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Messages - Mrblonde (1979)

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Farewell / Re: Fade to Black, a goodbye
« on: April 06, 2012, 01:53:28 am »
'Best wishes' just doesn't seem like enough when someone as great as both a player and a person leaves.  While I can't say that this really comes as a surprise, I admit I always held out hope that you would return to your more active days. 
This was my fervent hope as well. I kept trying to get myself to be more active but alas my heart just wasn't in it.

I sorta expected this post to appear at some point but was hoping it wouldn't; I've always had high respect for you as a person, master, forum member, and Elements player despite the fact that I've never really gotten a chance to interact you with as often as I would have liked.  I've never really said this openly before, but after the somewhat disappointing way in which I earned my master title during the 4th Trials I looked up to you and how you seemed to approach your victory during the 3rd Trials with optimism and used that to motivate myself to do my best as a master no matter what the current situation entailed.  I don't know if I would have had the ambition to defend my title if not for that to be quite honest.

You'll be greatly missed; I couldn't have asked for a better master to serve as my elemental opposite.
Thank you very much for kind words Willng and i'm touched that i was able to inspire you even if it was just a little bit. And yeah, we really didn't get to chat too much (but really that's not your fault) but really, i'm not that interesting  ;).

Always have been one of my favorite members here.
I also have to thank you for being such a wonderful partner in draft 1 and in TPvP idk the number.
And for having faith in me in war 2, even though I did not get into your team.
Hope we will get to talk again, You will be greatly missed.
I say you not farewell, but hope to see you in a nearest future as possible.
We'll see each other again. Just like you perhaps i just need an extended break.

Anyhow thanks to everyone else who has bid me farewell, and i'll be lurking around now and then.

Auction Archive / Re: Jaymanfu(no bans)
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:07:08 am »
Jay not getting a bid of double digits would honestly surprise me.

Farewell / Fade to Black, a goodbye
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:59:28 am »
Effective immediately i will be stepping down as General and Ralouf has kindly agreed to take my place and lead Death to glory in War V. I will not be entirely leaving the forum but will likely just be a ghost who's presence flits around here and there. My heart just is no longer in the game and it is time for me to step aside (something i should have just done after War IV ended). So with that i'd just like to say thanks to this great community and i wish you all the best.

:death Special Thanks  :death
Kevkev - for being in general just a great guy to talk to and for being such a great asset to the community
Noizy - only have love for ya. Message me now and then as i really do want to keep up with you and how you're doing.
DK - you really were always such a pleasure to chat with and one of the nicest guys i've ever talked to online.
RR and Nils - for getting me my one award (TPvP) and being such great competitors. 
Naps - for always being so enthusiastic when greeting me and for being the great phoenix.
Shantu and Malduk - for all the time we spent chatting and working during War. My one regret is being too nice and not drafting Shantu in war again.
Jaymanfu - for being such a beast last War
Ralouf - i know death will be in great hands with you and just want to say thanks for being such a huge supporter of me throughout.
Tstar - always enjoyed our chats and you definitely expanded my knowledge in certain areas and i thank you for that.
Jippy - really glad i drafted you last war and i know whatever team gets you this war won't regret it
SteppingStone - for being my rock in War III
VRT - for doing art for me
Rastafla - since it's the day after April fools how could i not think of you

So many other people who i know i'm forgetting but i'd also like to say i greatly respect these people and their place in elements, xDude, Terroking, Higs, Willng, Majofa, 10men, Zeru, ToRB, Kuro, SG.

And finally... Malignat the Lazy. I really do want to thank you though for PMing me all the time and all our mini FG matches and general PvP games. My one regret is not having your lazy arse on one of my teams. Anyways cya everybody and i wish you all the best.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52q 52r 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58q 58q 58q 58q 591 718 718 718 718 71b 71b 8pk

Not a whole lot to say here. Apparently they were trying to deck me with a quanta denial/rewind/steal EQ counter deck. End result was just a long drawn out game as my poison and rewinded golems killed him in game 1 and my 6 poison killed him in game two. Thanks for the games Vin!

All hail 10men. Who needs upped cards when you're 10men? Anyhow congrats on defending your title. And Kuro keep your chin up! Perseverance!

Trial Archive / Re: 5th Trials - Suggestions and Feedback
« on: March 04, 2012, 05:48:11 am »
SoSac failed because the amount of bans pushed the overall meta towards stalling. I think SoSac was against one true creature deck (My waterbow) in which steamies rock the sox off it.
Your point is? Balance is metagame dependent. The number of bans severely weakens SoSac to the point of balance or even being underpowered.

Additionally all masters should be able to beat SoSac.
i think honestly the only trial SoSac was almost a mandatory ban was :death's. The only reason it wouldn't be banned by Ralouf is if he thought i didn't have a full set of them.  Man i couldn't imagine having had to deal with SoSac this trials.

Great Games Willng and congrats on your 2nd term! And because you actually made a deck in tribute to my frogs i decided to play your virii deck vs mine.

Your deck may be a bit slow but once it gets going there is no stopping it. 5-0 vs my poor frogs (and it's 31 upps).

Congratulations on becoming the Grandmaster Blondey.[/b]
Thanks Naps. Tis' bittersweet though as one of my favorite people on Elements to see in chat, hath lost her title.

Congrats Jenky! And tough loss Hyroen but looks like it was a great fight. Bring glory to air next war!

Forgot to congratulate you on your win xdude. Congrats and welcome back!

Congrats Terro and welcome back as Master.

Two Death Finals for one! (,36942.0.html)
lul... sometimes i'm such a nub. I just realized right now that was a link and did not understand what you were trying to say. Also i did not intentionally make a new thread to take away from Ralouf's. I honestly looked and didn't see a thread created earlier so i ended up making this one. After our battle Ralouf asked what thread we should post in and i was actually surprised there were 2 threads. So yeah i'm pretty awesome.

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blarg: MrBlonde