« on: February 25, 2011, 05:03:47 am »
gavsword-1 (DrunkDestroyer)
ddevans96-3 (Shantu, Flying Fahrenheit, Terroking)
RootRanger-3 (Sodomir, nilsieboy, 1world24)
Shantu-1 (Demagog)
EpicFirestorm-1 (RavingRabbid)
RavingRabbid-1 (EpicFirestorm)
Killsdazombies-10 (BatCountry, ShiningSword, ddevans96, Korugar, vinvick3714, QuantumT, ZBlader, RootRanger, gavsword, Wardead)
Raving, what are you relying on in your vote for me? I believe in one thing and one thing alone. Payback. Shantu voted me in the first round, so I voted him. Payback is my motivation. Do not get me angry. By the way, i am a civ/virus.