A single pillar and a mark can take care of the upkeep of dive.
For the purpose of balance checking, let's try single element.
Roadrunner. 3
, 3, 5, 7 damage, total of 15 over 3 turns. Without buffs it only does 15 damage.
Wyrm, 8
, 3, 6, 6, damage, total of 15 over 3 turns. However, it lasts longer.
For upgraded versions;
Elite Roadrunner, 3: air, 3, 5, 7, 9 damage for a total of 24 over 4 turns, requiring buffs for more.
Elite Wyrm, 8
, 5, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 35 damage over 4 turns, with potential for more.
An OTK with SoP and Roadrunner would take 25 turns. Not dying for twenty five turns would be a pain. TTKO would take 14 turns, and 3TKO would take 11 turns.
With the cockatrice/accel/SoP combo, 24 rounds for a OHKO.
My suggestion; up the price by one
, to match Wyrm. That's mostly the one fix it requires, according to the numbers above.
3 elements is mitigated by Nova, as nova provides quanta for all elements.
2 elements, air/water, still requires the SoP and air pillars. We'll say 2 pillars, so 6 cards vs. 4 cards, 8 quantum vs. 5 quantum. The price increase would fit, because SoP wyrms would grow at the same rate (due to dive.)