I've been mind-mapping ideas of a card similar to Flying Weapon that could make use of redundant spare permanents, like a spare Shield or excess of Hourglasses. I'm looking for some input on the idea, and some of the ideas I've come up with so far. Like...

Machinate | 1

Awaken — Target permanent becomes an X|X creature, where X is its cost.

Release Energy | 1

Release Energy — Sacrifice a permanent: Add a Nova to your hand.
(Kind of inspired by Rainbow's
Forge | Foundry, btw).
The main aim is to allow decks to bring more copies of shield cards, increasing the chance to draw one yet giving use to the dead copies that clog your hand.
The problem with these being a one-off spell like Flying Weapon is that you would essentially be packing
more lame cards to make use of another. For example if you wanted to bring 4 Thorn Carapaces into a lifestall, you might think Machinate|Awaken could make good use of the spares. This would revive one dead card, but at the cost of another. The net card gain is zero.
So I'm thinking either make them a handy utility (like, Machinate is also soft PC), or make it a permanent itself (or creature), with repeatable ability.