Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Events and Competitions => PvP League => Topic started by: The Oracle on June 02, 2010, 11:34:42 am

Title: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: The Oracle on June 02, 2010, 11:34:42 am
Elements PvP League - Rules

>>>  Season 2/2019 League Announcements  <<< (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/pvp-league/elements-pvp-league-22019-announcements/)

Who can join?

Anyone with a forum account can join the Elements League.

Signing up
It is not required to sign-up for the League. All you need to do is start posting match results on the League topic, and your name will be added to the League standings.

Players may join any time during the event.

Finding an opponent
You can challenge any League member to a PvP match at any time. Best way to find opponents is to use the official Elements Chat (http://elementscommunity.org/chat/blab.php) (or the irc.ext.net #elementsthegame channel if the main chat is down), but you can also use other methods like forum PM’s, etc.

Your opponent has the right to refuse your challenge if he or she is busy with other things at the time. However, continuously avoiding a specific player just because you think you might lose is not allowed. Accepting a challenge is an honorable thing to do, and we hope everyone understands that. If necessary, you may notify a League Organizer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/staff/) regarding frequently refused matches.

During the 3 months time the League is active, you can play against the same player for up to 50% of your total matches. Any match that does not follow these guidelines will not affect the League scoring and should not be reported.  Reporting an invalid match will result in a warning, and repeated offenders may be subject to additional consequences. 

Each match consists of up to 3 individual duels. We use a best-of-three system, which means that the first player to win two duels, wins the match.

If a match with at least 1 game completed cannot be finished for any reason, players have one (1) week to finish the match. If, at the end of this time, the match is still not finished, the win is awarded to whoever was leading, or, in the case of a tie, whoever was more active. Players should notify a LO asap when a match cannot be finished, but they should not post anything regarding the match.


1. You can use any non-upgraded cards (you can use upgraded cards as long as both players agree to it)
1a. Cards not intended to be obtainable (Holy Cow, Non-element shards, Malignant Cell, Ash, Singularity, etc) are banned from Leagues.
2. You can use any amount of cards in your deck
3. You can use any mark

In addition, there will be weekly featured rules which players should sometimes aim to use in order to keep leagues fun and to help them improve!

You have about 2-3 minutes between each game to change your deck. The players may put in restrictions. It’s a good idea to use the deck code system to build your decks in advance. This way your opponent doesn’t have to wait for too long.

Scoring and rankings
We use the Elo rating system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system) for league scoring. It is a method for taking into consideration the relative skill levels of players when giving score. Basically the higher rank your opponent is, the more score you will gain from a win. One the other hand if you lose to a low rating player, the results can be devastating.

It’s the winner's responsibility to report scoring. The winner will go to the League page and write a comment which includes:
- names of the players (you need to provide a link to the exact forum name for both players!)
- final score
- Each player must be listed on a separate line
- Information about any disconnect/desync errors that affected the match.  LOs will be keeping track of how common of a problem this is.  A sample statement would be "A desync error occurred in game 3.  Both players won against AI, so we replayed the game."

You must post your results immediately after your match is completed. You cannot wait to post it at a later time. Please only post one match per post -- if you played more than one match in a short amount of time, report them in separate posts.  Keep in mind that you should be posting your first set of results before you start playing your second match.

Improperly reported results will NOT be counted, so please make sure that they are in the correct format!

A match report that looks like this is NOT ACCEPTABLE:
Jenkar 1 – pikachufan2164 2

The proper format would be:
pikachufan2164: 2
Jenkar: 1

The code used to generate this is:
Code: [Select]
[user]pikachufan2164[/user]: 2
[user]Jenkar[/user]: 1
Simply put the [user] and [/user] tags around each player's FORUM username, and it will link to their forum profile.

In this particular case pikachufan2164 and Jenkar had a total of 3 games, with pikachufan2164 winning the last game and therefore the whole match. Keep in mind that the final scoring has no relevance in League scoring so winning 2-1 will provide the same score as winning 2-0.

Players are strongly encouraged to verify that opponents have valid forum accounts before playing games.

All players are limited to the use of one Elements the Game account for League participation.

League Organizers will keep the League rankings updated on the League page.

Banning Cards Rules
It is possible to ban cards for a match, under the following conditions :

Special Rules
In case of a desynchronization error or disconnect, both players shall play the AI, unless both agree not to. If both players win/lose vs the AIs, replay the match. Players may request a screen as proof of victory, see Screenshot Help (http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/s/screshot.htm) to see how to make a screen on your system if you don't know how to. Either a screenshot of the final turn or a screenshot of the "you won" screen clearly identifiable as the correct game should suffice.  Including the game window, the chat window, and your computer's clock should generally be considered sufficient for "you won" screenshots.  If one player was clearly about to lose, he or she should do the honorable thing and give the win to the other player even if there was a desync error. When replaying a match due to a desync error, players are not allowed to change decks.

If one of the two players never gets in the game, replay the match with the same decks.

By agreeing to replay you forfeit any right to claim a win on the desynced game. If, for example, Jenkar desyncs vs pikachufan2164, they play AI and both win, and replay,  without providing each other screenshots, and Jenkar loses the replay, he cannot ask for a screenshot of winning vs AI in the desynced game from pikachufan2164. If Jenkar wins the replay, pikachufan2164 cannot ask for Jenkar's screenshot either.

Losing access to the game during a match (refreshing the tab, clicking on ad that isn't a popup type, closing the tab/window/browser/computer, power outage, pet elephant stepping on your computer ect.) counts as a loss (a win for your opponent). You only lose 1 game through this, not the match, unless it happens more than once. (If your pet dinosaur steps on your computer during game 1, your opponent is at 1-0. If you get another computer, start game 2 and your pet dinosaur decides to eat your sector cable, your opponent is at 2-0 and won the match.)

If it is obvious that a game will never end (e.g. if both players have zero net damage output -- where they can both heal off the damage done each turn easily -- and will never deck out, and both players have no means of breaking the stalemate), the result of that game is null and voided -- there is no winner and no loser for that game. Both players have the option of switching decks for the next game in the match.

If there is a disagreement on who actually won the challenge, players should state their case to one of the League Organizers. Having a screenshot or other proof helps.

For security reasons, it is forbidden to play a match with someone with the same IP as you (in other words, living under the same roof as you).

Knowingly breaking the rules or cheating will result in a permanent ban from the League and other PvP events organized by this community.

Within each season there will be an Announcement thread created.  Any mid-season rule changes or important messages will be posted in this thread. Each player is responsible for reading everything posted there before each match, including rule changes.  Please make sure you read any new posts contained within before each match to be aware of any important changes.  The contents of the Announcement thread will always take priority over anything in the Rules thread if there there is ever a conflict.

(http://adamusicboosters.org/_uploaded/images/gold-trophy-cup.jpg)League Prizes

The top-7 players of league will receive prizes.Independantly a 'Contribution Prize' will be rewarded. Between the 3 people that played the most matches one will be chosen at random to obtain a Markcode. This will be decided by a 1d3 dice in chat, where 1 stands for the player with the most matches (2 2nd most, 3 3rd most). League Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game. There is a minimum of 8 matches to get a prize. 8 matches will make you eligible for the 7th place prize, each additional match you play unlocks a higher prize tier, 14 qualifying you for all of them (except Contribution Prize if 3 players played more matches than you).

If you are in top 7 but have not played the required number of matches, your trophy & codes will go to next person under you (i.e. if 4th hasn't done 8 matches, 5th gets 4th's codes, 6th 5th's, 7th 6th's, etc., if 4th has done 10 matches he/she will receive 5th place prize and 5th place will receive 4th's rewards).
At the end of the season, League organizers have the right to change minimum matches required, if participation is low.

In the event of a tie, the winner will be whoever won more games between the people who tied. If there is still a tie, the people who tied will play a best-of-three for the higher prize.

 There may also be a raffle at the end, where people who get picked will get secret prizes! More matches = more raffles = better chance of a prize!

1st(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/86df57f3e91cb4328d122677cc2bf9ac_CL%201st%20Place%20Trophy.png)/(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/892f14f5fab91eed2a354026ba50e04b_BL%201st%20Place%20Trophy.png) + 10k electrum + 2× Nymph/Mark
2nd(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/43c247e2ea137d282940e4323703bcff_CL%202nd%20Place%20Trophy.png)/(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/72fe9ad63665e12d50341cab819a47a3_BL%202nd%20Place%20Trophy.png) + 7k electrum + Nymph/Mark + Shard code
3rd(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/81c2e4d3ce0f1ebe6ea7b8a8f67c8326_CL%203rd%20Place%20Trophy.png)/(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/awards/84a49cb10f933c469214cb852cd4aa4a_BL%203rd%20Place%20Trophy.png) + 5k electrum + Nymph/Mark
4th4k electrum + Shard code
5thShard code
6th3k electrum
7th1k electrum
Contribution Prize5k electrum + Nymph/Mark

LOLeague organizer
ELElements league

Update: 06/01/2018
-Players may now join during the last month.
-'Unobtainable' cards are banned.
-Games required reduced to 20, games per opponent reduced to 10.
Update: 26/07/2018
- Matches required reduced again and are now tiered.
- Changed max amount of matches vs the same player to 50% of either players total matches this league.
- 'Contribution reward' introduced. One of the most active players will be rewarded.

