For Shard of Finesse- That's quite a hefty bonus with dive there. Also,

is rather generic- does it apply only to creatures, or to spells and skills/permanents too? Do you mean airborne creatures that were in play at time of SoFi? If only for creatures, or only

creatures, or only for airborne creatures, is it applied after the creature attacks, or to Maximum Attack? .From your notes, I surmise that it's your creatures only, but you need to make that clearer. Same thing for the 20% bit.
Shard of Fortitude seems good- lots of synergy there; I like it.
Shard of Ignition- A bit OP in the case of the unupped. Minor Phoenixes for the upped version make it less OP, but the unupped version is a bit much- imagine RoL+Fractal with this- aether pendulums, mark of fire, RoL, fractal, and SoI.
Shard of Retention is a bit confusing- you can't have 2 active skills at once. The first effect seems okay, but the second is OP in conjunction with Otyugh, if Hp means HP of the afflicted creature. If HP means HP of the shard, then it's definitely OP by itself. I would keep the first effect only- it makes for great synergy with other

cards, while the 2nd effect seems to be both OP and unnecessary given Otyugh's role in

Edit: I just realized that both abilities can cause instant-kills. Thus, they are both OP. I had thought that the first ability could only be used on your own creatures... but that would just defeat the purpose of having that creature.