] tags around each player's FORUM username, and it will link to their forum profile.

In this particular case pikachufan2164 and Jenkar had a total of 3 games, with pikachufan2164 winning the last game and therefore the whole match. Keep in mind that the final scoring has no relevance in League scoring so winning 2-1 will provide the same score as winning 2-0.

Players are strongly encouraged to verify that opponents have valid forum accounts before playing games.

All players are limited to the use of one Elements the Game account for League participation.

League Organizers will keep the League rankings updated on the League page.

Banning Cards Rules
It is possible to ban cards for a match, under the following conditions :
  • Both players have 5 minutes to agree on a ban list. If both players can't agree on a specific ban list, the match proceeds in unrestricted play.
  • If a ban list is fixed, playing a banned card counts as a loss.
    * Be careful when rares are banned. This means marks, nymphs, weapons, pharoahs, squids, miracle, etc.
  • Bans are on both upgraded and unupgraded. For example, banning nova will simultaneously ban supernova. If players wish, they may specify that only the unupgraded or upgraded version of a card be banned.

Special Rules
In case of a desynchronization error or disconnect, both players shall play the AI, unless both agree not to. If both players win/lose vs the AIs, replay the match. Players may request a screen as proof of victory, see Screenshot Help to see how to make a screen on your system if you don't know how to. Either a screenshot of the final turn or a screenshot of the "you won" screen clearly identifiable as the correct game should suffice.  Including the game window, the chat window, and your computer's clock should generally be considered sufficient for "you won" screenshots.  If one player was clearly about to lose, he or she should do the honorable thing and give the win to the other player even if there was a desync error. When replaying a match due to a desync error, players are not allowed to change decks.

If one of the two players never gets in the game, replay the match with the same decks.

By agreeing to replay you forfeit any right to claim a win on the desynced game. If, for example, Jenkar desyncs vs pikachufan2164, they play AI and both win, and replay,  without providing each other screenshots, and Jenkar loses the replay, he cannot ask for a screenshot of winning vs AI in the desynced game from pikachufan2164. If Jenkar wins the replay, pikachufan2164 cannot ask for Jenkar's screenshot either.

Losing access to the game during a match (refreshing the tab, clicking on ad that isn't a popup type, closing the tab/window/browser/computer, power outage, pet elephant stepping on your computer ect.) counts as a loss (a win for your opponent). You only lose 1 game through this, not the match, unless it happens more than once. (If your pet dinosaur steps on your computer during game 1, your opponent is at 1-0. If you get another computer, start game 2 and your pet dinosaur decides to eat your sector cable, your opponent is at 2-0 and won the match.)

If it is obvious that a game will never end (e.g. if both players have zero net damage output -- where they can both heal off the damage done each turn easily -- and will never deck out, and both players have no means of breaking the stalemate), the result of that game is null and voided -- there is no winner and no loser for that game. Both players have the option of switching decks for the next game in the match.

If there is a disagreement on who actually won the challenge, players should state their case to one of the League Organizers. Having a screenshot or other proof helps.

For security reasons, it is forbidden to play a match with someone with the same IP as you (in other words, living under the same roof as you).

Knowingly breaking the rules or cheating will result in a permanent ban from the League and other PvP events organized by this community.

Within each season there will be an Announcement thread created.  Any mid-season rule changes or important messages will be posted in this thread. Each player is responsible for reading everything posted there before each match, including rule changes.  Please make sure you read any new posts contained within before each match to be aware of any important changes.  The contents of the Announcement thread will always take priority over anything in the Rules thread if there there is ever a conflict.

League Prizes

The top-7 players of league will receive prizes.Independantly a 'Contribution Prize' will be rewarded. Between the 3 people that played the most matches one will be chosen at random to obtain a Markcode. This will be decided by a 1d3 dice in chat, where 1 stands for the player with the most matches (2 2nd most, 3 3rd most). League Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game. There is a minimum of 8 matches to get a prize. 8 matches will make you eligible for the 7th place prize, each additional match you play unlocks a higher prize tier, 14 qualifying you for all of them (except Contribution Prize if 3 players played more matches than you).

