Based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. Coin flip would make for a nice mechanic, but it's much too similar to another series of Tarot archetypes in a certain TCG...

- 0/XXII The Fool / The Jester
Cost:1 Attack|HP:1|1 Text:

:All cards in your hand are put into the deck. Draw an equal number of cards. This skill's cost is increased by

- I The Magician / The Juggler

- II The High Priestess / The Popess

- III The Empress

- IV The Emperor

- V The Hierophant / The Pope / The High Priest


- VI The Lovers / Love (Represents choice)

- VII The Chariot

- IX The Hermit

- XII The Hanged Man / The Traitor

- XIII The Reaper (Death)


- XV The Devil (Not Satan, but Pan (
X - Wheel of Fortune / Fortune
XIV - Temperance
XX - Judgement / The Angel
XXI The World [Consume all X quanta spell]
VIII - Strength / Fortitude [Shield]
XI - Justice [Weapon]
XVI - The Spire (The Tower)
XVII - The Star
XVIII - The Moon
XIX - The Sun
Open to suggestions on skills, elemental alignments, and any discrepancies of Tarot names and creature/spell/permanent classifications. Also, I have trouble finding royalty-free art that fits into the dimensions of the card art.