Septima Rhay's looking to run an event on oetg if anyone's interested,
Hello! Sign-ups are now open for the Open EtG event - Affinity: you are new to oEtG, there's a walk-through guide for original elements players who are exploring open elements: If you're more of an intuitive person (like myself), you prefer to make a new account and dive in. You might find it challenging to intuit how the new interface works, what new cards do, etc, for the first week or so. It was a challenge for me in the first few weeks of exploring oEtG, but also exciting to test out new cards, new AIs, new concepts.
Learning to play oEtG is perhaps like learning a new language. At first, some aspects seem foreign and difficult to grasp (new user interface, many new cards, etc.). As you practice and immerse yourself in the new language you gain proficiency. Not enough practice and your skills will decline. Practice long enough and you'll become fluent.
I played original etg on and off for years. I stuck to PVE and random PVP 1/2. I also tried oEtG at one point with the lure of new cards but quickly lost steam. Mostly, I remember being confused about oEtG and why would I invest energy into this when I can play original just fine despite dead development. I didn't really give oEtG a chance, and frankly, I didn't have to back then. The impending flashpocalypse had me start looking at oEtG again.
This time around (started in September 2019) I persevered through the earlier stages of learning oEtG. Once I got on a roll against the AI, the joy of new sensations came rushing in like it did early on with original. It took me only a week or two to collect most of the basic cards and to try some of the fancier decks designed by the open pioneers. I could now converse in oEtG language fluidly enough. As the months have gone by, I've become more confident in this new setting. I've only been at oEtG this time around for about nine months. I'm still scratching the surface.
This time around, I've really enjoyed exploring oEtG. There's new stuff here, like milling out your opponent, and they aren't just meme decks; they're competitive. Some things make more sense now, like being able to apply cards to both self and opponent (why not thunderstorm yourself if you wish?). I remember a pure feeling of joy carrying Mono light with confidence against Mono fire in PVP -- perhaps even feeling dangerous as if
I had the
edge. I don't remember feeling that way in original. Every element, quad element, and chroma option beg to be explored. They're all screaming "TRY ME OUT DAMMIT! Haven't you had enough easing your way in with the original cards and concepts?". And you're thinking "DAMMIT, fine...what am I supposed to do with PSYCHE METAL?". Then you see the AI own you with some ingenious use of the card.
Of course, the game is not perfect, but I find myself in a place pining less for original's continued development and hoping that more people catch on to open. Also am hoping that the interface and user experience might improve over time so new players transition easier. Despite some challenges, there's some glowing positives. Active development. Hundreds of additional cards and decks to explore. I've already played 12,000 games (in 9 months without feeling like I'm out of control) and there are cards, combinations, deck concepts that I've barely touched yet. I've played so many games because games go by
so. much. faster. No disconnects/desyncs. Access to rare cards fast. No waiting years to roll that 3rd Blue Nymph in Oracle. You can act kindly and trade cards/coins to players. There are some nice upsides to consider if you're only thinking about frustrations. If you've played open for more than a few weeks and are still frustrated, let's talk. At the least, I'd be curious why my experience improved and yours didn't.
Here's my pitch in a nutshell: If original excited you at one point in time, open EtG has the same potential to impact you that way, too; it might take you a bit longer to feel that potential than it did with original. If anyone is on the fence about joining the event because of lack of cards or feeling like they are behind on knowledge, I'm willing (and I'm sure others are as well) to help tutor you and ensure you get a good set of cards. Decks that were strong in original perform well in open. Your knowledge from original transfers well to open.
Stay open and explore oEtg!
Septima Rhay