Card name: ?
Type: spell
Element: I think
![Gravity :gravity](
fits best
Cost: Something around 4
![Gravity :gravity](
Effect: Your opponent has to play the next card he draw. If he isn't able to, he discards that card and get 5 damage.
Use?: Some examples
![Gravity :gravity](
: this card and black hole often force to discard if he isn't lucky enough to draw a pillar
![Gravity :gravity](
: This card and silence for 100% discard
![Darkness :darkness](
: This card and pestal. Works similar to BH
![Time :time](
: This card and reverse time for controlled discarding
![Gravity :gravity](
: destroy pillars for quanta denial and then force to discard
Pro: Early played or in combination with quanta denial this card steals one card from the enemey and deals 5 damage
Contra: Useless against 0-cost-cards or against quanta-heavy decks.
What do you think?