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Yes, that's no problem.yea, i was afraid that if i came up with new abilities, then people would get even more confused.
All I was trying to say is that I'd like to see more original passive and active abilities (Zanz doesn't need copies of cards he already knows). So try to put something from yourself in it, try to think of new abilities that could be an addition to this game.
First of all, good initiatie to bring things like these up! Well done.lol i just need something to represent the active/passive abilities
But I personally don;t think we should be designing things based on that magic game. I myself have never played it so I don't know the similarities but, we're playign elements here.
Anyway, I think the idea of Elementals ig ood but I'd rather see an original skill then a copy of two things the lfie element already has (Empathic Bonds + Rustlers).
Once again; I still like the idea, but make it more unique! (bit similar to the avatar series by Ignion maybe?)
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game1 :7 turns,147 seconds