right, im just gonna get straight into ideas! Starting with some
cards. . .
Fast forward - Advances turn count by 1 or 2? upped version advances turns more. The current turn when the card is played continues as normal.
Perhaps changes Pharaohs into mummies?
perhaps useful as a counter to wings and phase shields and cloaks etc.
Stasis field - Shield, attacking creatures get -2|+1. Unupped version perhaps a spell that does -2|+1 or similar to all (enemy?) creatures. Idea is opposite to acceleration, a shield that slows attacking creatures to a stop.
onto the rest!
Focus - All quanta is converted into quanta of your mark. Upped could maybe have a bonus, or perhaps unupped doesnt convert at 1:1, not sure. Also not sure how useful itd be but ah well, perhaps for a sudden miracle/air blitz or fractal?
Bribe - pay double the basic cost of an enemy creature to steal it. Upped version - Mind control. Set cost to steal an enemy creature?
Tell me what you think? For some reason i just randomly come up with ideas but im useless at the practicalities of this XD