Last update: 09/09/2018
-specified that the same rules apply to disconnect as they do for desync (screenshot winscreens)
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Antagon on June 02, 2010, 12:01:39 pm
a) how long will a season be? 3 month again? (or was it even longer?) (*edit*kk, just saw it is 2 month at the league page)
b) thank you for the 1/day rule and the top4-change
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
d) nice forum icons, how you decided if terroking or kevkev60614 are third, they are ex aequo on the 2nd
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 02, 2010, 12:24:19 pm
a) how long will a season be? 3 month again? (or was it even longer?) (*edit*kk, just saw it is 2 month at the league page)
b) thank you for the 1/day rule and the top4-change
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
d) nice forum icons, how you decided if terroking or kevkev60614 are third, they are ex aequo on the 2nd
a) yep, lowered to 2 months. 3 took way too long.
b) your welcome.
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
d) I looked at matches where they faced each other. Terroking had more wins.
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Antagon on June 02, 2010, 12:50:59 pm
thank you for the quick reply, now im satisfied, also like the "direct duell" decision

may i ask on last question? if it is 5-5 with same points, like you said direct duell matters, then the one with more single game is in front? and if it is even again, then the one with the better score against the highest ranked player?
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 02, 2010, 12:55:01 pm
thank you for the quick reply, now im satisfied, also like the "direct duell" decision

may i ask on last question? if it is 5-5 with same points, like you said direct duell matters, then the one with more single game is in front? and if it is even again, then the one with the better score against the highest ranked player?
It's quite unlikely that this would happen, and if it does, we'll think about something. Maybe we could have one extra match to determine winner.
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Antagon on June 02, 2010, 02:45:49 pm
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
tournament organizers, right? so we even dont know, what the prices are?

btw, "League Prices" would be better.

(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd65199/Trophy_Gold_256.png)Tournament Prizes
The top-4 players will receive prizes. Tournament Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game.
Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 02, 2010, 03:02:13 pm
c) do we (previous top3 of both leagues) also get a price in form of a code/codes?
c) most likely, yes. But it's not my call.
tournament organizers, right?
Nope. Zanz decides everything that happens ingame.

(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd65199/Trophy_Gold_256.png)Tournament Prizes
The top-4 players will receive prizes. Tournament Organizers will give reward codes to winners who can then redeem the codes in-game.
Yeah, thanks for telling me. That was a copy-paste fail.

Title: Re: PvP League Rules and Sign Up
Post by: plastiqe on June 03, 2010, 08:43:51 pm
Special rules say top 3, and League Prizes say top 4.  Make up ur mind.  : P
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: jheamay on June 06, 2010, 02:46:09 pm
Anyone with less than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
Anyone with more than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
They both say Beginners League.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 06, 2010, 02:47:56 pm
Anyone with less than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
Anyone with more than 20,000 score can join the Beginners League.
They both say Beginners League.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 06, 2010, 11:11:38 pm
League prizes are here!

Looks pretty good to me. Give feedback please.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 06, 2010, 11:19:57 pm
All I can say is... wow. Champion League winner is going to have a heck of a payday. 3 Nymphs!
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: tyranim on June 06, 2010, 11:21:21 pm
can we report here? i dont like wiki much, i very much prefer this forum. if i can report here, i would gladly sing up for the beginers.
ign omegaunit
forum name unit748596
score around 7k (dont laugh at the noobish master, in a fair fight, ill kick your ass... many times [most likely])
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: ddevans96 on June 06, 2010, 11:46:32 pm
Okay, I'm going to sign up. When does this start?

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: bojengles77 on June 10, 2010, 06:27:03 pm
Okay, I'm going to sign up. When does this start?
it already has. League scoreboards can be found in their respective threads
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: ddevans96 on June 10, 2010, 06:39:57 pm
Okay, I'm going to sign up. When does this start?
it already has. League scoreboards can be found in their respective threads
Yeah, I found that earlier. Thanks.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Bboul on June 11, 2010, 06:45:42 pm
Ingame name: bboul
Forum: bboul
Score 20002
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 14, 2010, 04:41:34 pm
Rule change: You can fight one other player only up to 6 times during one season (2 months).

Any additional matches between these two players will not count in the final score and shouldn't be reported in the League thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: bojengles77 on June 14, 2010, 04:58:56 pm
Rule change: You can fight one other player only up to 6 times during one season (2 months).

Any additional matches between these two players will not count in the final score and shouldn't be reported in the League thread.
Is this an adjustment based on the change in league time from 3 to 2 months?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: Scaredgirl on June 14, 2010, 05:02:42 pm
Rule change: You can fight one other player only up to 6 times during one season (2 months).

Any additional matches between these two players will not count in the final score and shouldn't be reported in the League thread.
Is this an adjustment based on the change in league time from 3 to 2 months?
Yes, kind of.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: bojengles77 on June 18, 2010, 01:59:33 am
puppychow:  1
safko01:       2
Wrong thread, please post this in the championship league thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: gatsublack85 on June 19, 2010, 02:47:46 am
I would like to join the league:
my username is gatsublack85
and my forum username is gatsublack85 xD
my score is actually 23498

can i still join the championship?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: A user name on June 29, 2010, 05:17:35 pm
Can I join the beginners league still?
My Elements user name is A user name.
My forum and chat user name is A user name.
And my account score is...10.  :P
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: poorage on July 08, 2010, 09:38:11 pm
score 10340
fourm name poorage
can u signme up to championship leage please all my decks are upgraded
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: fnix on July 08, 2010, 10:10:09 pm
Elements username: xfnixx
Elements chat username: fnix
Account score: 7331
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules and Sign Up
Post by: bojengles77 on July 08, 2010, 10:11:25 pm
Elements username: xfnixx
Elements chat username: fnix
Account score: 7331
Please post this in the beginner's league thread so i don't overlook your signup when i edit the league next.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Svenningen on July 23, 2010, 10:47:05 pm
with the max 6games vs each opponent rule in, i think the 1duel vs each opponent a day should go out.

If there are more that 6days left, they should be allowed to do 6battles in a day, and thus reaching their limit, as long as they have time and want to do this.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: icecoldbro on August 02, 2010, 06:08:50 am
sorry to be pushy but when do they send out the prizes from the league i sorta need my 3k to pay the mob *scared*
also im almost surei get no trophy but can someone confirm this?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: bojengles77 on August 02, 2010, 06:37:39 am
sorry to be pushy but when do they send out the prizes from the league i sorta need my 3k to pay the mob *scared*
also im almost surei get no trophy but can someone confirm this?
Prize codes will go out when i receive them from Zanz (SG) and the top 3 players in each league receive trophies.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: giversgivealot on August 05, 2010, 09:16:31 pm
when wil the next league start???
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Scaredgirl on August 08, 2010, 04:15:21 pm
when wil the next league start???
Hopefully early next week.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: PuppyChow on August 08, 2010, 04:32:44 pm
I just want to say I don't think the whole 6 match limit worked out very well, since halfway through the number of matches REALLY dropped off, since people that signed up weren't active. I mean really, unless it was limited to 1 match per person, you wouldn't be able to keep it so less active people can compete. Should the 10-12 or so active players be punished because some people that sign up don't desire to be active?

In fact, in the last league, it was really a contest of who could be luckiest to convince some of the less active players to play a game, since otherwise we all played 6 matches with each other so there wasn't an advantage there if we went 50/50. Instead of being a contest of who can win most, it became a contest of whether or not you could be online when a new or inactive player was.

If the new scoring is changed to +2/-1, I suggest we also raise the number of allowed matches up to 10 again.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: bojengles77 on August 08, 2010, 04:40:23 pm
I just want to say I don't think the whole 6 match limit worked out very well, since halfway through the number of matches REALLY dropped off, since people that signed up weren't active. I mean really, unless it was limited to 1 match per person, you wouldn't be able to keep it so less active people can compete. Should the 10-12 or so active players be punished because some people that sign up don't desire to be active?

In fact, in the last league, it was really a contest of who could be luckiest to convince some of the less active players to play a game, since otherwise we all played 6 matches with each other so there wasn't an advantage there if we went 50/50. Instead of being a contest of who can win most, it became a contest of whether or not you could be online when a new or inactive player was.

If the new scoring is changed to +2/-1, I suggest we also raise the number of allowed matches up to 10 again.
Keep in mind there are other factors leading to inactivity. First of all, mid-league, summer hit. This is going to cause people to change their schedules and some people will be on less and others will be on more. Some will simply be gone for weeks at a time. Second, halfway through the league some people saw they had no chance of winning when they were 30 wins behind the leader. There weren't very many instances where players hit their 6-match limit, and that wasn't the only factor leading to inactivity. +2/-1 scoring should help better players show their skill more accurately in the standings and hopefully that will induce more activity in generally less active players.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: PuppyChow on August 08, 2010, 04:56:59 pm
I just want to say I don't think the whole 6 match limit worked out very well, since halfway through the number of matches REALLY dropped off, since people that signed up weren't active. I mean really, unless it was limited to 1 match per person, you wouldn't be able to keep it so less active people can compete. Should the 10-12 or so active players be punished because some people that sign up don't desire to be active?

In fact, in the last league, it was really a contest of who could be luckiest to convince some of the less active players to play a game, since otherwise we all played 6 matches with each other so there wasn't an advantage there if we went 50/50. Instead of being a contest of who can win most, it became a contest of whether or not you could be online when a new or inactive player was.

If the new scoring is changed to +2/-1, I suggest we also raise the number of allowed matches up to 10 again.
Keep in mind there are other factors leading to inactivity. First of all, mid-league, summer hit. This is going to cause people to change their schedules and some people will be on less and others will be on more. Some will simply be gone for weeks at a time. Second, halfway through the league some people saw they had no chance of winning when they were 30 wins behind the leader. There weren't very many instances where players hit their 6-match limit, and that wasn't the only factor leading to inactivity. +2/-1 scoring should help better players show their skill more accurately in the standings and hopefully that will induce more activity in generally less active players.
I was at 5 matches with a number of people, but was saving my last match for the end in case I needed it. I didn't, so I just didn't use those matches.

