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Messages - linkfung (19)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo)
« on: November 04, 2010, 02:33:24 am »
I am glad to see Voodoo Panic revolved which attracted so many people's interest  ;D

Doesn't look too good indeed Dragoon. Then again: 12 games is really nothing with this deck.
I have had worse losing-streaks where just nothing seemed to work for a long while ... and
they were followed by winning streaks with a mad body-count.
This deck will drag you through the true meaning of statistics ... in praxis.  ;)
Instead it is due to the poor randomness in Elements
From my experience, it is very common to found none of the needed card which you have put 6 of them in a 30 cards deck
or on the other way, it is also very common that you found 2 or even 3 of the cards consecutively when you have only 3 of them

This makes decks like Voodoo which requires a combo of 4/5 cards even lower chance to working.
That's why I used sundials trying to fix the issue (drawing more cards means higher chance to get what you need)

However counting in the factor of speed, without sundials could be a good choice  :D
Good luck trying the deck!

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: October 17, 2010, 09:04:44 am »
It would work with just the novas and some Basilisk Blood upped, yes. Go Novas, BB, Gravity Force, pillars, Parallel Universe.
Of course, being slower to set up would be disastrous in many matchups for this deck.

I think it is the game which suggesting us to go multi-color, e.g. I dunno how to run an effective voodoo deck with only 2 colors~
If by effective, you mean able to take on Fake Gods with a decent win ratio, then yeah, that's not feasible. Outside of that, Rage Potions work splendidly with these guys, and so do Parasites (need :death, but only as Mark, so that's a mono).
To combo with parasite, seems it is much better if using a pure poison deck (why use 2 cards to do something which can be done with 1?)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: October 17, 2010, 09:02:39 am »
Hey, i just tried this deck a bit in the trainer and its really a lot of fun. My winrate was around 30% which is i guess OK, altough i was doing more with other upped decks.
I have particularily a hard time vs:
- anybody who can do momentum, unstoppable etc. they just go right through my doll and kill me before i can do enough harm with the combo.
- mass posioning, scorpion mostly
(and yeah i did read the strategy for each guy on the wiki page)

My question is if this deck would work partially upgraded? Like say 10 upped cards, or 8.
What would be the minimum number of ups to make it effective? Which would be the first cards you up?
Thanks for advice.
My personal suggested partially upgraded deck in wiki - which is 5 supernova + 2-4 Basilisk blood

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:55:30 am »
Looks like an interesting deck idea, but please, does there have to be a new rainbow deck every few days? I can see why Zanz is upset about how rainbows have taken over the game.
haha, I agree, it is a pity that rainbow decks have taken over the game, however most colors do not have enough self-synergies, especially against false gods. Also it is due to the powerful cards like Nova/SuperNova, Shards, Quantum Tower.

I think it is the game which suggesting us to go multi-color, e.g. I dunno how to run an effective voodoo deck with only 2 colors~

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 21, 2010, 02:04:05 am »
These are my stats,
Decay 0-3(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 2-3
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 4-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 2-2(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-1(everything i needed, except voodo in that loss)
Paradox 2-0
Gemini 0-2
Eternal Phoenix 0-3
Destiny 1-1
Fire Queen 1-1
Morte 0-1(Stupid Miracle.)
Neptune 0-2
Octane 0-2(autoquit)
Obliterator 1-0
after some frustation from a bunch of bad draws and matchups, i suddenly started to win more again :P
Some things i noticed:
sometimes you have to discard a few cards
you need about 3 super novas to fuel
better to go second it seems
Mind Flayer can help alot sometimes
keep a basilik for weapons(made this mistake a few times)
once you start that combo there is no going back, so make sure you can deal enough damage.
Thanks a lot for providing us with stat
I am not sure whether you have visit my page in elements wiki (which I have mentioned in my post), I have posted strategies like keeping basilisk blood etc.
Also I found that there is 2 "Gravition 0-1" in your list, should it be 0-2 or duplicate counted?  :D, just FYI
Maybe I would try to record my win/lose stat as well later (I have played elements for a few weeks ;))
Instead for gods like Incarnate, Gravition, there are god-specific tactics which you can adopt, which I have included in my wiki page as well.
(according to a friend of mine, he found the winning % quite high against Gravition, due to the specific tactic)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:00:32 am »
^ Hmm... After more testing it seems that Destiny rewinds the un gravity pulled Voodoos, but not the buffed up ones. Maybe because it sees grav pull as a negative effect?
Yes, seems so~

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:14:53 pm »
Not with the rewind spells anyway... If he has an eternity he may rewind the card...
Eternity was stopped by basilisk blood, so I dunno whether he would rewind me with it if I didn't

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 19, 2010, 02:26:04 pm »
The sad thing is that the deck gets boring after a while, since you're essentially just doing the same combo over and over again...
Instead this hand is slightly "better" than other anti FG decks in terms of less boring, there are still games which I found I can make better choices (earlier/later TU/sundails) which can actually make me win a game which I lose. However, this is also meaning that it is difficult to use the deck in the best way, haha  :P

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 19, 2010, 02:20:42 pm »
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
haha, changed the name as I found I don't like the old one :P
thanks for your suggestion, just posted the deck there
You posted the first version! xD

But anyway, if gravity pull could split the attack equally, it'll be very difficult to counter, since the opponent needs to kill more than one target in order to damage the player; EG You have to rewind all gravity pulled creatures instead of just one.
O, I intentionally put the first version. Instead I haven't fully tested the new version yet (only tried less than 10 games), I just put it there for an official alternative such that people can try it out  ;D

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 19, 2010, 02:18:09 pm »
:P i havent been able to play much, so these are the stats i collected so far:
Decay 0-2(autoquit)
Scorpio 0-2
Dreamcatcher 0-2
Elidnis 1-1
Rainbow 3-1
Dark Matter 0-1(Autoquit)
Incarnate 0-1(Doable but horrible hand)
Ferox 0-2(outrushed)
Graviton 0-1
Miracle 1-0
Graviton 0-1
Divine Glory 2-0
Paradox 1-0
Gemini 0-1
Eternal Phoenix 0-1
Destiny 0-1(methinks its an autoquit due to rewinds)
or 8/25
for 32% so far
AI will not rewind voodoo doll at the moment, at least 100% no if your voodoo doll is stopped (with basilisk blood)
the only effect which AI will use on stopped voodoo doll at the moment is Improve from what I know

Rainbow Decks / Re: Voodoo Panic (Anti False-God Voodoo) (Video added)
« on: September 16, 2010, 03:38:14 pm »
You changed the name again!
You can also post the deck,10973.12.html here so it doesn't die. :P
haha, changed the name as I found I don't like the old one :P
thanks for your suggestion, just posted the deck there

Rainbow Decks / Re: Instant Killer (100 HP in one round) - Anti SoG
« on: September 15, 2010, 08:47:18 am »
this deck is pure genius :) :)
the mechanic that causes damage by TUing a vodoo doll is ridiculous :P :P
It works, but i dont understand how the voodoo TU deal damage...
Instead similar idea has been used here, a deck I created for anti false god. You can find the details on how TU deals damage in the post or further in wiki,12308.0.html (,12308.0.html)

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