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Series Idea: Gods & Goddesses https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46919.msg1042765#msg1042765
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:05:09 pm »
I have an idea for a series, but I want to test the waters before I get too deep into the creative process.

The idea is for a set of creature cards that represent various deities from various pantheons around the world.  This idea could take one of at least two forms.
1) Series of 12 cards, with a god and a goddess in each pair of elements.
2) Series of 24 cards, with a god and a goddess in each element.
3) Another idea presented by the community.

I searched in the Series board, and I didn't see anything that told me that something like this had been attempted before.  If I missed something, please let me know.
Also, I don't want this idea to conflict with the FGs.  Obviously, some of the FGs have actual deity names, and I could not reuse those, nor would I want to.  There are many other deities, though, and we'll never have that many FGs, so there's plenty of room for more within the elements.

A possible expansion of this idea involves a deity-centric spell and a deity-centric permanent within each element.  I'd want to start with the creatures, though, since they strike me as being a bit easier to conform to the "people" of gods and goddesses.
War 7, Team Death
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Offline Hyroen

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Re: Series Idea: Gods & Goddesses https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46919.msg1042823#msg1042823
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 04:23:51 pm »
Previously God Series have been attempted, generally being very strong, very expensive cards that would essentially be game-ending cards. These cards have always been very hard to integrate as people normally have different concepts of an epitome of any given element. Anyone is free to try their hand at creating yet another one of these sets, however in general these cards are harder to balance as none has come into the game as of yet, and they tend to be a smaller niche.

An overall cool idea, however while simple to come up with creative ways of creating the cards, the need for the cards is little if any and they would be harder to balance.
Might be an interesting update, but later on in the game, when each element has been substantially completed.

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Offline PellaTopic starter

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Re: Series Idea: Gods & Goddesses https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46919.msg1042837#msg1042837
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 04:44:16 pm »
Previously God Series have been attempted, generally being very strong, very expensive cards that would essentially be game-ending cards.
My concept was as more-or-less normal (yet strongish) creatures, each with a special ability that fits both the element and the deity.  The very strong, very expensive, game-ending concept is not at all what I had in mind.

These cards have always been very hard to integrate as people normally have different concepts of an epitome of any given element.
I see your point.  I'm not striving for an epitome, really, just something that fits.  I have a broad knowledge of worldwide mythology, and access to people and books with much more knowledge.

Might be an interesting update, but later on in the game, when each element has been substantially completed.
Define "completed".
War 7, Team Death
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Offline Hyroen

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Re: Series Idea: Gods & Goddesses https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46919.msg1042843#msg1042843
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 04:48:00 pm »
It's evident that there are many concepts that people want included in the game, the Armory is proof of that. I won't say that all the cards in the Armory hold true to their elemental playstyles, but they've made it there for a reason.

Each element would be complete I'd say once any element can be played and used to win with skill being the determining factor. Oh and having many options to choose from as well. Possibly 30 cards per element?

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Offline PellaTopic starter

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Re: Series Idea: Gods & Goddesses https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46919.msg1042855#msg1042855
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2013, 05:13:07 pm »
hmmm ... Well, it would take me a while to develop even 12 cards, anyway, much less 24.  I'm okay with them not going into the game until much later.

Here's another train of thought.  Should a god/goddess series be
- all common?
- all rare?
- half & half, especially if each element had both a god and a goddess?

Or is the question moot because only Zanz or some other high authority decides which cards should be rare?
War 7, Team Death
(Honourary Member, Mascot)