You're right that the limit wasn't reached too much, but it was always a factor to consider when you wondered if you wanted to play a match with someone. Just because the limit wasn't reached doesn't mean it didn't effect match selection.

Among the top 6 where there WAS competition though, it wasn't a matter of skill, it was a matter of whoever was on when someone (let's say, um... Gl1tch ;) ) was available. All the active people began competing for people to get "easy wins" against, which will become even MORE prevalent with +2/-1 scoring.

To offset that, I want the active players to have more opportunities to play each other too, so it isn't just a matter of finding the "easier" people that you can win against since players that aren't active enough to play these people consistently, yet are still formidable, can play more against the active players.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: bojengles77 on August 08, 2010, 05:06:29 pm
I was at 5 matches with a number of people, but was saving my last match for the end in case I needed it. I didn't, so I just didn't use those matches.

You're right that the limit wasn't reached too much, but it was always a factor to consider when you wondered if you wanted to play a match with someone. Just because the limit wasn't reached doesn't mean it didn't effect match selection.

Among the top 6 where there WAS competition though, it wasn't a matter of skill, it was a matter of whoever was on when someone (let's say, um... Gl1tch ;) ) was available. All the active people began competing for people to get "easy wins" against, which will become even MORE prevalent with +2/-1 scoring.

To offset that, I want the active players to have more opportunities to play each other too, so it isn't just a matter of finding the "easier" people that you can win against since players that aren't active enough to play these people consistently, yet are still formidable, can play more against the active players.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Glitch on August 08, 2010, 06:25:21 pm
Heh.  My record speaks for itself then?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: the Sage on August 11, 2010, 01:18:27 pm
I would like to sign up for the next beginner's league.

IGN: the Sage
Forum name: the Sage
Score: 14321

I don't think the number of matches you are able to play should impact this greatly on your score.
I like the 'everyone plays vs everyone else' mechanic much more.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Appawesome on August 20, 2010, 11:57:35 pm
So if someone with 19,999 score joins the beginner league, and on the last day switches to the other league, which reward would he get?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Scaredgirl on August 22, 2010, 08:18:07 am
So if someone with 19,999 score joins the beginner league, and on the last day switches to the other league, which reward would he get?
When you switch Leagues, your points don't of course follow you. In your example the person would have zero points and would get nothing.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: clayton on September 02, 2010, 07:04:01 pm
Can i enter begginers league
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: clayton on September 02, 2010, 07:11:47 pm
im trying to enter but have no clue what im doing can sum1 please help me????????/
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Matticusles on October 03, 2010, 12:30:56 am
Signing up for the Beginners League.

IGN- Matticusles
Chat name- Matticusles
IG Score- 2651
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: artagas on October 09, 2010, 09:23:15 pm
edit: posted sign up in wrong forum. sry
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: 1world24 on October 30, 2010, 03:27:24 am
i would like to sign up for the next beginners
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: lava golem on October 30, 2010, 04:59:58 am
you cannot enter the league here, 3/2010 league just ended, 4/2010 will start in a while. Wait until 4/2010 leagues begin before signing up.
Title: League codes/awards
Post by: lava golem on November 06, 2010, 01:17:49 pm
Dear all, thank you for your patience with the league awards, zanz has not been on since the 2nd of November, I have pmed SG asking if there's anything he can do to sort of speed things up. For the record, it wasn't a particular person who made me do this. It's just the amount of pms and questions I'm getting. This thread is just to clear up any questions you guys have. Any questions can be asked here. Either I'll provide the answers or the other league organizer, Toimu13 will. Zanzarino has the codes and until he shows up, we cannot give them out.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Smokefree on November 09, 2010, 02:38:02 am
Will the next league still use the same scoring system?

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Malignant on November 09, 2010, 04:23:29 am
You can't freakin sign up here. And lava even said that in the posts above you. A facepalm for you.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Dreggs on November 11, 2010, 09:38:42 pm
looking forward to the next one Lava :D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: SpikeSpiegel on December 30, 2010, 04:31:32 pm

A question about next BL/CL...

Now that rules have been changed, a player with +20k pts could participate in both leagues...is that allowed?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: lava golem on December 31, 2010, 12:30:22 am
Anyone with +20k pts has the choice to either join BL or CL. I almost thought that you meant join both leagues at the same time.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: SpikeSpiegel on December 31, 2010, 03:46:00 pm
Anyone with +20k pts has the choice to either join BL or CL. I almost thought that you meant join both leagues at the same time.
Yeah, i meant at the same time. SG already said "One player, one league..."
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: lava golem on December 31, 2010, 04:12:13 pm
Well, just to make it clear, 1 person can only join BL OR CL at the same time.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: SpikeSpiegel on December 31, 2010, 04:55:53 pm
Well, just to make it clear, 1 person can only join BL OR CL at the same time.
You should write it in first page then... ;)
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Scaredgirl on January 11, 2011, 09:40:10 am
Rules updated.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: kitty45 on January 15, 2011, 03:18:45 pm
What if you crash into someone in your lleauge in pvp1 or pvp2 would you be able to play again and count that as a BL or CL match
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Scaredgirl on January 16, 2011, 06:03:43 pm
What if you crash into someone in your lleauge in pvp1 or pvp2 would you be able to play again and count that as a BL or CL match
That will not be counted as a League match.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Memorystick on January 17, 2011, 12:52:56 am
thenewguy and I discussed some rule changes, and this is what we came up with:
Alright folks. I've seen still more username errors, so I'm going to put some more rules into effect.
  • Everyone in BL will put their forum name (exactly as it appears) in their chat profile, like so: "Forum name: Memorystick"
  • Everyone in BL will use the user tags ((username)) when posting match results
  • Everyone in BL will type the winner in one line and loser below that
Y'all have one more chance before we start getting strict- I suggest you make certain that you post correctly.
Finally, updated.
For clarification, both  and  are acceptable.
(I forgot to post this last night :-[ )

EDIT: For the formatting noobs out there:
Code: [Select]
Of course, those are our respective profiles- you can get the link to your profile by clicking on your name in one of your posts, or by clicking your name in the memberlist (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=mlist).

Make sure your links go to the respective profiles before posting.

And finally, I will accept corrections to any matches that don't follow the format up until I post my "updated" post- no later. Make sure  your posts are correct or that you're in chat when I'm updating! (preferably the former)

EDIT 2: After finding a rather impressive fail, I'd like to point out that http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=profile is not a specific profile link- to get your profile link, click on your name by any of your forum posts or do a Forum Member Search (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=mlist;sa=search) for your name.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: twixy10 on February 24, 2011, 11:43:24 pm
You have about 2-3 minutes between each match to change your deck

Match should be replaced by duel.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Onizuka on April 18, 2011, 05:03:54 am
Last time, there was something about the 1 duel per day rule.

To clarify, does this mean 24hrs or the physical day (IE: Player y can play player x at 11pm on sunday, and then play player x monday at 1am)?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Scaredgirl on April 18, 2011, 05:14:36 am

Each player who joins a league, must complete at least 30 matches during the period of 2 months when the League is active. Failure to do so, will result in

A) a disqualification
B) a ban from the next League

This rule was made to encourage League activity, and to make sure that no player wins the League with only 10 matches fought.

Players can fight one opponent only once during each 24-hour period. This means that if Players A and B fight right now, they have to wait for at least 24 hours before they can fight again.

Players are allowed to join a League during the first month only. As soon as the second month starts, players cannot join the League, and have to wait for the next one.

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on April 18, 2011, 05:16:29 am
The initial post has been updated to reflect these changes as well.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: suxerz on April 18, 2011, 06:02:08 am
You can only participate in one league at a time. If your score changes during the season, you do not have to switch over to a different league (although you can if you want).
The above quote is from the rules in the first page.

Just to clarify, can I join CL, play few games and then decided to join BL? or vice versa - i.e. join BL, play few games and then decided to join CL.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: hell_maker_2943 on April 18, 2011, 06:31:27 am
What if our forum name and in-game-name are different?

Also, let me give an example of something I don't understand:


Yes, there are 3 players. A, B, C.

A plays against B.

When the match has finished, can A then fight C straight away?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on April 18, 2011, 08:44:34 am
You can only participate in one league at a time. If your score changes during the season, you do not have to switch over to a different league (although you can if you want).
The above quote is from the rules in the first page.

Just to clarify, can I join CL, play few games and then decided to join BL? or vice versa - i.e. join BL, play few games and then decided to join CL.
No.  Once you play a game in one of the leagues you are there for the remainder of the season and subject to all the rules that apply.

What if our forum name and in-game-name are different?

Also, let me give an example of something I don't understand:


Yes, there are 3 players. A, B, C.

A plays against B.

When the match has finished, can A then fight C straight away?
Yes he can, but A needs to wait 24 hours to play B again.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on April 18, 2011, 09:23:33 am
What if our forum name and in-game-name are different?
Report results using the FORUM name.

Please remember to tell your opponents your forum name so that the posted results are counted in the standings -- it is the honourable thing to do.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: tttt on April 18, 2011, 01:53:15 pm

Each player who joins a league, must complete at least 30 matches during the period of 2 months when the League is active. Failure to do so, will result in

A) a disqualification
B) a ban from the next League

This rule was made to encourage League activity, and to make sure that no player wins the League with only 10 matches fought.

