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Messages - Feuerhose (34)

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Issue Archive / Mindgateproblem?
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:05:42 pm »
I´m not shure if mindgate is the problem. After clicking it all my options vanished. I couldn´t play a card, i couldn´t end my turn, I had to wait till time was up. My opponent played and my turn froze again. This was the next to last round and i lost, so i´m not shure, this could be a hack or something similar, too.
And yes! I am shure it was not the turn of my opponent.

I attached a Screenshot, though it´s not a proof ,but shows the situation.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:27:05 pm »

Which edition was your first @MtG?
Started during Revised/Ice Age/Fallen Empires.  Missed out on classic sets like Legends and the Arabian one but I played a bunch during Urza's Saga which was really fun.  You?
Same here. I started ordering Arabic Nights and became the answer they are sold out.

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:29:21 pm »
Would it really be wise to choose no suffering on earth? That might just make this god deaden every living person's nerves so they can't feel a thing! :|
Suffering usually includes mental suffering from reality not matching one's preferences. Incorporating this into your train of though necessitates the entity manipulating the preferences of everyone as well.

Then we can consider that free will enables people to choose what they want to do. Your train of thought would necessitate the entity removing or restricting the ability of free will to affect one's preferences or desires. Rendering the Will a trapped tiebreaker of preferences the entity imposed.

However this all assumes that the entity's offer can be credible (it can't).
Yep, you shouldn't even try to imagine this in reality. The only entity that could possibly do such a thing, if it exists, wouldn't make such offers to you...
There is no evidence that there does not exist an entity willing and able to make the offer.
The thought experiments assumes such an entity does exist.
All responses to the thought experiment should assume the entity is willing and able to fulfill its offer.
Just wanted to say the exact same thing. Though probably in a less elegant way ;)
Thought experiments are kinda virtual environments where certain laws are installed...

There was a really nice work at the Bienale in Venice 2003. This remainds me a bit of this.
"Alea Iacta Est" by Stanislaw Drozdz.
It was the polish pavillion.
You entered a room were the walls were covered with dices. In the middle of the room a pool table with 6 dices. At the pool table was the advise to begin the game by throwing  the six dices. Then you should line them up and begin to search this combination of numbers on the walls.
You have to do it to fully understand it i guess. I searched for half an hour. Me and my pride. The gambler in me didn´t want to let go. I had a headake afterwards ;)

here two fotos:

Gute Nacht,



Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 09, 2012, 07:03:26 pm »
For example:
My choice will be passed to the entity from mouth to ear through a row of people of my choice, allowing me to let the whole humanity benefit from this.
Or: I could simply say, that my choice would be passed to the entity on the deathbed of the last human being through the last human being (with some nice modifications to my favour earlier of course ;) ).

btw what does reputation mean in this forum? (What does it do? You can press a button to give rep?)
1) After the choice the entity can change their memories based on your choice.
2) By waiting till no human lives you have indeed rendered the decision moot. But since you cannot choose A at that point, didn't you already choose B and communicate that by your delay?

Reputation is a number that reflects how much other people have valued your input/help/thoughts. The more rep one has the more rep they give. You will be able to push the button when you have more posts. (To prevent account spamming for rep)
1. Thanks Oldtrees for the info! I want to give rep for this discussion. How much posts do I need?

2. If I´m allowed to decide how I will communicate my decision, it doesn´t matter at which at which time my decision is made. The only important thing is at which point it is given to the entity. Also as long as I don´t make the choice or the information won´t reach the entity, the memory of the human species wouldn´t be altered to my disadvantage. Everything is more than fine...

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:41:17 am »
First of all: sorry for my bad english, its not my native language. So please forgive me if there are some imperfections and allow/help me to correct them if needed.

Ok, after some thinking this is my point of view.

What Bloodshadow did is to formulate a philosophical experiment in which the following terms are given:

A godlike entity gives you two choices. Correct me if i´m wrong: I may assume godlike means this entity has the power to 1. keep you in this situation and 2. make those choices come true.
In the formulation of this experiment is no direct information on if this entity would really realize A.
But 2. ( If you just found out that someone chose the second option, and you now know how to find that person, what will you think and do?)
gives us the advise to assume that one choice was realized.
Still there is no evidence that the entity will realize choice A.
@Bloodshadow: You should probably be more clear about this... Or not, its spicing the discussion :)

So if I take part in this experiment i come to the point that I don´t know if the entity would make A come true, but B would be realized, right? It enhances the scenario in this way i think.

Furthermore there is the loophole, that there is no information how long I am allowed to wait with my decision. This might be an "Exploit" that grants me the ability to live as long as i want ;)
It is given, that "I" must choose. The entity doesn´t choose for me. I think that I may assume, that the entity will enforce this rules with its might.
So the entity will keep me in a condition that allows me to choose as long I haven´t chosen, right?
Now it gets exciting...
How do i have to communicate my decision? When there is no rule, I choose the way that is most profitable for me, because the entity will grant me this scenario with its power.
For example:
My choice will be passed to the entity from mouth to ear through a row of people of my choice, allowing me to let the whole humanity benefit from this.
Or: I could simply say, that my choice would be passed to the entity on the deathbed of the last human being through the last human being (with some nice modifications to my favour earlier of course ;) ).
The entity would stay that way a caring force in the existence of humankind for those who are about to pass on the information. Evenmore i have as long as i want to create the most valuable plan.

