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Messages - Whitevo (93)

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Whitevo - 2
Dwerg - 1

whitevo - 2
onizuka - 0

whitevo - 2
masterfurry - 0

Whitevo - 2
Bogtro - 0

2 hint how to beat rainbow and supernova decks:

1. pandemonium
2. rain of fire/fire storm

now make deck with these cards in it. (for me useing these cards in anti-rush deck i have beaten 70% rainbow decks.)
Problem is, soon after you will find out there is so little amount of  typical rush rainbow and supernova decks out there.

My post point is: Don't blame arena, blame your deck and God who made you choose this deck to play with it at that exact moment.

umm i got idea, let oracle choose you 3 different card?
this way you will get 15 unmoveable cards.
Yeah you'd be able to get real creative with nearly half of your deck already determined by the oracle and likely most of the rest being taken up by pillars/towers :)
Woot i got support :D (my ego raized about 5%)

Seriously though, if there are too many rainbows out there, just play anti-rainbow decks or even post strong anti-rainbow decks on the forums so more people start using them against arena.  Rainbow decks will lose more and either people will switch or their decks will get pushed out quickly by the ones that do.
Arena Rainbow decks doesnt rly bother me that much either, sometimes i get right cards in my hand to just overcontrol them and i win, sometimes not. I gave idea out to support the ppl who doesnt like rainbow decks, but arena doesnt rly need any change, i LoWe it the way it is. I just hope more ppl would play arena and if some restrictions would help geting more ppl späm arena im happy to support good ideas.

umm i got idea, let oracle choose you 3 different card?
this way you will get 15 unmoveable cards.
You can still make it over to rainbow deck, but is it worth it?

and idk if you want it push it into extreme u can limit arena decks to max size 35 (then u will have only 20 new cards avaible to add including that 10 of them usually is pillars)

League Archive / Re: Championship League 2/2011
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:50:10 am »

League Archive / Re: Championship League 2/2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 10:34:39 am »

League Archive / Re: Championship League 2/2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:59:04 am »
whitevo 2
bucky1andonly 1

LO Comment: Please put the winner in the first line of the match result -- it makes it clearer for the LOs to see.

League Archive / Re: Championship League 2/2011
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:54:37 pm »

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Post here if you are drunk
« on: June 05, 2011, 01:11:32 am »
hahaha, i have nithing to say expet i'm hiccup

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
blarg: whitevo,MikeyBoiBlue,calindu221,bucky1andonly,SteppingStone81