1. War Banner/Flag - FAIL War is about killing, but just because you chop your enemy's head off, doesn't mean you shouldn't look good doing so. This is why all 12 elements need a War Banner.
War Banner/Flag is a picture of a banner or a flag that will be attached to the Propaganda Topic of your element. It should show the viewer why your element is the best.
Requirements and restrictions:- max size 300px x 500px (banner) or 500px x 300px (flag)
- has to be unique (don't simply steal copyrighted images from the web. Here is a good source to get you started:
http://www.sxc.hu/ )
- has to have some Elements art, like creatures or icons
- has to be awesome (approved by Warmasters)
- can be done by anyone, even by someone outside the team
So take out the old Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint, etc. and produce the most amazing War Banner/Flag the world has ever seen!
War Banners/Flags used during the last War event:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7113.0.html (no, you cannot use any of these)
2. War Song - FAIL1. Go to
http://listen.grooveshark.com/2. Find a good song that fits your element
3. Use the "EXPORT" function to make your own widget (single song, 150px)
4. Post the embed code on your Propaganda Topic.
In order to get the code working properly, you need to ask
Scaredgirl to make an edit to your topic. you cannot do this yourself as it requires html coding permissions. Worst part is that every time you make some edits to your post, you break the code thing again. This is why it's probably best to do this War Song thing last.
War Songs used during last War event:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7329.0.html (no, you cannot use any of these)
3. War Speech - PASS
Is that the song you will play when chasing the enemy from your door?
The Song Fails because the Export you have chosen is not the size dictated. It has to be the smaller 150px size.
Once it is in the correct form SG can come along and resave your post and the song will become a little active widget like those seen here (
I've failed the Banner/Flag because you have chosen non-uniform sizes, and the content is obscurative. The Banner shows a Bunny head and the Earth logo, but details nothing of why earth is the best. The Banner has some shocking resolution images of Basalt dragons but no Earth Iconography. In either case I feel I could not show these to an elements player and know they relate to the War as team Earth. Maybe combining both into a cleaner more representitive Banner will give something great but alone neither are awesome or feel authoritive of earth.