So, correct me if I´m wrong, but the way the rules a worded allows me actually to turn the situation around to my favour. This would be more like a present, right?

@Bloodshadow: So it missed a bit its sadistic aim. I have a feeling you didn´t want this, so perhaps you should really specify some rules here.

Feels like a Betatest, haha.

btw what does reputation mean in this forum? (What does it do? You can press a button to give rep?)

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:42:50 pm »
ah come on. the rule is you must choose. you accepted it by writing here ;)
The Offer is option A. Rejecting the offer is option B.
Option A is irrational. Option B is rational.
Everyone ought to choose option B.
No. The entity forces you to either choose suffering for yourself, or a sure death. There is no offer.
The question is whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the happiness of the whole world, or whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the progress of the world.

I can imagine that some people will think that happiness > progress.
I wont say that. The key in this dilemma is the relation between you and "the others". Not the quality or quantity of progress. Suffering for the rest of the world or suffering through them. Are you a hero or a coward. This is an dilemma on a moral level. Not a dilemma on a spiritual level and shure none for me, haha. this could change when you (or I) would have chidren supposedly. Big Topic. Gratz to this thread, i like it.
If you only look at the question like you do, it is of course simple. You or society. You do know that choosing B leads to almost sure death right? You would be hunted by the whole world.
Read the discussion before your posts and it is more complicated than it looks.
I have to agree though, this is a interesting topic indeed.
No. I´d go with oldtrees. Its not shure you die. They probably make you suffer, the longer the bitter. So same like in A but different aproach.
But in the end you will die. With A you won't die but you will suffer in your worst nightmare.
Haha. Yes, I see now what you mean.  Sorry, my fault I haven´t read it carefully enough. Bloodshadow´s construct is kinda unbalanced. It can be reduced to: Do you want to suffer in all eternity or just max. a human lifetime. Of course there is the other side: no suffering all eternity.
To be honest. I´m not shure now.
I think i´m not that afraid of the nightmares. To face it could indeed be a very healing experience (also traumatizing, but have all eternity, right?).
This reminds me of Satyam Nadeen. He found his peace in the hellhole of an american jail.
But back to the topic.
I think to remove suffering from the world wouldn´t be to its benefit. Instead I´d say A would be the true egoistic choice. Strange.

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:29:36 am »
And: Yes. Im aware of the complexity of your discussion. I just think that the initial idea had a much simpler structure.

Deck Help / Re: Farm Rares at Bronze League!??!
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:21:53 am »
I tried the mono-aether from the beginning of the post for three days now (i started a week ago). I modified it a bit and killed Paradox an hour ago. All cards unupgraded, no shards. Thanks for the advise!!
Pardox is not in the arena.
Yes sorry. I did very well at Bronze and even killed an FG I meant ;)

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 07, 2012, 11:50:54 pm »
ah come on. the rule is you must choose. you accepted it by writing here ;)
The Offer is option A. Rejecting the offer is option B.
Option A is irrational. Option B is rational.
Everyone ought to choose option B.
No. The entity forces you to either choose suffering for yourself, or a sure death. There is no offer.
The question is whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the happiness of the whole world, or whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the progress of the world.

I can imagine that some people will think that happiness > progress.
I wont say that. The key in this dilemma is the relation between you and "the others". Not the quality or quantity of progress. Suffering for the rest of the world or suffering through them. Are you a hero or a coward. This is an dilemma on a moral level. Not a dilemma on a spiritual level and shure none for me, haha. this could change when you (or I) would have chidren supposedly. Big Topic. Gratz to this thread, i like it.
If you only look at the question like you do, it is of course simple. You or society. You do know that choosing B leads to almost sure death right? You would be hunted by the whole world.
Read the discussion before your posts and it is more complicated than it looks.
I have to agree though, this is a interesting topic indeed.
No. I´d go with oldtrees. Its not shure you die. They probably make you suffer, the longer the bitter. So same like in A but different aproach.

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 07, 2012, 11:02:26 pm »
ah come on. the rule is you must choose. you accepted it by writing here ;)
The Offer is option A. Rejecting the offer is option B.
Option A is irrational. Option B is rational.
Everyone ought to choose option B.
No. The entity forces you to either choose suffering for yourself, or a sure death. There is no offer.
The question is whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the happiness of the whole world, or whether you want to sacrifice yourself for the progress of the world.

I can imagine that some people will think that happiness > progress.
I wont say that. The key in this dilemma is the relation between you and "the others". Not the quality or quantity of progress. Suffering for the rest of the world or suffering through them. Are you a hero or a coward. This is an dilemma on a moral level. Not a dilemma on a spiritual level and shure none for me, haha. this could change when you (or I) would have chidren supposedly. Big Topic. Gratz to this thread, i like it.

Philosophy / Re: A truly sadistic choice
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:34:52 pm »
ah come on. the rule is you must choose. you accepted it by writing here ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:06:59 pm »
Hi and welcome,


Which edition was your first @MtG?

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