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Messages - zyz1 (21)

Pages: [1] 2
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Playable Marks
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:35:42 am »
then lock the thread and allow only the polls to be done, if you dont wanna here peoples opinion

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Playable Marks
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:28:04 am »
lol. if you were to change how cards were paid, then it would be  less enjoyable play elements.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Playable Marks
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:22:05 am »
lol pends do that function

Design Theory / Re: Elementals
« on: February 05, 2011, 07:52:02 am »
lol, the idea is not close to a planeswalker, it is simply a creature with a passive(1)/activated abilities(1)
that if it get drawn then it helps alot.
just say that there should be 1 type of card that represents the element(s) in one card, kinda like a one of
 or only allowed one elemental in a deck, to prevent elemental chaining..
event still i think that its definitely  be brought into consideration, and Mtg is a good skeleton build of what an elemental could do.
because the current coding can not handle duel abilities so having one passive and one activated is not close to a nymph because a nymph can attack and do an ability as where an elemental can only use its ability and dies shortly afterwords.. due to some kind of effect like poisoning it as it comes in,
or having the hp getting negg'd 

Design Theory / Re: Elementals
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:11:59 am »
Yes, that's no problem.

All I was trying to say is that I'd like to see more original passive and active abilities (Zanz doesn't need copies of cards he already knows). So try to put something from yourself in it, try to think of new abilities that could be an addition to this game.
yea, i was afraid that if i came up with new abilities, then people would get even more confused.
but ill work on that.
like i was thinking something like  by paying 3 life quantum you deal damage to every 3 damage to every non life creature on the board.
and call it whirlwind, i just didn't want to confuse people

Design Theory / Re: Elementals
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:05:34 am »
First of all, good initiatie to bring things like these up! Well  done.

But I personally don;t think we should be designing things based on that magic game. I myself have never played it so I don't know the similarities but, we're playign elements here.

Anyway, I think the idea of Elementals ig ood but I'd rather see an original skill then a copy of two things the lfie element already has (Empathic Bonds + Rustlers).

Once again; I still like the idea, but make it more unique! (bit similar to the avatar series by Ignion maybe?)
lol i just need something to represent the active/passive abilities   

Design Theory / Elementals
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:54:46 am »

What is an Elemental?

An Elemental is a powerful creature that has mastered his/her element. These are special unique creatures that are very similar to Planeswalker’s in Magic the Gathering.  This link explains Planeswalker’s in detail.

These Elementals will have a passive and activated ability that will help the player in battle.  For example the Life Elemental will have a passive ability of feral bond and an activated ability of healing costing x quantum healing x amount of health (perhaps a random number like 5-15). These Elementals will not be direct damage dealers and will range from 5-7 HPs with an attack of 0. They will also enter the field poisoned or have an ability like acceleration cast on them with 0 attack increase but 1 max HP lost per turn.Id like to thank Mr.Blonde for helping word this better then i could
Example of an elemental card with out an image.

Passive ability: feral Bonds
active ability: photosynthesis

Active Abilities
I have been thinking, and here are some abilities that i came up with
-selective memeory:(:time) at the beginning of your turn if you control more then 10(ten) time quantum then you may play 1 card from your hand with out paying for it. but 10 :time quantum is removed
-ice-age :water Pay 7 quantum and congeal your opponent's permanents
-darkest hour :darkness By paying 3 :darkness per turn you produce double :darkness quantum

Passive abilities
All seeing-(:time) at the end of your turn look at the top card of your deck
Refreshing-(:water) depending on how many :water producing pillars you have you my add X, where X equals the number of pillars.
Reflecting waters- for every non :darkness pillar/tower your opponent controls you gain 1 :darkness quantum minus 4, you can not receive negative numbers.. if you were to receive less then 0 you would receive 0 instead 

Humor / Re: Beat Chuck Norris
« on: February 04, 2011, 05:01:32 am »
chuck Norris is a multi cultured person and is quite accomplished in the russian  culture

Farming Studies and Statistics / Re: turns to win study 2.0 (version 1.26)
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:05:58 pm » (http://):
Games: **, Avg. ttw: 10.15217ttw, Avg. Time:  ***sec/game, Losses: *, EM: * - posted by  -zyz1
16 amethyst pillars 4 abomination 3 purple dragon 3 antimatter 2 dissipation shield 2 discords
Code: [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vg 4vg 4vl 4vl 4vn 4vn 4vngame1 :7 turns,147 seconds
game2:11 turns,124 seconds                               
game3:13 turns,167 second
game4:13 turns,135 seconds
game5:22 turns,264 seconds
game6: lose
game7: 9 turns 119 seconds
game8: 9 turns 102 seconds
game10:7 turns 82 seconds
game11:10 turns 143 seconds
game12:13 turns 147 seconds
game13:9 turns 139 seconds
game14:15 turns 255 seconds
game15:9 turns 163 seconds
game16: lose
game17: 9 turns 119 seconds
game18: 7 turns 81 seconds
game19: 10 turns 108 seconds
game21: 9 turns 71 seconds
game22: 19 turns 200 seconds
game23: 10 turns 173 seconds
game24: 11 turns. 243 seconds
game25:14 turns  155 seconds
game26: 9 turns 117 seconds
game27: 9 turns 80 seconds
game28: 8 turns 65 seconds      
game 29: 12 turns 118 seconds
game 30:11 turns 118 seconds
game31: 8 turns 171 seconds
game32: 12 turns 146 seconds
game 33 14 turns 197 seconds
game 34: 10 turns 129 seonds
game 35:8 turns 98 seconds
game 36 9 turns 105 seconds
game 37 10 turns 118 seconds
game 38 9 turns 118 seconds
game 39 9 turns 101 seconds
game 40 11 turns 110 seconds
game 41: 8 turns 85 seconds
game 42: 10 turns 169 seconds
game 43 11 turns 174 seconds
game 44 lose
game 45 11 turns 113 seconds
game 46 13 turns 146 seconds
game 47 10 turns 118 seconds
game 48 9 turns 81 seconds
game 49 17 turns 204 seconds
game 50 13 turns 126 secondsspoiler=ttw details]

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: 10 Card pile up. (the event)
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:29:06 am »
needs to edit

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / 10 Card pile up. (the event)
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:09:23 am »
At random a player is given three numbers 1-10,each number corresponds  to a card.
With the  the three cards given you will make a deck with them. It will be best 2/3  depend on the number of people will determine the number of days each round is.
hope this covers every thing.

Time Break Down
8-10 people 3 days
11-16 people 6 days
32+ 8 days

Card poll ideas:,20672.0.html

Pages: [1] 2