Players can fight one opponent only once during each 24-hour period. This means that if Players A and B fight right now, they have to wait for at least 24 hours before they can fight again.

Players are allowed to join a League during the first month only. As soon as the second month starts, players cannot join the League, and have to wait for the next one.

This should go in the Opening Post. I dunno why just posting in the thread is considered a *rule*. Rules are in the first post, I won't read all pages to find new rules.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on April 18, 2011, 01:54:55 pm
This should go in the Opening Post. I dunno why just posting in the thread is considered a *rule*. Rules are in the first post, I won't read all pages to find new rules.
They are already in the first post of this thread, and also the first post of the results reporting threads.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: vidurkhanna on April 22, 2011, 08:14:03 am
the beginners league should have a little more cards!!

most of the players are newbs like me and if we win a few cards also(3rd or 4th)  it may be an added incentive to play more and play better!!

plus i say in the BL not all players are rich and not all have access to all the unupgraded cards , so the ones ranked between 4th and 9th should only get cards and not the electrum!!

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on April 22, 2011, 02:41:46 pm
the beginners league should have a little more cards!!

most of the players are newbs like me and if we win a few cards also(3rd or 4th)  it may be an added incentive to play more and play better!!

plus i say in the BL not all players are rich and not all have access to all the unupgraded cards , so the ones ranked between 4th and 9th should only get cards and not the electrum!!
Winning electrum means you can buy more cards, and prizes are only for the top 6 not the top 9.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TheCrazyMango on May 20, 2011, 10:22:41 pm
Ive been frantically trying to get duels for BL in chat, and nobody has wanted to duel me. If i dont get the 30 done, will i still be banned since im trying to get the duels in?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 05:44:48 am
So we just battle someone and then post the winnings anywhere, or do you have to say your signing up before your fight(s). Is so then where do you sign up?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on June 13, 2011, 06:33:37 am
So we just battle someone and then post the winnings anywhere, or do you have to say your signing up before your fight(s). Is so then where do you sign up?
Once both players read the rules and agree to them all they must do is play a best-of-3 match with the winner posting the results in the appropriate leagues thread.  There is no additional sign-ups required.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on June 13, 2011, 07:50:23 am
Some rules have been changed for this season of Leagues; these changes will be sticking around in some form for future seasons.

Read about them here: >>http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26149.msg374671#msg374671<<
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 07:14:16 pm
So we just battle someone and then post the winnings anywhere, or do you have to say your signing up before your fight(s). Is so then where do you sign up?
Once both players read the rules and agree to them all they must do is play a best-of-3 match with the winner posting the results in the appropriate leagues thread.  There is no additional sign-ups required.
But I thought you have to wait 24 hours between each match. Also, do you pla on pvp duel, or pvp 1?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on June 13, 2011, 07:18:49 pm
So we just battle someone and then post the winnings anywhere, or do you have to say your signing up before your fight(s). Is so then where do you sign up?
Once both players read the rules and agree to them all they must do is play a best-of-3 match with the winner posting the results in the appropriate leagues thread.  There is no additional sign-ups required.
But I thought you have to wait 24 hours between each match. Also, do you pla on pvp duel, or pvp 1?
All League matches are conducted using PvP Duel. You only need to wait 24 hours before you play the same person again.


A plays B.
A must wait 24 hours before they can play B again, but A can play C, D, E, etc. in the meantime.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 07:21:31 pm
So we just battle someone and then post the winnings anywhere, or do you have to say your signing up before your fight(s). Is so then where do you sign up?
Once both players read the rules and agree to them all they must do is play a best-of-3 match with the winner posting the results in the appropriate leagues thread.  There is no additional sign-ups required.
But I thought you have to wait 24 hours between each match. Also, do you pla on pvp duel, or pvp 1?
All League matches are conducted using PvP Duel. You only need to wait 24 hours before you play the same person again.


A plays B.
A must wait 24 hours before they can play B again, but A can play C, D, E, etc. in the meantime.
I quite understand that, but if you need to play the same person 3 times it must consist over at least 72 hours?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on June 13, 2011, 07:23:38 pm
All League matches are conducted using PvP Duel. You only need to wait 24 hours before you play the same person again.


A plays B.
A must wait 24 hours before they can play B again, but A can play C, D, E, etc. in the meantime.
I quite understand that, but if you need to play the same person 3 times it must consist over at least 72 hours?
A vs. B (Match I)
*wait at least 24 hours; A can play other people in the meantime*
A vs. B (Match II)
*wait at least 24 hours; A can play other people in the meantime*
A vs. B (Match III)

Repeatable until you hit the limit of 9 matches against the same player.

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 07:29:35 pm
But if you can face others in the mean time that wouldn't be right because guy A is already posting with guy B. Do you have to post after three matches minimum or can you post after only 1 or 2. Also, can you post with 2  or more different people. And do you have to face against someone already in the league?

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on June 13, 2011, 07:31:48 pm
Matches are different from games. A match is best-of-three games.

For the next 6 days, you can play with anyone who is either in the appropriate League, or would like to join that League. After 30 days remain in the season, you can only play against the people who are in the appropriate League.

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 07:34:13 pm
OK thank you. One more thing. What is PM I know it stands for post message but what IS it?

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on June 13, 2011, 08:52:57 pm
Please keep your posts relevant to League rules or questions so we can avoid spamming the thread with unnecessary clutter.  Thanks
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on June 13, 2011, 08:56:31 pm
OK thank you. One more thing. What is PM I know it stands for post message but what IS it?

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
A PM is a Private Message or Personal Message.  You can send one by clicking on the My Messages tab and the top of the forums.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Waterknight2012 on June 13, 2011, 08:58:45 pm
OK thank you. One more thing. What is PM I know it stands for post message but what IS it?

EDIT: Removed massive quote chain
A PM is a Private Message or Personal Message.  You can send one by clicking on the My Messages tab and the top of the forums.
Thank you I only needed to know that because i wanted to PM someone about the league. Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: MikeyBoiBlue on June 14, 2011, 09:50:45 am
Wondering if there is a specific place on the forum to post when looking for opponents to duel with in either League?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: PlayerOa on June 14, 2011, 12:35:11 pm
Wondering if there is a specific place on the forum to post when looking for opponents to duel with in either League?
The Chat (http://elementscommunity.org/chat/) will be the most helpful, as there are usually 15+ players on, some of them might play the Leagues.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: noryb330 on June 14, 2011, 07:54:11 pm
Im confused!!!! How do i post a match after its done so i can get in the tourny
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on June 14, 2011, 09:57:06 pm
Im confused!!!! How do i post a match after its done so i can get in the tourny
If you win, you following the posting guidelines in the rules and you simply post the result in the appropriate thread for either the Beginner's League or the Champions League.  If you lose you do not need to post.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: noryb330 on June 14, 2011, 10:19:27 pm
ahh ty
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on August 30, 2011, 04:49:27 am
Beginning in Season 3/2011, the maximum number of matches you can play against another player has been raised to 10.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: fable19 on September 04, 2011, 12:25:38 pm
if my score si more than 20k can i still join the beginners league?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on September 04, 2011, 12:32:04 pm
if my score si more than 20k can i still join the beginners league?
Yes. There are no limitations to who can join Beginners League.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on September 05, 2011, 01:19:13 am

So I was playing TStar in BL and I was using a earth/gravity combo with both a pulvy and gravity shield out. TStar was using mono air and the only monsters he played were the 9/6 dragons and he played 1  ocean eye.... We desycned and at the time of desync I had 57 hp and he was lower. He was doing 0 damage a turn, I would have had a 23 hp oty in 3 turns, he had 10 cards left, and I would have decked him out or killed him with my pulvy. However he claims he would have somehow won after desync because he'd have shockwaved some dragons and someone killed me. However he had no quanta because i had been pulvying his pillars and he wouldn't have been able to make a 1 hit kill with what he had under the best circumstances...... Had basbloods and armors to make the guys not under 5 hp again etc.

Anyway after a lot of arguing he ignored me and won't rematch. What does that mean? does that count as a win/loss or what. I beat the ai without taking damage....

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on September 05, 2011, 01:40:56 am

So I was playing TStar in BL and I was using a earth/gravity combo with both a pulvy and gravity shield out. TStar was using mono air and the only monsters he played were the 9/6 dragons and he played 1  ocean eye.... We desycned and at the time of desync I had 57 hp and he was lower. He was doing 0 damage a turn, I would have had a 23 hp oty in 3 turns, he had 10 cards left, and I would have decked him out or killed him with my pulvy. However he claims he would have somehow won after desync because he'd have shockwaved some dragons and someone killed me. However he had no quanta because i had been pulvying his pillars and he wouldn't have been able to make a 1 hit kill with what he had under the best circumstances...... Had basbloods and armors to make the guys not under 5 hp again etc.

Anyway after a lot of arguing he ignored me and won't rematch. What does that mean? does that count as a win/loss or what. I beat the ai without taking damage....

Standard post-desync procedure if the game has progressed far enough is for both players to play against the AI. If there is a definite winner (i.e. player A wins against the AI playing player B's deck, and player B loses against the AI playing player A's deck), then the game is settled. If there is no definite winner (i.e. both players win against the AI, or both players lose against the AI), then replay with the same decks.

From what I observed in chat history, you and TStar both won against the AI, so it would have at least been a rematch with the same decks. However, you kept trying to argue that you deserved a win and refused to rematch.

