Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => War Archive => War => Events and Competitions => Propaganda Archive => Topic started by: Wyand on December 31, 2019, 11:02:45 pm
Happy Entropic New Year!
Welcome to :entropybig Team Entropy :entropybig Zso_Zso!
i remember a time where zso zso was a great warrior of light , an old light master.
Happy to be with you.
Ps : i dont remember how to play... ahaha
Welcome to :entropybig Team Entropy :entropybig rogerluc!
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Looks like I need to change my avatar and put Discord into the hand of Gandalf ;D
I'm back from the hot & sunny Australia in the cold winter of Canada.
Just need to sleep out my jet-lag and I'm good to fight ;)
Yeah. Happy to be with you guys.
Australia is little bit too hot in these days...
Welcome to :entropybig Team Entropy :entropybig DoctorC!
Welcome Doctor
This year's War is learning to count again, yey!
"5 little upgrade dancing on the floor, take away a Phase Salvager and now you have... two and a half..."
You can see here, that whole Hungary supports :entropy Team Entropy :entropy. :silly:
blarg: Zso_Zso,rogerluc,DoctorC