The idea ties in to time much better however time already has a scorpion, I chose earth because of the pulveriser which has a similar ability.
For each successful attack destroy the top card of opponent's deck.
The idea is to speed up deck out wins, plus having just one of them in your deck negates the infinite loop caused by Eternity.
how pulvy is similar to this idea? pulvy is a weapon, it require

for work, it destroy perms, there are immaterial perms and u fail against protect artifact: your card can mill every type of card, even immaterial cards.
keep in mind this:
magic the gathering is played with min 60 cards, max 4 copies of each card
yugioh is played with min 40 cards, max 3 copies of each card
both of these games have mill cards, both games has a graveyard.
elements is played with
30 cards with max
6 copies of each card, no graveyard.
there is no point in design a card with a broken effect like mill your opponent's decks, when for balancing u are forced to make something really, really underpowered like:
What if we drop the idea of it being a scorpion, make it a 1 attack 5 defence, 8 cost creature.
who would play something like that?