[09/04/2011 05:49:34 PM] TStar: on my side I beat you on the 2nd to last turn
[09/04/2011 05:50:09 PM] blarp: i beat you with 50 hp left lol

Since you had insisted that you would have won if there wasn't a desync, then the fairest way to settle it would have been to replay with the same decks.

As the match was not completed, it will not be recorded into the results spreadsheet.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Gandora on September 06, 2011, 05:54:23 pm
Does it matter wheter I play PvP Duel or PvP 2?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: willng3 on September 06, 2011, 05:56:13 pm
Does it matter wheter I play PvP Duel or PvP 2?
It has to be a specific person from the forums, so it must be done using PvP Duel.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on October 07, 2011, 06:14:04 pm
Emergency rules update for Season 3/2011:

Since v1.29 made unupped Shards usable, Shards are now banned for this season of Beginners League. Anyone in BL who plays an unupped Shard during a BL match will automatically forfeit that game. If you do see your BL opponent using an unupped Shard during a BL match, take a screenshot as proof.

EDIT: Fixed the season number
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on October 12, 2011, 09:43:19 pm
Another emergency rules update for Season 3/2011:

For this season only, Championship League players are not allowed to use the new Shards introduced in 1.29 (Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Serendipity, Shard of Patience, Shard of Void).

Anyone in CL who plays one of the new Shards during a CL match will automatically forfeit that game. If you do see your CL opponent using a new Shard during a CL match, take a screenshot as proof.

CL players are still allowed to use the old Shards (Shard of Gratitude, Shard of Divinity, Shard of Readiness).
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Dragon Trainer on October 18, 2011, 01:49:41 am
Can beginner's use upped shards?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: furballdn on October 18, 2011, 01:55:02 am
Can beginner's use upped shards?
Beginner's league aren't allowed to use any upped cards.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on October 18, 2011, 01:03:06 pm
Currently, the use of any Shards in Beginner's League is banned.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Wyrsa on November 21, 2011, 10:38:31 pm
Yay, league. Can't wait to play next season :)
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: ralouf on November 29, 2011, 10:51:24 pm
Just wondering : when will wd get the code for the second season ?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on December 01, 2011, 06:39:56 am
Just wondering : when will wd get the code for the second season ?
As soon as the LOs receive them they will be sent out.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Odii Odsen on December 29, 2011, 01:32:11 am
I was not sure all the time, if I get my code from the second season. I thought I didn't get it. I didn't want to ask, because I thought it is a stupid question. Just when some ppl said that in chat few weeks ago, they waiting for them, I noticed I was right. ;D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on January 04, 2012, 05:56:25 pm
I was not sure all the time, if I get my code from the second season. I thought I didn't get it. I didn't want to ask, because I thought it is a stupid question. Just when some ppl said that in chat few weeks ago, they waiting for them, I noticed I was right. ;D
Yes, codes for Season 2/2011 and Season 3/2011 still have not arrived.  They will be distributed as soon as they do.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on January 07, 2012, 12:53:57 am
Rules updates for Season 1/2012:
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Chapuz on January 07, 2012, 03:59:51 pm
Sorry if I didn't find it. If I have more than 20k score and wanna participate in BL, can I make a new game account (with a different name) and ask the players to challenge that game acc?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on January 07, 2012, 04:08:24 pm
Sorry if I didn't find it. If I have more than 20k score and wanna participate in BL, can I make a new game account (with a different name) and ask the players to challenge that game acc?
Anyone can join the Beginners League.

Even if you have more than 20k score, you can still be in BL.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Chapuz on January 07, 2012, 04:16:52 pm
Sorry if I didn't find it. If I have more than 20k score and wanna participate in BL, can I make a new game account (with a different name) and ask the players to challenge that game acc?
Anyone can join the Beginners League.

Even if you have more than 20k score, you can still be in BL.
Oh thanks. And when I post the results, how do I notify it's BL and not CL?
NVM, found it =D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: plastiqe on January 07, 2012, 04:20:22 pm
Rules updates for Season 1/2012:
  • All unupped Shards are allowed in Beginners League
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jocko on January 08, 2012, 07:10:09 pm
Have you thought of adding the 30-post rule to BL too?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: xdude on January 08, 2012, 07:16:38 pm
Have you thought of adding the 30-post rule to BL too?
I second this. Whatever it takes to remove certain types of people from the league is good.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on January 11, 2012, 02:51:45 am
Have you thought of adding the 30-post rule to BL too?
I second this. Whatever it takes to remove certain types of people from the league is good.
The main reason is that bl's existence has two reasons (imo) :

A) test unupped metagame.
B) be a starting stone for new players to improve and become members of community, both from acquiring pvp skills and chatting with opponents

I haven't been aware of major amounts of cheating in bls (i can only think of last seasons' multiple accounts), so the grounds for the 30 post rules applied to tournaments vanish.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Chapuz on January 11, 2012, 02:09:42 pm
Have you thought of adding the 30-post rule to BL too?
I second this. Whatever it takes to remove certain types of people from the league is good.
The main reason is that bl's existence has two reasons (imo) :

A) test unupped metagame.
B) be a starting stone for new players to improve and become members of community, both from acquiring pvp skills and chatting with opponents

I haven't been aware of major amounts of cheating in bls (i can only think of last seasons' multiple accounts), so the grounds for the 30 post rules applied to tournaments vanish.
Really? There were people with multiple forum accounts just to post in the league? O_O
An excelent reason to make it for 30+ posts, if not some more.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on January 11, 2012, 02:25:32 pm
Have you thought of adding the 30-post rule to BL too?
I second this. Whatever it takes to remove certain types of people from the league is good.
The main reason is that bl's existence has two reasons (imo) :

A) test unupped metagame.
B) be a starting stone for new players to improve and become members of community, both from acquiring pvp skills and chatting with opponents

I haven't been aware of major amounts of cheating in bls (i can only think of last seasons' multiple accounts), so the grounds for the 30 post rules applied to tournaments vanish.
Really? There were people with multiple forum accounts just to post in the league? O_O
An excelent reason to make it for 30+ posts, if not some more.
That happenned twice (iirc) last season. And, have you read rest of argument?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: PlayerOa on January 11, 2012, 02:59:37 pm
I second Jenkar.

Two of BL's many purposes is to experience the unupped metagame and to find new PvP players.
A 30-post rule would not be smart imo.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Chapuz on January 11, 2012, 03:58:39 pm
@Jenkar: Yes, I have.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on January 12, 2012, 02:03:24 pm
To anyone complaining about 30 matches rule : i'm at 30 matches, and it's 5 days in leagues. There's really NO reason not to meet that limit.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: bc247 on January 13, 2012, 01:58:21 am
I'd appreciate it if someone could help with two questions:
1) Am I correct that there is no minimum number of forum posts requirements for league play as there is for tournament play?
2) What is the best way to start a game against someone else in the league? Do you ask in the forum chat and then PvP duel?
Thanks for the guidance!
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Xenocidius on January 13, 2012, 02:03:26 am
I'd appreciate it if someone could help with two questions:
1) Am I correct that there is no minimum number of forum posts requirements for league play as there is for tournament play?
2) What is the best way to start a game against someone else in the league? Do you ask in the forum chat and then PvP duel?
Thanks for the guidance!
1) You are correct.
2) Go into the chatroom and publicly ask if anyone would like to play. A simple "BL, anyone?" or "CL, anyone?" should suffice.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on January 13, 2012, 02:19:25 am
I'd appreciate it if someone could help with two questions:
1) Am I correct that there is no minimum number of forum posts requirements for league play as there is for tournament play?
2) What is the best way to start a game against someone else in the league? Do you ask in the forum chat and then PvP duel?
Thanks for the guidance!
Yus and yus.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: bc247 on January 13, 2012, 02:22:44 am
I'd appreciate it if someone could help with two questions:
1) Am I correct that there is no minimum number of forum posts requirements for league play as there is for tournament play?
2) What is the best way to start a game against someone else in the league? Do you ask in the forum chat and then PvP duel?
Thanks for the guidance!
1) You are correct.
2) Go into the chatroom and publicly ask if anyone would like to play. A simple "BL, anyone?" or "CL, anyone?" should suffice.
Thanks! That's two questions you've answered for me back to back....I appreciate it!
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: regen2k9 on January 25, 2012, 06:25:09 am
For the Elo rating system, are total number of games added to one's rating at the end of the league?  Or is that already taken into account in the rating formula?  Or does the number of games have no bearing whatsoever?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on January 25, 2012, 09:58:19 am
For the Elo rating system, are total number of games added to one's rating at the end of the league?  Or is that already taken into account in the rating formula?  Or does the number of games have no bearing whatsoever?
Last one. (mind you, it indirectly matters (winning 50 games is better than winning only one in all cases)
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: regen2k9 on January 25, 2012, 07:44:56 pm
For the Elo rating system, are total number of games added to one's rating at the end of the league?  Or is that already taken into account in the rating formula?  Or does the number of games have no bearing whatsoever?
Last one. (mind you, it indirectly matters (winning 50 games is better than winning only one in all cases)
Cool, thanks Jenkar!
Title: Re: Championship League 1/2012
Post by: bogtro on April 14, 2012, 02:04:13 am
As v1.30 has arrived, there will be a ban on the following cards for the remaining duration of Season 1/2012 of Leagues, so as not to create an unfair disadvantage for players who do not yet own these cards:

Shard of Wisdom
Shard of Freedom
Shard of Integrity
Shard of Bravery
Shard of Focus
I assume that also applies to Seraph?
Title: Re: Championship League 1/2012
Post by: pikachufan2164 on April 14, 2012, 02:23:53 am
I assume that also applies to Seraph?
Zanz has already stated that Seraph is common, so it's going to be available to all players immediately after it hits the Bazaar. Therefore, not banned.

