Reading this (,34889.0.html) thread I've had an idea for a gravity card, but I'm still confuse how is best version and which mechanic works well.
So these are my ideas:


- In my mind upgraded version should count in both fields (like pandemonium unup/up).
- Card should count own or opponent field?
--->Own field version: work with fast spawn decks, synergize with fractal and mitosis.
--->Opponent field version: It's a massive counter to fractal and spawning strategy. Great combo with alfatoxin

Ok. I like this version

-1 damage for every creature or 2 for every filled slot?
--->1 every creature: With a last because it can deal too much damage at same time, could be OP
--->1 every 2 filled slot: To decrease power and to add synergy with cards like flooding: If you imagine Atlantis, you can easily see the weight of the ocean in your back. Need to formalize better.
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