| |
NAME: | Spirit Retainer
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6|6
| TEXT: | : Any time enemy targets target creature, the spell or ability is redirected towards Spirit Retainer.
| NAME: | Spirit Sentinel
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2|10
| TEXT: | : Any time enemy targets target creature, the spell or ability is redirected towards Spirit Retainer.
ART: | ***Insert artist name***
| IDEA: | Contrary
| NOTES: | The ability can only be used once.
| SERIES: | ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***
So basically I was thinking that Light needs an unupped mid range attacker, and also a way of protecting its Blessed creatures. Healing doesn't really cut it with all these Freezes and Reverse Times going around. Light is all about healing and protection so this fits in thematically.
The image builder won't load, so no card image sorry. I had a vision of it being like a ghostly samurai figure, but heavily armoured so you don't see anything but the armour. Like an oriental crusader.