[2012-04-09 05:03:07] Sevs: is seraph rare?
[2012-04-09 05:04:17] zanzarino: Not rare, but the new cards are not available yet
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: LD_Raine on April 20, 2012, 12:17:33 am
Slightly confused, how long do the leagues last?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: ralouf on April 20, 2012, 12:19:26 am
Supposed to last 3 months but this one got a little extension due to forum change
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: MystiK_ on April 22, 2012, 01:07:50 am
How often does the BL occur?
Every 4 months?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Cheesy111 on April 22, 2012, 01:11:27 am
How often does the BL occur?
Every 4 months?
BL goes for about 3 months at a time, and there's about a 2 week 'rest'-ish period at the end of a BL before the next one starts.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: MystiK_ on April 22, 2012, 01:35:42 am
How often does the BL occur?
Every 4 months?
BL goes for about 3 months at a time, and there's about a 2 week 'rest'-ish period at the end of a BL before the next one starts.
Ah okay. Thanks  :D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: stevy4 on May 15, 2012, 05:16:05 pm
if you are in Beginners League you can use shards?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on May 15, 2012, 05:17:28 pm
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: stevy4 on May 15, 2012, 05:19:44 pm
where i have to sign up? and it has started? or when is starts?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on May 15, 2012, 08:42:32 pm
where i have to sign up? and it has started? or when is starts?
Please read the rules more carefully; everything you need to know is in the first post, or the links in there.

There is no need to sign up; just start playing matches. Start date and end date are on the announcements thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Newbiecake on May 16, 2012, 05:34:22 pm
Why did the Championship League prizes get nerfed and are now identical to Beginner League's prizes?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on May 16, 2012, 05:40:38 pm
Why did the Championship League prizes get nerfed and are now identical to Beginner League's prizes?

Because there is a large consensus that there is no skill difference between CL & BL, and that therefore there is no reason for the prizes difference. This is an opinion that player who have played both league stated, such as RootRanger and Jen-I.

See http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7503.msg478145.html#msg478145 or ask Root about it.

If you have comments about this change you wish to make please state them in the S&F thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on May 22, 2012, 04:43:39 am
Please lower the amount of time back down to 2 months! 3 months is a long time when there're only 8 people playing in CL
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on May 22, 2012, 04:56:26 am
Please lower the amount of time back down to 2 months! 3 months is a long time when there're only 8 people playing in CL
I assure you that in a month, you'll be regretting that you ever said such a thing.

On a more serious note, Leagues are 3 months long because it's meant to be an event that always runs "on the side" of other events (War, Trials, etc.), so the amount of activity and devoted time required for Leagues are lower, but more sustained.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: TStar on May 22, 2012, 05:37:02 am
When can I expect to get my reward codes from the last two BL seasons I won?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on May 22, 2012, 07:33:11 am
When can I expect to get my reward codes from the last two BL seasons I won?
According to the archive, the codes were sent to you. Just to be sure, i sent them again.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: 2481jr on June 03, 2012, 08:47:23 pm
i have a few questions about the league?
a) where do u post the matches?
b) who do u play to gain points?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on June 03, 2012, 09:00:26 pm
i have a few questions about the league?
a) where do u post the matches?
b) who do u play to gain points?
In this board, there are two topics, one titled ''Beginner's League'', The other ''Championship League''. You post in the relevant one.
whomever you want who is/wants to be in leagues.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: 2481jr on June 03, 2012, 09:08:13 pm
ok thank you for the timely answer. so i just would post the match results on the BL forum page?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on June 03, 2012, 09:11:53 pm
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: KAL on June 21, 2012, 02:32:00 am
Meh.   Why are shards allowed in basic league play but not upgraded cards.

there are rare shard cards that are auto "you win the game"  and cheap to play.     20x better than any upgraded card and rarer. 

Yet these are allowed but upgraded cards are not.   Going to make for some unbalanced games.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Cheesy111 on June 21, 2012, 03:55:40 am
Meh.   Why are shards allowed in basic league play but not upgraded cards.

there are rare shard cards that are auto "you win the game"  and cheap to play.     20x better than any upgraded card and rarer. 

Yet these are allowed but upgraded cards are not.   Going to make for some unbalanced games.
CL allows upgraded cards.  That and a 20k score requirement are its only differences from BL.  If you want to play with upgrades, the idea is that you play in CL.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on July 22, 2012, 08:20:40 am
Due to inconsistencies in interacting with Purify, (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,38730.0.html) Reflective Shield, Mirror Shield, Emerald Shield, and Jade Shield are banned until the proper bug fixes are made.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Onizuka on July 22, 2012, 09:11:38 am
Woo Shard Golems
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 01:57:24 am
Woo Shard Golems
And SoW. And UG. And Psions. And bolt decks :D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on September 21, 2012, 10:50:14 am
Rules updated. We are going back to Elo, peeps. Also in this season :
-Based on feedback, 24h rule was changed to 20h rule. This allows a bit more flexibility for players wanting to play each other regularly. Do note it's a strict 20hs, which means that 19:59:59 between two matches won't be accepted.
-Based on feedback, banning cards possibility has been added. Yesonithatisyouridea

If you have any comments on the new rules, please post it in Suggestions and Feedback (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7503.0.html)
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: dragonsdemesne on September 24, 2012, 12:40:10 pm
What happens if you play shard of serendipity and get a reflective/emerald shield?  Wouldn't it be easier to ban shard of sacrifice so that there is no reason to purify the opponent?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: drolly on September 24, 2012, 05:45:06 pm
Wouldn't it be easier to ban shard of sacrifice so that there is no reason to purify the opponent?
No, because the bug also occurs when you have a spell-reflecting shield up and try to purify yourself (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43445.msg541901.html#msg541901). You'll see Purify hit yourself, your opponent will see Purify hitting them.

By the way, another solution to solve this would be to forbid casting Purify against Emerald and Reflective Shield without actually banning any cards.

Also, yay for the possibility of banning cards. Maybe I'll join League again this season. Too bad both (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43660.0.html) leagues (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43661.0.html) have ended before they even began :P
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on September 24, 2012, 05:53:01 pm
Not an effective solution, as the screens would be insufficient proof.
And :v
Title: stuff
Post by: iancudorinmarian on November 25, 2012, 03:17:08 pm
I have a question, if a player doesn't complete 30 matches until the end of the month, they will drop to last place, right?

For example, a player is on place 10, the players with the ranks 6, 7, 8 and 9 didn't complete the 30 matches, the the 10th player will go to 6th place?

If this shouldn't be posted here, I'm sorry, answer please.
Title: Re: stuff
Post by: Vangelios on November 25, 2012, 03:29:38 pm
I have a question, if a player doesn't complete 30 matches until the end of the month, they will drop to last place, right?

For example, a player is on place 10, the players with the ranks 6, 7, 8 and 9 didn't complete the 30 matches, the the 10th player will go to 6th place?

If this shouldn't be posted here, I'm sorry, answer please.

Correct, but that rule only applies to the 6 first,
Title: Re: stuff
Post by: iancudorinmarian on November 25, 2012, 03:32:23 pm
I have a question, if a player doesn't complete 30 matches until the end of the month, they will drop to last place, right?

For example, a player is on place 10, the players with the ranks 6, 7, 8 and 9 didn't complete the 30 matches, the the 10th player will go to 6th place?

If this shouldn't be posted here, I'm sorry, answer please.

Correct, but that rule only applies to the 6 first,
Oh, now I get it, it doesn't really matter about the others, since they get no prize (with rank>6)
Thank you for answering.
Title: Re: stuff
Post by: Jenkar on November 25, 2012, 03:44:30 pm
Actually, it matters. if players 6 to 49 haven't completed 30 games, then 50th gets the prize for 6th.
So yeah. being under 30 matches makes you "inexistent" considering prizes.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: pikachufan2164 on January 20, 2013, 02:10:05 pm
What's New in League Season 1/2013

Full League rules are available here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7361.0.html).

Have feedback for these changes before they go live at the start of the season? League Suggestions and Feedback (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7503.0.html) is the place to voice them.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Ningo67 on February 17, 2013, 03:13:33 pm
Ok i have a question.
Lets say that i won against someone called bob.So when i win i post ningo67:1
And if i win again i post me:2 and bob:0.

Is that correct cus im not really sure.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on February 17, 2013, 03:18:45 pm
How it works : when you play a match with someone, let's say bob, the objective is to be the first to reach two <games> won. Once that happens, the winner posts the result, game wise. So, in your example :
Ningo67 : 2
bob : 0

if bob won no game. If he won one, then it'd be a 1 instead of a 0.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Ningo67 on February 17, 2013, 06:28:56 pm
If i understand corectly u just go to elements forum and ask does anyone want to fight because for league and then u go to pvp duel play minimum of 2 games and maximum of 3 games and the winner posts results right?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: moehrpi on February 17, 2013, 06:40:12 pm
The easiest way is to find an opponent is to join the chat (http://elementscommunity.org/chat/). It's relatively easy and the community will help you out should questions arise.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: colasus on March 26, 2013, 01:34:14 pm
I don't see where and when I can sign up. Link anyone?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Fippe94 on March 26, 2013, 02:07:44 pm
Unfortunately it is too late to sign up now. There is less than a month left of the league, which makes it too late for new participants to join. If you're gonna jion the next league however, to sign up, all you have to do is to duel someone else in the league and then, if you win, post your result in the correct league thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: kimham8a on March 27, 2013, 10:04:20 pm
I got this screen:


What is decided for the outcome of the game if my opponent wins?
And what if my AI wins?