If you are in top 7 but have not played the required number of matches, your trophy & codes will go to next person under you (i.e. if 4th hasn't done 8 matches, 5th gets 4th's codes, 6th 5th's, 7th 6th's, etc., if 4th has done 10 matches he/she will receive 5th place prize and 5th place will receive 4th's rewards).
At the end of the season, League organizers have the right to change minimum matches required, if participation is low.

In the event of a tie, the winner will be whoever won more games between the people who tied. If there is still a tie, the people who tied will play a best-of-three for the higher prize.

There may also be a raffle at the end, where people who get picked will get secret prizes! More matches = more raffles = better chance of a prize!

1st/ + 10k electrum + 2× Nymph/Mark
2nd/ + 7k electrum + Nymph/Mark + Shard code
3rd/ + 5k electrum + Nymph/Mark
4th4k electrum + Shard code
5thShard code
6th3k electrum
7th1k electrum
Contribution Prize5k electrum + Nymph/Mark

Spoiler for glossary:
LOLeague organizer
ELElements league

Spoiler for changelog:
Update: 06/01/2018
-Players may now join during the last month.
-'Unobtainable' cards are banned.
-Games required reduced to 20, games per opponent reduced to 10.
Update: 26/07/2018
- Matches required reduced again and are now tiered.
- Changed max amount of matches vs the same player to 50% of either players total matches this league.
- 'Contribution reward' introduced. One of the most active players will be rewarded.

Last update: 09/09/2018
-specified that the same rules apply to disconnect as they do for desync (screenshot winscreens)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 06:49:58 pm by PlayerOa »

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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 12:01:39 pm »
a) how long will a season be? 3 month again? (or was it even longer?) (*edit*kk, just saw it is 2 month at the league page)
b) thank you for the 1/day rule and the top4-change
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
d) nice forum icons, how you decided if terroking or kevkev60614 are third, they are ex aequo on the 2nd


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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 12:24:19 pm »
a) how long will a season be? 3 month again? (or was it even longer?) (*edit*kk, just saw it is 2 month at the league page)
b) thank you for the 1/day rule and the top4-change
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
d) nice forum icons, how you decided if terroking or kevkev60614 are third, they are ex aequo on the 2nd
a) yep, lowered to 2 months. 3 took way too long.
b) your welcome.
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
d) I looked at matches where they faced each other. Terroking had more wins.

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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 12:50:59 pm »
thank you for the quick reply, now im satisfied, also like the "direct duell" decision

may i ask on last question? if it is 5-5 with same points, like you said direct duell matters, then the one with more single game is in front? and if it is even again, then the one with the better score against the highest ranked player?


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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 12:55:01 pm »
thank you for the quick reply, now im satisfied, also like the "direct duell" decision

may i ask on last question? if it is 5-5 with same points, like you said direct duell matters, then the one with more single game is in front? and if it is even again, then the one with the better score against the highest ranked player?
It's quite unlikely that this would happen, and if it does, we'll think about something. Maybe we could have one extra match to determine winner.

Offline Antagon

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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 02:45:49 pm »
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
tournament organizers, right? so we even dont know, what the prices are?

btw, "League Prices" would be better.

Tournament Prizes
The top-4 players will receive prizes. Tournament Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game.


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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 03:02:13 pm »
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
tournament organizers, right?
Nope. Zanz decides everything that happens ingame.

Tournament Prizes
The top-4 players will receive prizes. Tournament Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game.
Yeah, thanks for telling me. That was a copy-paste fail.

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Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2010, 08:43:51 pm »
Special rules say top 3, and League Prizes say top 4.  Make up ur mind.  : P


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Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 02:46:09 pm »
Anyone with less than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
Anyone with more than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
They both say Beginners League.


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Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2010, 02:47:56 pm »
Anyone with less than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
Anyone with more than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
They both say Beginners League.


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Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2010, 11:11:38 pm »
League prizes are here!

Looks pretty good to me. Give feedback please.

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Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2010, 11:19:57 pm »
All I can say is... wow. Champion League winner is going to have a heck of a payday. 3 Nymphs!
Back just for Mafia.


blarg: pikachufan2164,Jenkar