:lightbig | WAR BANNER | :lightbig |
(http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd377/coinich/tyrael-knight-1.jpg) | ||
:lightbig | WAR MOVIE | :lightbig |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phYVUcMw9JY | ||
:lightbig | WAR SONG | :lightbig |
http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/Glory+Seeker/3yiPRK?src=5 | ||
:lightbig | WAR SPEECH | :lightbig |
It all started ages ago. The desperate balance of power between the Elements broke. The Elemental Civil War had begun. Blood was shed. Opponents were crushed, but the strength of all persisted. Even truces have been established, each side hoping to gain more from the rest than the others. Light has clawed to the top through all of this. Our mortal enemies have sought our destruction. Last War our forces retreated from the sheer bloodshed and violence, but at a hellish cost to our opponents. Light is respected, but this will not be enough. We may have earned our reprieve, but we have not earned our Divinely ordained victory. But now, now the time has come. Light is strong once more. The last battles saw us in grasp of victory, and that taste is bittersweet. Our armies swell by the day; new Crusaders have joined our forces. Fortresses and Sanctuaries defend our domain as we prepare to make war. Mighty Dragons and Archangels answer our call. The Divine one blesses us daily, and we know no fear. War. War will consume everything in is path. We are prepared. The other Elementals; their Generals and their Lieutenants are all blind. We see the truth. We will prevail. The time of rest has now ended; the time of WAR has begun! :light LUX LUCIS EFFLECTUM TOTUS! :light |
With great patience comes great results. So I'm eager to see the banner when it comes out... also some people seem to be underestimating Ryan so this is his chance to prove them wrong*looks at Trials* Well, I'm the first one he convinced.
:lightbig | WAR BANNER | :lightbig |
(http://snip, still copyrighted) | ||
:lightbig | WAR MOVIE | :lightbig |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phYVUcMw9JY | ||
:lightbig | WAR SONG | :lightbig |
http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/Glory+Seeker/3yiPRK?src=5 | ||
<object width="250" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="http://listen.grooveshark.com/widget.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="window" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="flashvars" value="hostname=cowbell.grooveshark.com&songIDs=29170183&style=metal&p=0" /> <embed src="http://listen.grooveshark.com/widget.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" height="400" flashvars="hostname=cowbell.grooveshark.com&songIDs=29170183&style=metal&p=0" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="window" /> </object> | ||
:lightbig | WAR SPEECH | :lightbig |
It all started ages ago. The desperate balance of power between the Elements broke. The Elemental Civil War had begun. Blood was shed. Opponents were crushed, but the strength of all persisted. Even truces have been established, each side hoping to gain more from the rest than the others. Light has clawed to the top through all of this. Our mortal enemies have sought our destruction. Last War our forces retreated from the sheer bloodshed and violence, but at a hellish cost to our opponents. Light is respected, but this will not be enough. We may have earned our reprieve, but we have not earned our Divinely ordained victory. But now, now the time has come. Light is strong once more. The last battles saw us in grasp of victory, and that taste is bittersweet. Our armies swell by the day; new Crusaders have joined our forces. Fortresses and Sanctuaries defend our domain as we prepare to make war. Mighty Dragons and Archangels answer our call. The Divine one blesses us daily, and we know no fear. War. War will consume everything in is path. We are prepared. The other Elementals; their Generals and their Lieutenants are all blind. We see the truth. We will prevail. The time of rest has now ended; the time of WAR has begun! :light LUX LUCIS EFFLECTUM TOTUS! :light |
... and working to find a non-sketchy sourced banner.hmm i actually like sketchy stuff (and this one specially :D )
How does this look?AT a quick glance, it is hard to read.
Alright, made a different one.How does this look?AT a quick glance, it is hard to read.
Alright, made a different one.that one looks good
I understand the banner, but I'm not certain whats wrong with the widget. Its a size issue? The code is there, but is there an easy way to fix it?Everyone will have that one failed until SG have embedded it. That the only reasonable explanation.
I understand the banner, but I'm not certain whats wrong with the widget. Its a size issue? The code is there, but is there an easy way to fix it?The Song Fails because the Export you have chosen is not the size dictated. It has to be the smaller 150px size.
War 2#'s widgets were different sizes. Last wars aether, air and earth were outside the 150px size for example just to name a few.I understand the banner, but I'm not certain whats wrong with the widget. Its a size issue? The code is there, but is there an easy way to fix it?The Song Fails because the Export you have chosen is not the size dictated. It has to be the smaller 150px size.
Once it is in the correct form SG can come along and resave your post and the song will become a little active widget like those seen here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7329.0.html)
The Worldstone was corrupted, not Tyrael. The only "corruption" that occured was his defiance of multiple orders to save humanity. Tyrael is clearly a good influence however.From your wiki link
Tyrael's fate has been left to speculation, since he has been missing for the last twenty years after the destruction of the Worldstone.Theres talk that he is an Evil in Diablo 3 because he was corrupted when destroying the worldstone.
Is it too late for me to join?Sorry, War's already started. :(