I'm also considering whether the match quitting so early might be a factor in deciding...
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on March 27, 2013, 10:50:14 pm

What is decided for the outcome of the game if my opponent wins?
And what if my AI wins?

I'm also considering whether the match quitting so early might be a factor in deciding...

Personally, I'd replay that match because it's so early most likely (but you'd both have to agree on that), however, it is normal to play through the game and then if you and your opponent reach the same result (with screenies) award that player a win. If you and your opponent reach different results (with screenies) then you'd replay the match and ignore this result. (using the same decks)
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Vangelios on March 27, 2013, 11:08:42 pm
 I also would like to know when BL will be updated, the CL has been updated 2 times, and left the BL out, if the CL also uses google docs,  then can now BL also be updating.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on March 28, 2013, 12:10:03 am
I also would like to know when BL will be updated, the CL has been updated 2 times, and left the BL out, if the CL also uses google docs,  then can now BL also be updating.

Blame Daniella for playing so many games :D
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: kimham8a on March 28, 2013, 12:18:25 am

What is decided for the outcome of the game if my opponent wins?
And what if my AI wins?

I'm also considering whether the match quitting so early might be a factor in deciding...

Personally, I'd replay that match because it's so early most likely (but you'd both have to agree on that), however, it is normal to play through the game and then if you and your opponent reach the same result (with screenies) award that player a win. If you and your opponent reach different results (with screenies) then you'd replay the match and ignore this result. (using the same decks)
I can't play through the game. It forced me to lose immediately.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on March 28, 2013, 12:55:49 am

What is decided for the outcome of the game if my opponent wins?
And what if my AI wins?

I'm also considering whether the match quitting so early might be a factor in deciding...

Personally, I'd replay that match because it's so early most likely (but you'd both have to agree on that), however, it is normal to play through the game and then if you and your opponent reach the same result (with screenies) award that player a win. If you and your opponent reach different results (with screenies) then you'd replay the match and ignore this result. (using the same decks)
I can't play through the game. It forced me to lose immediately.

Ah I didn't notice that. Technically I think you lose. Although maybe you could work something out with your opponent.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: RootRanger on March 28, 2013, 01:52:44 am
Yeah, we're replaying it. I do not have a screenshot of a win against the AI, so I have no grounds for claiming a win. Kim has no grounds for claiming a win because he disconnected from the server and could not play the match out to win.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on March 28, 2013, 03:29:41 am
Yeah, we're replaying it. I do not have a screenshot of a win against the AI, so I have no grounds for claiming a win. Kim has no grounds for claiming a win because he disconnected from the server and could not play the match out to win.

That's very nice of you. Technically you have enough proof to claim a win if you really wanted to. At least if the issue was on kim's side and not server side.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: DANIEELA on March 28, 2013, 03:27:33 pm
I also would like to know when BL will be updated, the CL has been updated 2 times, and left the BL out, if the CL also uses google docs,  then can now BL also be updating.

Blame Daniella for playing so many games :D
I think that there is no restriction on maximum matches played.
And if somebody has problem with numbers of my matches,please contact TO,and dont post it.Thank you.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: dragonsdemesne on March 28, 2013, 05:05:01 pm
As long as you don't play any one person more than 10 times, there's no upper limit to the total number of games.  So, in theory, the maximum number of games is the number of players in your league minus yourself, and then multiplied by 10.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: DANIEELA on March 28, 2013, 06:41:24 pm
As long as you don't play any one person more than 10 times, there's no upper limit to the total number of games.  So, in theory, the maximum number of games is the number of players in your league minus yourself, and then multiplied by 10.
REALLY?Thanks for illuminating me!

But,you need to tell that to the others that complains.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Vangelios on March 28, 2013, 07:24:28 pm
As long as you don't play any one person more than 10 times, there's no upper limit to the total number of games.  So, in theory, the maximum number of games is the number of players in your league minus yourself, and then multiplied by 10.
REALLY?Thanks for illuminating me!

But,you need to tell that to the others that complains.
I think Blarp made ​​a joke, players who play many matches are always welcome.
The delay in updating the BL, is fault of LO
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: blarp on March 28, 2013, 10:02:22 pm
But,you need to tell that to the others that complains.

Yeah I was just joking DANIEELA :) No need to get offended! The amount of games you play has 0 impact on me whatsoever.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on March 29, 2013, 03:03:10 pm
As long as you don't play any one person more than 10 times, there's no upper limit to the total number of games.  So, in theory, the maximum number of games is the number of players in your league minus yourself, and then multiplied by 10.
REALLY?Thanks for illuminating me!

But,you need to tell that to the others that complains.
I think Blarp made ​​a joke, players who play many matches are always welcome.
The delay in updating the BL, is fault of LO

Not really, more in gdocs.
Anyways, the sheet is fixed. Expect an update probably by this evening, at the latest tommorow morning.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on June 11, 2013, 08:15:04 am
>>>  Season 1/2013 League Announcements  <<< (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,46134.0.html)
Still? :o
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Cheesy111 on June 11, 2013, 05:37:50 pm
>>>  Season 1/2013 League Announcements  <<< (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,46134.0.html)
Still? :o
*waves hand* You have seen nothing.

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Jenkar on August 13, 2013, 04:41:57 pm

I would like a clarification on two points.
First, there has been many cases of playing with special rules, such as Monos only. Are those endorsed (ie is a player forced by league rules to keep to these rules?) This raises the question of werether conditionnal bans are endorsed (for example, in the case of monos, can you say that the "bans" are "If you play a card of an element, you can only play cards of that element").

The second question would be : are games that are more than bo3, as "special rules", endorsed the same way? :>

This may seem as nitpicky, to which i apologise in advance. I just want to have the most comprehensive knowledge of rules possible.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: justaburd on August 19, 2013, 03:55:36 am
We have discussed the questions above and decided that while it's okay to have special conditional rules like "only monos" as LOs, we are not about to enforce these special rules. We are only enforcing card bans. That said, I WOULD like some community input regarding this.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: dragonsdemesne on August 19, 2013, 04:08:58 am
I've played matches with peculiar rules in the past with other players, where we've voluntarily set up some sort of conditions on the match, like you can only use -exactly- six of any card you put in your deck, or you can only use even cost cards, or whatever.  (though not as often this season as in past ones)  I'm not sure what the official rules are for this, for example if one person violates the agreed upon rules.  What I do insist upon, whenever playing such rules with other players, is that the rules are very clearly defined.  If a player were to ask for 'no stalls' or 'no rushes', for example, I would refuse, but if they were to ask for a ban on decks larger than 40 cards, or specific cards, (no shards and/or no nymphs are two very common ones people ask for) I'd consider that (most likely agree to it) because it is clearly defined.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: DANIEELA on August 19, 2013, 08:27:38 am
clearly defined bans i support too.
for example...:banned ,,the deck,,...may be deck of 60,or 59 cards ,but works with 55 cards too.
so allowing max. number of cards seems more logical to me.
also ,,stalls,, and ,,rushes,, has wide variety of decks.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Cheesy111 on August 19, 2013, 11:21:25 am
To expand on what burd said, here are the three categories of special rules. And by categories I mean I just made them up to explain how things worked more easily.

Please remember to be specific if you're banning cards in CL as to whether you're banning the unupgraded form, the upgraded form or both.  It's very possible for there to be misunderstandings, especially with cards that change names or effects once upgraded. 

If you have any further questions or requests for clarification, please PM me or burd or post in this thread. 
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: w4sh1ng7on on November 07, 2013, 02:48:37 am
What happened to that rule?

- Players can only join the league prior to the last 30 days of the season. Entrants after que will not be allowed.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Vangelios on November 07, 2013, 09:55:34 am
Normal "Players can only JOIN the league" for those who are already in the league can play to the end
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: dawn to dusk on January 23, 2014, 09:55:11 pm
These will need to be updated for the new ruleset of joining both leagues at once

Also, for clarification, 'shards are banned by default' does that mean we can unban them if we wish?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Calambar on January 23, 2014, 10:16:19 pm
These will need to be updated for the new ruleset of joining both leagues at once

Also, for clarification, 'shards are banned by default' does that mean we can unban them if we wish?

"Shards will be allowed only if both players agree to play with shards."
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: benoit on February 23, 2015, 04:07:37 am
I need some clarification about desynch. vs disconnects.
From what I understood, desynch. errors cause strange things to happen and it's therefore no use to finish vs AI. I don't think I never experienced this. Disconnects are frequent and I think many people (and the league rules) call them "desynchs".
Tournements rules make the distinction but not here.
Do we get the same in-game error message in a desynch and a disconnect?
Please advise. Thanks.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: theelkspeaks on March 03, 2015, 06:33:24 am
If a player has joined one league but not the other, they may still join the other within the final month.

This ruling was made by joint decision of the LOs based on a consistent interpretation of the original intentions of the final month rule.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Ginyu on March 03, 2015, 04:56:56 pm
I need some clarification about desynch. vs disconnects.
From what I understood, desynch. errors cause strange things to happen and it's therefore no use to finish vs AI. I don't think I never experienced this. Disconnects are frequent and I think many people (and the league rules) call them "desynchs".
Tournements rules make the distinction but not here.
Do we get the same in-game error message in a desynch and a disconnect?
Please advise. Thanks.
I am no League Organizer, but I guess a non-LO-answer is better than no answer.

What you said about DC's and Desynch's is right. When Desyncs happen, you usually replay that game (thus, same decks etc.) - so the same procedure as in a tourney-game. If you're a sportsman and you know you couldn't have one this game before the desync, you can also give your opponent the win.
Not sure if this is how we should actually do, but I always did this with my partner in leagues when desynchs happened (what doesn't happen often at all).

Quote from: League Rules
"In case of a desynchronization error, both players shall play the AI, unless both agree not to."
And yes, league rules are false when they use desynch to describe a disconnect. You will never play when a desynch happens, for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: theelkspeaks on March 03, 2015, 05:19:06 pm
Many players use the term desync to refer to the disconnect issue.

If you receive the "strange things happened !" popup at the top of your screen, screenshot the strange things and you may claim a replay of the game even if you lose on your end.  If both players agree that the match was clearly decided before the desync, of course, the players may grant the game to one player or the other by mutual agreement.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on March 20, 2015, 10:36:28 am
Question. If one of the top 3 in BL happens to do better than that in CL, will the person who finishes 4th in BL win the 3rd place trophy?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Sera on March 20, 2015, 11:38:27 am
Question. If one of the top 3 in BL happens to do better than that in CL, will the person who finishes 4th in BL win the 3rd place trophy?
CL takes precedence. It's in this post http://elementscommunity.org/forum/league-archive/upcoming-league-patch-notes/

With that said, I think the extra notes should be edited in to this main rule page. It's confusing, numbers don't coincide, and I found out just now that I still have to complete 10 CL matches despite playing 30 on BL to avoid a ban. Not that I don't plan to complete that, but still, I think these should be clarified.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: theelkspeaks on March 20, 2015, 07:30:59 pm
Question. If one of the top 3 in BL happens to do better than that in CL, will the person who finishes 4th in BL win the 3rd place trophy?
CL takes precedence. It's in this post http://elementscommunity.org/forum/league-archive/upcoming-league-patch-notes/

With that said, I think the extra notes should be edited in to this main rule page. It's confusing, numbers don't coincide, and I found out just now that I still have to complete 10 CL matches despite playing 30 on BL to avoid a ban. Not that I don't plan to complete that, but still, I think these should be clarified.

That's an old rule that has been changed.  Players playing in both leagues must now complete a total of 30 matches (regardless of distriubtion among the two leagues) to avoid a ban, and 40 total to win a prize (with at least 25 in the league they are receiving the prize in.)  This is the first season the "10 in each" rule has not been in effect.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on March 29, 2015, 02:28:55 pm
I am going to be semi-available for CL games until the deadline, a) to help people who need to complete games, b) to get a taste for the Meta before joining for real next year.

It is my understanding that I will not be banned from either league because I have so many games completed in BL.

If it is judged that this is a disingenuous interpretation of the rules, then I am happy for the games I play in CL to be stricken from the record. As far as I can tell this is all legal.

If a player has joined one league but not the other, they may still join the other within the final month.

This ruling was made by joint decision of the LOs based on a consistent interpretation of the original intentions of the final month rule.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Ginyu on March 31, 2015, 12:10:36 am
I want to bring up the ban rule one more time because now it's getting serious.

All of you know how underused CL was this season. Sometimes there was a whole week without a single match. In the end, only three participants were able to finish with exactly 25 matches to gain prizes.

With this being said, please overthink the ban rule, and start with this season. It won't get any better otherwise and it is not really fair for guys who can't play some weeks due to RL issues. A small line like 5 matches is still okay, but 20/30... seriously.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Vangelios on March 31, 2015, 12:55:40 am
Well I'm favor CL prizes with 20 matches

Now another thing about shards, why we can't do one season with shards and the next without, why not take turns?
About bans, why not each player can play bans by default? more o less like trial each player can ban 2 cards to duel?

these things are interesting a lot.

@Ginyu Well I challenge a lot of times players to play CL but few accepts play with me, and you could challenge me many more than just one time because the CL I played just for fun.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: rockstar1723 on July 03, 2015, 06:41:11 am
Am I to late to start playing? If so when does the next season start?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Ginyu on July 03, 2015, 07:25:18 am
Unfortunately, the time for joining leagues ended two days ago.
I can't say for sure when the next season is going to start, but according to the schedule it should be 1st of September.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: rockstar1723 on July 03, 2015, 02:44:13 pm
Ohh man just missed it! Thanks and good luck to everyone!
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: dawn to dusk on February 02, 2016, 10:17:12 am
Why are there 2 rules, one saying "No cards are banned by default" and another saying "Shards are automatically banned"?

Note that this is on the BL thread itself, not in this thread.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: worldwideweb3 on February 02, 2016, 07:25:45 pm
Why are there 2 rules, one saying "No cards are banned by default" and another saying "Shards are automatically banned"?

Note that this is on the BL thread itself, not in this thread.

The rule first in the list takes precedence. So, shards are banned. Cards apart from that are not banned (Apart from upped cards). Also, note that the rules on that thread are only a summary, make sure all the rules here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/pvp-league/elements-pvp-league-rules/) are read.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Zawadx on May 08, 2016, 03:43:46 am
The deckbuilding rules pretty much invalidate all rule modifications the players make to have a more interesting match. Perhaps change "You can make any changes you want as long as the above rules still apply. "

Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: Aves on May 08, 2016, 03:45:11 am
Yep. We had an interesting topic come up in chat today, and one of the biggest realizations was that rules 2 and 3 in BL and CL basically invalidate all matches with mark and deck size restrictions, including potluck.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 13, 2016, 06:00:13 pm
Zaw, Ave, thanks for bringing it up. Sorted.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: kaempfer13 on September 09, 2018, 07:45:46 pm
Added disconnects to rules. It is the one where both players take winscreenshots like you are probably used to.

Now a question is, for desync the rules for tournaments and league do not match. Here you are supposed to continue same as with disconnect even if the boardstate goes completely haywire (Like creatures spawning out of nowhere, stuff geting protected with no earthquanta in the deck etc). With league time constraints for rulings arent as important, so its possible to evaluate turn by turn screenshots after desync, making it possible to make a case by case analysis for desynced games. That however is definitely more complicated for everyone than the typical alternatives of winscreen (current rule for leagues) or replay (for tournaments).

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: worldwideweb3 on September 09, 2018, 11:41:54 pm
Added disconnects to rules. It is the one where both players take winscreenshots like you are probably used to.

Now a question is, for desync the rules for tournaments and league do not match. Here you are supposed to continue same as with disconnect even if the boardstate goes completely haywire (Like creatures spawning out of nowhere, stuff geting protected with no earthquanta in the deck etc). With league time constraints for rulings arent as important, so its possible to evaluate turn by turn screenshots after desync, making it possible to make a case by case analysis for desynced games. That however is definitely more complicated for everyone than the typical alternatives of winscreen (current rule for leagues) or replay (for tournaments).

What do you guys think?

sometimes desync symbol appears but nothing weird happens, in those cases play as a disconnect. If weird stuff happens, take a screenie of weird stuff, and if opponent agrees to replay, good stuff. If opponent wants to appeal regardless because they wouldn't lose (or they think), then they can appeal. Though in those cases, it's better if the opponent has a screenshot of the turn where desync happened, and a turn by turn screenshot afterwards too.
Title: Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
Post by: rob77dp on September 10, 2018, 04:48:16 am
TL;DR- I think the current league rules are fine. I have limited comment about tournament rules because I rarely am available at tournament times to participate.

I think that the rules being different is fine. Consider the differences between league duels and matches and those in a tournament. In a tournament, your winning or losing the whole thing could be defined by one d/c or desync game result. The stakes per-duel are HUGE in a tournament compared to a league season where players wanting to win should be around 2.5 duels per match with 15 matches required (many play more) --> 40+ games/duels in typical league seasons.

I do not know what sort of issues are being reported or going on behind the League scenes, but as for my matches I would _never_ get so heated about a league duel to take it to turn-by-turn arbitration to decide an outcome. If the opponent didn't want to grant a win where I feel I have a legit case on it, we replay (per rules) and if I win I win if I lose I lose. And future instances of that opponent wanting any benefit of doubt would be gone.

I make sure to note and post about fair play instances with players for this very reason (in cases where I win the match and get to post, of course). Some matches have no instances of anything going on (no d/c's, no desyncs, no win-win or loss-loss scenarios) so no comment but any time I experience an opponent being fair and reasonable as it relates to d/c game outcomes and the like I post about it to encourage further behavior like that as well as begin to build a trail for that opponent of how they play fair should a future opponent decide fairplay begets fairplay returned. I have yet to encounter any unfair treatment or cases where opponent is being extraordinarily demanding or refuting in League 2/2018. Suffice to say I would have no qualms posting about it should it be a match I win - with great consideration given to posting about it in an S&F thread should I not win the match.

^-- my thoughts on it, kaempfer
Added disconnects to rules. It is the one where both players take winscreenshots like you are probably used to.

Now a question is, for desync the rules for tournaments and league do not match. Here you are supposed to continue same as with disconnect even if the boardstate goes completely haywire (Like creatures spawning out of nowhere, stuff geting protected with no earthquanta in the deck etc). With league time constraints for rulings arent as important, so its possible to evaluate turn by turn screenshots after desync, making it possible to make a case by case analysis for desynced games. That however is definitely more complicated for everyone than the typical alternatives of winscreen (current rule for leagues) or replay (for tournaments).

What do you guys think?
blarg: pikachufan2164,Jenkar,thenewguy,Memorystick